Sunday, July 28, 2019

Why Youth Join the Military Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Why Youth Join the Military - Research Paper Example This paper discusses why the youth join the military. The highest desire among the youths once they finish their high school education is to get away from the home environment. This is because if they stay in this environment for long, they tend to flounder around with lack of real direction in life. Staying at home makes them depend too much on their parents despite the fact that they would want to become independent. As a result, they end up joining the military which can remedy all these in the shortest time possible. While most of the youths are not ready to go off school, they have the need to get more education in future. Unluckily most of the American youth do not belong to the well-to-do families hence their parents’ capacity to help them in their education in the future is close to impossible. Thus, going to school at a particular period in their lives will require them to pay for their fees independently. On the same note, without a great GPA or high score in SAT’s, one is unable to get a scholarship according to Briggs (1). Therefore many find it important to join the military first in order to make money which helps them fund their education in future. Through the Montgomery GI Bill and the different college funds given by each of the military branches of services, one might find a good enlistment hence a better future. Moreover, while in the military, one is free to join college and get a degree if they wish. This is because in college one is free to attend college as they pursue their military career as the military pays for a part of the tuition. Young people are curious about travelling around the world to see it for themselves. However, most of them never get the opportunity due to lack of money, time and resources. Therefore, for them, joining the military gives way to the opportunities for global travel to different locations around the world. These locations range from exotic overseas areas to the exhilarating scenes of more

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