Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Strategy - Assignment Example Among the elements research here include self-driving cars and augmented reality glasses. While Google is currently an industry leader, it has received criticism from analysts who argue that the shift between eras of technology will be too great for Google to organizationally manage (Jackson 2012). This essay considers strategic means by which Google can manage the next major paradigm change in technology and ensure its long-term subsistence. Analysis While Google, Inc. will undoubtedly encounter steep challenges in maintaining its industry position in the upcoming decade, this strategic analysis argues there are ways the organization can remain highly competitive. One of the most prominent considerations in terms of long-term strategic management is leadership. Chen & Hambrich (2012) argue that one of the primary determinants of organizational success is successful leadership. Within this spectrum of understanding it is necessary for Google to ensure their leadership and management approach is strategically established. A considerable amount of research has been devoted to Steve Jobs and his organizational contributions to Apple, Inc. Researchers note that his arrogance may have contributed to Job’s ability to inspire others by getting them to view Apple as not just a company, but also a personal mission (Isaacson). What emerges is a consistent articulation of Job’s personality and leadership approach as implementing brash arrogance and perfectionism to advance his overarching vision; as such, Job’s is not entirely concerned with the intricate programming details, but with driving and shaping vertical and horizontal expansion. Such an approach has also been recognized as successful with celebrity chef Jamie Oliver. One considers that in terms of leadership theory his approach is largely akin to a charismatic leadership style, as Oliver leverages his intensity for the business to inspire the employees around him (Godwin 2012). There are a n umber of ways that Google can implement the success of these individuals. Their approach could be implemented in different management contexts in Google through ensuring that the organization’s mission and purpose is aligned in a socially responsible way. While Google currently has the ‘Don’t Be Evil’ motto, it’s necessary they further implement such social responsibility. This would encourage employee identification with the leader and the organization’s larger evangelical purposes. Notably, such an evangelical approach has prominently emerged in technology companies such as Apple, Inc. and to a lesser extent Facebook, both of which have achieved great success. While strategic management considerations are essential to Google’s long-term success, it’s also necessary to consider specific business maneuvers. Indeed, Hannan & Freeman (1989) argue that one of the primary reasons organizations fail is because of the large ecological business environment in which they operate. While it’s impossible to specifically predict the future in terms of Internet search, there are a number of strategic directions that Google must pursue as a means of not being left behind in their organizational environment. This strategic analysis specifically argues that future contexts of Internet search will emerge at the intersection of mobile/tablet technology, social media, and customized data analysis. Currently Internet search results in

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