Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Film Analysis

How To Analyze a Film As you might guess, conducting a semiotic analysis of a film is a somewhat more complicated venture than conducting a semiotic analysis of a print advertisement. This is not to say, of course, that movies and advertisements do not share similarities. Both, for example, are â€Å"texts† that rely on visual imagery to tell specific stories, and both are in the business of promoting specific ideologies. At the same time, print advertisements are limited by the static nature of their medium. Film, on the other hand, is not a static medium, and thus its stories are much more complex. Analyzing a film, then, as our text relates, is much more like â€Å"reading a novel† (307). In short, analyzing a film requires you to take a careful look at the setting, plot, characters, dialogue, symbols, metaphors, archetypes, etc. , as well as those factors that have an influence on the film, such as the social, historical, and political context in which the film was created. STEPS FOR CONDUCTING A SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS OF A FILM Despite the differences between movies and advertisements, the goal of a semiotic analysis of a film is nonetheless the same as a semiotic analysis of an advertisement, namely to determine its current social significance. With than in mind, here is an expanded and modified version of the steps for conducting a semiotic analysis, tailored specifically to film: 1. Establish the sign (film) to be decoded 2. Set aside your opinion; your task is to analyze the current social significance (This assignment is NOT a review of the film!! 3. Determine what the sign means (analysis of setting, plot, characters, symbols, etc. ) 4. Discuss how the film represents its topic 5. Sketch the overall context (historical, cultural, and political) in which the sign appears 6. Develop a list of questions, concerns, and/or issues that will guide your analysis 7. Develop a thesis statement Again, this is NOT the order in which everything should appear in your paper. This is merely a step by step of how to P REPARE to write a film analysis. It would also be helpful to find other important films in same genre of your chosen film and see HOW your film is different, and WHY that difference is important. ASSIGNMENT Using the steps for conducting a semiotic analysis of a film outlined above as the foundation for your argument, write a three to four page analysis of your chosen film. Preparation for this assignment requires the following: 1. ) Locating, renting, and watching the film 2. ) Going through the steps for conducting a semiotic analysis of a film as outlined above After completing the steps, your paper should include the following: 1. A thesis statement 2. A short but detailed description of the film 3. An analysis of the film that includes some of the details/discoveries that you made while completing the steps (NOTE: You may NOT use first person pronouns in this essay-â€Å"I†, â€Å"me†, â€Å"my†, etc. ) 4. A title page 5. At least two reviews of the film quoted and cited properly 6. Works Cited/References Page Film Analysis Throughout this scenes is John Watson who romantically searches for Sherlock realizing his friend is in great danger. Using this scene we discuss the language of film (Gaucheness. & Startled, 2012), observing the main elements and techniques- miss-en-scene, cinematography, editing and soundtrack- to create a scene in a film. In regards to miss-en-scene the scene takes place in what seems to be a classroom of sorts, Sherlock is face to face with the killer who, as mentioned earlier, is a taxi driver. The characters are facing each other, the dialogue intense yet offhand.With two tootles of pills between them, and the scene set in the evening, the only light that appears to be on is the one above the two characters as the emphasis of focus is on the them and the pills as Sherlock is trying to decipher which bottle contains the pill that kills and which doesn't. While the scene is set in a classroom with the constant close-ups on the faces of the two characters, there are times when it almost looks like they are in an interview room with the lighting above and sitting on opposite sides of a table.The music helps intensify the scene constantly creeping in and out of the scene building drama around these two people and these pill bottles. Sherlock dressed familiar attire of a long coat and scarf with his superior condescending look deduces that the cable dressed in his recently laundered but outdated clothing is a dead man walking with a brain aneurysm. Thus the scene is dramatic but with a sense of realism in the way the characters are dressed and set for an intense showdown. As this is all taking place in the classroom, during the intense moment the scene is then taken back to Watson as he realizes that Sherlock is in danger.The music has a sense of urgency to it as John after discovering the danger his friend is in searches frantically in the classrooms. Close ups are a main part in the scene as it builds the tension showing the facial expressions on both charact ers faces. As they take their seats in the classroom, the establishing shot is a mid-shot of the characters but a long shot of the classroom which helps set that particular scene. There are moments in the scene where the camera pulls back almost as a way to relieve the viewers from the tension.While the sighting is bright when they enter the classroom, it slowly dims so the focus is always on the two characters emphasizing the dramatic undertones of the scene. But the emphasis is the close ups on the characters. The scene is deliberately shot as a dialogue between to characters constantly switching from a close up on character to the other At first low angle shot on the taxi driver which portrays as being the dominating character as he is in charge of the scene but slowly as Sherlock pieces together the reasons for the taxi drivers murderous campaign, the angle is more eye level.Meanwhile during this intense meeting we cut to Watson with mid to long shots that are used as he is stil l looking for Sherlock in the school. There are close ups on his face showing his genuine concern for Sherlock the pace a lot faster than that in the dialogue scene of Sherlock and the Taxi driver. Within this scene it should be noted that continuity editing is apparent through shot reverse shot, eye line match, match on action, the 180 degree rule and the continuity of action sound and lighting. (Gaucheness. Startled, 2012) Watson running around scenes are fast paced and he dialogue between the two characters seems a slower pace but both are the same type of pace as the duration between the shots do in deed decrease heightening the suspense within this scene. Because of this constant dialogue between the two characters the camera is constantly cutting from one character to another developing this rhythmic editing used with the constant back and forth banter between Sherlock and the Taxi driver. Also established in this scene is the match on action â€Å"wherein a movement or actio n is started in one shot and completed in the next† (Gaucheness.Startled, 2012) This again, is portrayed well in this scene as the tension builds between the taxi driver and Sherlock with those who are smarter than who dialogue. Within this scene the non-dietetic sounds are blended with dietetic sound. During the dialogues pieces between Sherlock and the taxi driver the music is only heard quite faintly whenever Sherlock makes a deduction and when the taxi driver emphasizes his superiority. Through Watson scenes the music is urgent and you hear his footsteps so you are able to pick up on his urgency to find his friend.The USIA used is a repetition of the shows theme either with Just certain part taken or the same sequence in the score repeated in variation. The music theme is used constantly through the entire series of Sherlock and seems to play an integral part to the telling of each scene in any Sherlock episode blending in with the characters and the scenes themselves. As seen with the tension that is built up between the Taxi Driver and Sherlock. It's quiet yet as the drama unfolds it gets a little louder and quietest again making sure that the focus us on every little word that is said between the two characters. Film Analysis Film Analysis Assignment When first reading about this assignment I thought about movies that had a strong culture theme to it. I didn’t want to choose a movie that I’ve only seen once, only because I wanted to be sure of its cultural theme and I also wanted to be sure that I knew exactly what the movie was about and everything that happens in it. The movie that I decided to write about is Mulan. It is very clear that the context of this movie provides us with the information that the film takes place in the ancient times in China.We know this because in the opening scene it shows a Chinese soldier standing on The Great Wall of China. Also the clothing that they were is often affiliated with the Chinese culture so we can tell from this context where the movie takes place. Also a few times in the movie it shows the Chinese language written on certain things. I believe that the context of this film affects the communication between characters for a few reasons. One reason is whenever people greet each other, especially someone important, they would bow to them.Another way the context affects communication is that the characters talk to their elders so properly and respectfully. One of the main social identities in this film was the one that Mulan held. Since Mulan was pretending to be a man so she would be able to fight in the war, she definitely had to fit in with those among her. She had to talk like they did, walk like they did, participate in the things that she did. She did this so she would not blow her cover and be caught. The obvious culture identify in this movie is that they are all Chinese.We can tell this because of how they are dressed, their surroundings as well as their facial structure. One of the huge ways one of the characters helped us understand her perspective was when Mulan sang the song â€Å"Refection†. In this song Mulan is talking about how she doesn’t feel like she is good enough and that if she were to act h ow she really is she would break her family’s heart. She thinks that her reflection is someone she doesn’t know. With her singing this song we are able to truly see what Mulan thinks of herself and it helps us understand her more.The relationship between her identity and the context of the movie is pretty understandable. The context in the movie shows us the true identity of who Mulan really is. There is a major change in Mulan’s identity by the end of the movie. Throughout the movie Mulan is trying to prove to everyone that she will bring her family honor. At the end of the movie she ends up getting to take home the Emperors Imperial crest along with Shan Yu’s sword. The history in this movie greatly affects the characters standpoints. As we all know, Mulan takes place during the ancient dynasty days in China.So many details throughout this movie give that away. But the one of the many ways that history affects the standpoints of the characters in this m ovie is how they train as well as travel for their battle to fight against the Huns. With it being ancient days the soldiers’ are trained to fight with their hands, they are taught ty kwon doe and how to use a bow and arrow. If this movie had taken place in the 21st century, the soldiers’ would be trained how to shoot guns. This right here shows you that history greatly affects the characters.If Disney had decided to place the movie in present days the climax fight scene would be completely different. The perceptions of history in this movie can teach you many things. There are just so many little details that show you the films history. There’s a scene in the movie where the General has sent a letter to the training camp and we can see its history because Mushu writes the General back with pen and ink. Near the end of the movie the soldiers’ that fought in the battle parade through the city on horses and they have the traditional clothing from that time on as well.One of the main relationships between history and one of the main characters (Shang) is that he is now the leader of the army. Since he is now the leader he has to train the men how they were taught for battle back in those days. There was only one language used in this film, which was English. But there were many different communication styles used in the film. Since Mulan is portraying a man for most of the movie her communication style is very different from the others. She tries to make her voice sound like a man and say things she thinks they would say.At a few points in the movie she forgets to talk in a manly voice, but surprisingly does not give her cover away. There weren’t many uses on nonverbal communication/codes throughout the movie. I can honestly only think of a few things. In the opening scene when Shan Yu appears over The Wall, the Chinese soldier lights a big torch and says â€Å"Now all of China knows you’re here,† Also the cricket, who plays on of the sidekicks of Mulan is silent throughout the whole film. But through his gestures, as well as Mushu being able to know what he’s saying, helps the audience understand the cricket.There are a few main beliefs and values that are reveled throughout this film. In the begging of the movie we see Mulan’s father praying to their families ancestors. The ancestors are of great importance to her family. They believe that the ancestors will bring Mulan protecting with helping her fight in the battle. They also have a high value in their families honor. The littlest things that someone could do would bring their family so many dishonors. There is a scene in the movie where Mulan is to meet with the Match Maker so she can help find Mulan a husband.But through many clumsy mistakes the Match Maker is furious and tells Mulan that she will never bring her family honor. When her parents and grandmother hear of the news they are greatly disappointed in her. That is o ne of the main reasons she goes off to fight in the war. Doing this Mulan believes that she will be able to bring her family honor. There are a plenty of issues of power and hierarchy that are used in this film. At one point in the movie there are a few men sent in from the imperial city to give the town a message. The Emperor has ordered one man from every family must serve in the imperial army.This clearly shows just how powerful the Emperor is and how he can change a family so fast. There is also a scene in the movie where Shang (left in charge by his father General Li) has power over everything that goes on in the camp. There are some men fighting after dinner and as soon as he walks in the men immediately stop and salute him. There is also a scene when Shang is not thrilled with how Ping (Mulan) is training. He wants to â€Å"make a man out of her† but she just isn’t meeting his expectations. He tells her that in the morning she has to go back home. These two exam ples show how powerful he is over the men in the army.

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