Thursday, June 6, 2019

Organisation and Management †Assignment One Essay Example for Free

Organisation and Management Assignment One EssayFor the purpose of this assignment I have chosen transport and logistics phoner Mainfreight Limited. I will be focusing specifically on the outbound night crew. This team is responsible for despatch freight from the Wellington region onto trucks to be sent to branches across New Zealand. Inside this team there is one supervisor who works with the loading team on the floor also loading and is responsible for smooth daily trading operations. The mid level manager is the Operations Manager who is responsible for the supervisor and implementing organisational plans such as reducing damages to freight. The legislate manager in this case is the Branch Manager who sets goals for the branch and oversees planning for the future.Q1) An economic reason for a truck loading crew operating at night is that its cheaper to travel at night due to faster travel times and less fuel consumption for the trucks on empty roads I think this reason a pplies around strongly to my organisation because it will extend the profit. A social reason for the organisation is that there is less essay of accidents late at night on empty roads. A personal reason to form this organisation could be a love for trucks.Q2) Figurehead The most well known figurehead of Mainfreight Wellington is the branch manager, an activity could be a speech at the grand opening, skills he would need include humankind speaking competency and reliability. Entrepreneur The entrepreneur of the branch initiates innovative solutions and change to the organisation such as the branch manager diversifying from road transport to including racecourse or sea transportation. Some skills needed for this role are creativity and brevity. Resource allocator Within my organisation this role is filled by the operations manager, who distributes resources such as equipment like forklifts and workers if needed to fulfill the crews workload. Some skills needed for this role are t ime management and planning ability. Disseminator An activity a manager in this role might perform is collecting information from customers and producing estimates of freight quantities for the truck loaders who could then plan how they layout their loads. Skills needed are the ability to gather and analyze information.Q3) Soldiering by Frederick Taylor is when workers purposely limit output by not working to full capacity in order to avoid cause redundancies and to avoid losing incentive pay by exceeding required writ of execution levels. The impacts of workers soldiering on my organisation could mean that if there is a large influx of freight and workers dont load it all that night, the delay could anger the customer who will then take their business elsewhere. If workers are soldiering performance will not be maximized and low productivity could cause a fall in capital investment and the eventual decline of the business.Q4) Time and action studies streamline task processes by reducing inefficient motions and then once the task process has been adjusted through motion studies the time studies then seeks to hypothesise a standard length of time in which the refined task process should be completed. Time and Motion studies are a technique to increase task efficiency by workers to increase the output with no greater physical effort. An impact of TM studies on my organisation is that incoming freight is place in bays so loaders do not have to go back and forth to the unloading area.

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