Tuesday, June 11, 2019

2. Critically examine the benefits that effective HR practices can Coursework

2. Critically examine the benefits that effective HR practices can bring to an organisation - Coursework Exampleall of them is merciful resource, that provides the organisation with continued competitive advantage (Inyang,2011).Thus there is a rising consensus that efficient counseling of an organisations human resources is important to its success (Inyang, 2011).Effective management of individuals as organisational assets as well as the adoption of suitable HR practices, strategies and policies greatly enhance the profitability and performance of an organisation.A rising number of researchers turn in studied the effect of particular HR practices on organisational performance .Even though there exists several HR best practices capable of affecting some(prenominal) collectively or independently on the performance of an organization results are usually difficult to interpret. For the purposes of this paper we shall discuss 7 HR practices that were originally throw away forth by P feffer in 1998 and which can be anticipated to greatly benefit the performance of any organisation. In his influential research, Pfeffer compiled the following 7 HR best practices firstly, employment security, secondly selective hiring, thirdly teams that are self-managed and decentralization in making of decisions, fourthly moderately high wages subject to organizational performance, fifthly extensive training, sixthly minimised status barriers and distinctions including language, dress, office arrangements, differences in wages across ranks and finally widespread sharing of both performance and financial info through the entire organisation(Pfeffer,1998).The above HR best practices will be discussed below in detail together with the benefits that they can bring to the organisation. Through compensation policy as HR practice, the employees efforts will be evaluated and rewarded which will in turn impact positively both employee as well as organizational performance(Cardon & Steve ns,2004).Employee incentives usually differentiates the rapid-growth firms from the slow growth ones. Organisations that are

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