Friday, October 4, 2019

Identify and Critically Analyze the Relationship Between Law Essay

Identify and Critically Analyze the Relationship Between Law Enforcement and Harm Reduction Aims - Essay Example This essay stresses that harm reduction as an aim in law enforcement is normally related to crime prevention particularly in drug related ones. Let me begin therefore about the characteristics of the crime which will cause a problem in harm reduction. This paper makes a conclusion that drug markets are resilient and adaptable, but believed that this resilience can be turned to advantage by drug law enforcement when considered in terms of overall harm rather than harm per unit. The author gave the example of a street market that is operating in a residential area near a school, a treatment centre and a playground. The author said that one could argue that if, through law enforcement measures, this market was pushed to relocate and then reappeared in an abandoned industrial area not far away, the total harms reduced might be considerable even if there was no discernable reduction in actual use. Caulkins then justified that there may be an argument for using law enforcement measures to disadvantage those sellers who employ particularly noxious selling tactics such as violence, using children as ‘lookouts’ and evading enforcement by corrupting officials. It must be observed from the above statement that Caulkins is still arguing that law enforcement are still necessary to use against sellers who employ particularly noxious selling tactics such as violence, using children as ‘lookouts’ and evading enforcement by corrupting officials.

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