Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Human Resources: Training and Development Essay

First, training programs that serve employees are beneficial because they have a proven value and added significance to companies. Employee orientation is one type of training. It is absolutely necessary for new employees in any organization. Without the orientation/training process many things can and do take place that are a risk and have negative impact to a company and to the new hire employee as well. In orientation type training, employees learn of benefit entitlements and the expectations that the company and departments set for their position. It gives the new hire employee a sense of pride in their work and in the organization as a whole. Informing an employee of the expectations in performance allows the employee to be successful in their position. There are various state and federal regulations that all companies must adhere to and remain in compliance with in order to remain lawsuit free. Sexual harassment is one negative behavior that is currently costing companies a lot of money in lost lawsuits. Training programs annually keep a constant reminder of the ways that this type of harassment can be avoided. Hiring discrimination is another form of training that can reduce lawsuits from a State and Federal level. Government contracted companies must maintain a documented Affirmative Action Program that ensures their hiring practices are equal and fair to all applicants. All managers within a company should receive this training in order to prevent and avoid the wrongdoing and negligence that could cause good companies to lose creditability and be sued. Skill based training or Developmental training is another form of training that a company provides to their employees. Training increases employee productivity. They learn different ways to complete tasks take on more responsibility and eventually grow as leaders within the company. Employees who do not receive guidance or have difficulty learning the ropes are much more likely to leave the company. Investing time and money in employees’ skills makes them feel valued and appreciated, and it also challenges them to learn more and get involved in their job. How does this benefit the company? Training reduces the need for employees’ supervision. Not only does skill-based training teach employees to do their jobs better, but it also helps them work more independently and develop a can-do attitude. A famous saying is, â€Å"People quit people and not companies. † – Author Unknown. To me this quote means that if your supervisor has been trained to show appreciation, develop his work force, motivate employees and are fair and just in their treatment of all employees, most employees will find job satisfaction on that team. Successful employee training delivers improvements in employee performance which, in turn, creates a better performing business and improves the bottom line product. Good training programs improved quality and productivity, accuracy and efficiency, good work and safety practices. The result of these benefits is in reducing costs by decreasing wasted time and materials. Maintenance costs of machinery and equipment and by reducing workplace injuries help to manage overhead expenses for the organization. In closing, it is clear to see that training people in the culture of the company through a sound orientation process can earn huge results through employee motivation and satisfaction. Furthermore, using a skill-based training program can reduce costs to the company in compliance issues, quality and cost of scrap and repairs, as well as increasing productivity through having a skilled work force.

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