Thursday, October 31, 2019

Financial crisis 2008 for corporate governance & ethics course Case Study

Financial crisis 2008 for corporate governance & ethics course - Case Study Example Moral hazard occurs when a party to a contract understanding that the consequences of their actions will be borne by a different party puts themselves under more risks. This paper aims at analyzing the characteristics that make the 2008 financial crisis an ethics and specifically moral hazard situation and the measures taken for effectively eradicating the recession. Reasons for the 2008 financial crisis include massive nationwide residential housing bubble, financial sector overleveraging, unregulated subprime lending growth at a large rate, and lack of transparency in new, complex, and more popular mortgage based funds. The other reasons for the global financial crisis in 2008 was resultant inability to measure risk, screening of borrowers and bank lending of precarious loans and lack of concern on ability to pay with main aim being origination of loans (Dowd, 143). These factors that resulted in the financial crisis shows the blatant disregard by the financial institutions of the needs of the stakeholders through taking on precarious loans depicting an example of the lack of ethics or moral hazard situation. Securitization and subprime mortgage origination rose until 2006 when household debt was 100% of US GDP, causing rising interest rates making refinancing difficult and drop of housing prices and 1.3 million housing projects were on forecl osure in 2007, the crash had began. The proceeding days would be so tough for banks and other financial institutions owing to bank runs and collapse including certain governments that depended so much on foreign market loans. The crisis could have been prevented through a reduction in the bailouts or the expectation of bailouts by firms since set precedence for firms to invest in risky activities. This is because when these activities are successful; the investors benefit, but in case of failure, there are bailout by the government. Having a law holding each person responsible for the risky actions that led to the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Conservation of Biodiversity Essay Example for Free

Conservation of Biodiversity Essay 4.3.1 State the arguments for preserving species and habitats. Why conserve biodiversity? The values of biodiversity can be classified as either direct values or indirect values (see pp.119-120 in the IB ESS Course Companion): †¢ Direct values can be (relatively) easily calculated †¢ goods harvested destroyed for consumption (eating) or sale in a market †¢ generally physical commodities of some sort †¢ private goods value accrues to the owner of the resource †¢ Examples: †¢ food sources (‘heirloom varieties’ of many crops, i.e. corn/maize) †¢ natural products (medicines, textiles, fertilizers, pesticides, etc) †¢ Indirect values more difficult to calculate †¢ stabilize ecosystems (negative feedback cycles) †¢ provide benefits but are not generally harvested/destroyed/sold †¢ usually services or processes which benefit everyone †¢ public goods value accrues to society instead of individuals †¢ Examples: †¢ ecosystem productivity (a. k.a. ecosystem services) i.e. soil aeration, pollination, fertilization, carbon sequestration, oxygen production ,climate regulation, etc †¢ scientific or educational value †¢ biological control (another example of negative feedback) †¢ gene sources †¢ environmental monitors †¢ recreation and ecotourism †¢ human health possible future medical applications †¢ rights of indigenous peoples †¢ intrinsic (ethical) value biorights 4.3.2 Compare and contrast the role and activities of intergovernmental and non‑governmental organizations in preserving and restoring ecosystems and biodiversity. There are 2 main approaches to conserving biodiversity around the world: conservation biology and preservation biology. †¢ conservation biology sustainable use and management of resources; humans are a part of the picture and their needs are also taken into consideration †¢ preservation biology excludes humans and human needs from conservation efforts; conservation based on biorights How conservation organizations work: For a comparison of the work of GO’s and NGO’s, see Table 6.1 at the bottom of page 122 in your IB ESS Course Companion. It is important to understand how these agencies use media, enforce laws, respond to the issues, and work within the political/diplomatic constraints imposed by different governments around the world. †¢ government organizations (GO’s) †¢ part or branch of a national, state, department, or local government †¢ ultimately responsible to the voter †¢ have the authority to prosecute violations of regulations within their jurisdiction †¢ examples: Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of Agriculture, Eaux et Forets (Water and Forests), and other branches of local and national government agencies †¢ intergovernmental organizations (IGO’s) †¢ generally a part of multi-national organizations, especially the United Nations †¢ most agreements are not legally binding under international law, but each signatory country is responsible for legislating and regulating conservation efforts within their own territory †¢ the UN and other IGO’s †¢ Examples: UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), CITES, IPCC (Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change) †¢ non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) †¢ work independently from governments to protect threatened species and areas †¢ frequently form partnerships with GO’s and IGO’s to more effectively reach their targeted goals †¢ Examples: WWF, Greenpeace, and too many others to list here. For a brief summary, visit this Wikipedia page: 4.3.3 State and explain the criteria used to design protected areas. Be familiar with the idea of island biogeography: â€Å"Two eminent ecologists, the late Robert MacArthur of Princeton University and E. 0. Wilson of Harvardproposed that the number of species on any island reflects a balance between the rate at which new species colonize it and the rate at which populations of established species become extinct.† (For a complete explanation, visit Essentially, protected areas can be thought of as islands within the surrounding landscape. The success and effectiveness of protected areas depends on several factors: 1. size larger space allows for larger populations and gene pools, and a wider variety of species 2. shape round is better than all other shapes because it reduces the edge effect 3. edge effects less edge is better; edge creates differences in the structure of an ecosystem, called an ecotone (an area where 2 habitats meet), which influences what may successfully live there. 4. corridors provide safe passage between protected areas 5. proximity if protected areas are close to other protected areas, they are more effective than isolated islands The above points are effectively outlined and explained in Figure 6.6 and on pages 128-129 of the IB ESS Course Companion. 4.3.4 Evaluate the success of a named protected area. Evaluate the success of these case studies from the IB ESS Course Companion, as well as at least one local example from India. For each case study, be able to outline and discuss responses to the following questions: A. Which species is the area designed to protect? B. Why is/are the species threatened? C. How and why has the protected area been successful? D. What are the weaknesses (and their causes) of the protected area? E. Describe how the criteria used to design protected areas have influenced the success of each case study. Case Studies 1. Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal 2. Sichuan Giant Panda sanctuaries, China 3. Sepilok Orang Utan Centre, Malaysia 4. Yosemite National park, USA 5. Serengeti National Park, TZ 6. Gir wildlife Sanctuary 7. Ranthambore National Park 8. Corbet National park 9. Kaziranga National Park 4.3.5 Discuss and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the species-based approach to conservation. CITES intergovernmental agreement designed to protect species threatened by international trade; voluntary; each country is responsible for its own laws, territory, and enforcement

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Ethical Dilemmas In Uae Animal Testing Philosophy Essay

Ethical Dilemmas In Uae Animal Testing Philosophy Essay Animal testing has been eliciting continuous criticism in the past and at present. Concerning animals being used for research purposes, the concentration is focused on whether man has got any right to use them for testing and whether it is a necessity. Ethically, animal testing criticized through focus on the suffering animals are subjected to during experiments. In spite of this animal testing is also regarded as beneficial as it facilitates medical breakthrough via invention of cures and treatment procedures. The benefits offer grounds for justification of business rights in the field of animal testing. Animal Testing in UAE The UAE government in the year 2005 prepared the scene for the introduction of animal testing in Dubai under the Dubai Biotechnology and Research Park Foundation. The project was geared to enable Dubai to attain its 2010 vision of being a city with booming economy based on technological research. To achieve this, UAE ventured in to the biotechnology research and development and manufacturing business. The UAE Biotechnology majorly deals with research on medicine, genetics and stem cell. All this progress requires to a great extend the employment of animals so as to ensure the success of the project. With the government channeling a lot of resources towards the same, the argument for the government to withdraw from the same to uphold animal rights is likely to be unsuccessful. This research has also opened trade opportunities for UAE. The government has linked with other nations and business partners to ensure the supply of the required resources and delivery of end products to the ma rkets. There are no strict regulations restricting animal testing in Asian countries unlike in western countries like the UK but only activists of animal rights advocate for a check to the practice (Animal Testing in Asia, 2011). For instance, cases of cruelty on animals have been rampant but the perpetrators go unpunished due to government laxity on the matter. It is known that a law forbidding animal cruelty has long been drafted and approved by UEA government but the same has not been effected (UAE animal cruelty law, 2007). In essence, the UAE government to a great extend encourages animal testing activities which are regarded to be against ethics and morality. The campaign against animal testing is not welcomed by business activists and scientists who claim that it is not possible to ban animal testing on medical procedures and medicines. They argue that research must go on and if use of animals is banned, then man will be used for the researches. The use of humans in research proves to be fatal and could not be welcomed in the society on the base of ethics. Societal attitudes have played a role in low regard of animal rights in the context of testing. The UAE society is markedly a society with a lot of cases of animal cruelty and this reflects the reluctance to uphold animal rights. There has been an increase in reported cases of vicious deeds against animals over the recent past with pets being hanged, shot, or even drowned in acid (Gulf News, 2011). This goes on to imply the society would be unpertu rbed by animal testing which might seem as too humane to the affected animals. Animals Commonly Used In Testing Animals are used for various testing on various aspects of human life. Rabbits and guinea pigs for instance are used for cosmetics testing on shampoos, household products and body lotion for they are docile and easy to maintain where medicinal testing is carried on them to identify their toxicity. Rats and mice on the side are used for testing the genetic makeup of man and other features. Dogs are used in applied medical sciences on studies dealing with cancer, lung research, veterinary medicine, orthopedic, microbiology and in analyzing the toxicity of preservatives, chemicals, drugs and additives. Pigs are used in researching for heart diseases and cats on studies pertaining to neurology (Sengupta, 2011). The outcome of all these studies is of great importance to humans and this justifies more research in the path of saving mankind. Suffering caused to Animals Since testing is unnatural to the animals, they suffer in certain ways that they could not be suffering. Genetic manipulation for instance has led to the creation of mice with Huntingtons disease, diabetic mice and obese mice. Moreover, surgical experiments can be performed on larger animals for the practice of human surgery such as on pigs, sheep and dogs (Wise, 2004). Were it not for the animal testing, all these suffering subjected to animals could not be. However, finding the right information concerning the activity of animal testing firms in the Middle East can be so challenging given that those involved are capable of manipulating the information in media reports pertaining to animal testing. Agitators against animal testing argue that there are no valuable benefits derived from animal experiment which can justify the use of animals for the various experiments on issues pertaining to man (Lynch, 1987). Therefore, animal testing is not ethically right given that animals are subjected too much suffering during the research experiment. To make matters worse, some of these animals used for research are purposely bred for the research and their existence is viewed as research oriented. The animals in this case are bred by researchers, for their use and hence any sufferings directed to them are seen as falling within the right of the researchers. The worst problem of all is that human beings treat animals in the way that deem fit for they consider themselves as the dominant species on earth. In so doing, less attention is focused on whether it is ethically right or morally right to cause suffering to animals as long as the outcome is beneficial to man. Moreover, the motive of a nimal testing has brought great debate. Those who oppose the experiments base their argument on the fact that most studies are designed to enhance cosmetic testing rather the advancement of medical science all which are geared to boost business (Wise, 2004). One point used for faulting animal testing is its ineffectiveness in spite of the suffering. Animal testing has not been reliable in the recent past and thus the results obtained may not be extrapolated reliably to man. Furthermore, animal testing does not produce the side effects of the drugs such as hallucination and headache in animals which are common once clinical trials are conducted in man. Consequently, it is not ethical for tests such as LD 50 tests, cosmetic testing, and teaching and military defense tests being conducted on animals for they add no value to the life of man. Commercial Value of Testing In business world in the UAE, animal testing is seen as a necessity and of great significance both in academics and scientific testing. The cosmetics and pharmaceuticals companies are enabled to easily conduct animal testing than human clinical tests by the Food and Drug Administration and this enhances the process of making huge amounts of money. This is due to the fact that majority of human consumer industries such as drugs, food and cosmetics do rely on animal industry heavily as they sell their products and in turn enable these animal testing industries to earn huge returns (Sarah, 2009). In addition, the development of useful products and materials is deemed to surpass the suffering inflicted on animals which are sacrificed for these very purpose especially in the Middle East where vivisection of animals do take place. In addition, animal testing has been emphasized due to the fact that there are no available alternatives which can guarantee the elimination of animals in these testing. This situation is repulsive to people after protection of animals for they consider this activity as ethically and morally wrong. This forms an ethical dilemma due to the fact that as one group is busy supporting a process another is fighting the same. The major concern of those fighting for animals rights is the fact that there are companies dealing in the practice of supplying and breeding of animals for bioscience industry and scientific community for purposes of research and development. As these business men view this as an opportunity of making profits, they in turn breed millions of animals which are killed for purposes of experiment. This implies, for instance, that large numbers of mice are killed even though the animal welfare does not allow records concerning mice to be kept. Justification for Animal Testing The application of animal testing is ethical when applied in the field of medical science. This enables researchers in the field of medicine to come up with drugs which are effective and also ensure surgery or operation undertaken on human beings to be safe. New researchers and medical practitioners orient themselves in the field of medicine and surgery first with big animals which have near functionality like that of man, such as pigs and sheep. Additionally, testing on animals is ethical than testing on human volunteers especially in areas where the research may appear to be fatal. The business rights in the aspect of animal testing are derived from the fact that it is the right of say physiologists to study life. This involves the study of the multitude of processes that makes a living thing; from the functioning of the membrane channel, the hemodynamic of the heart, and the integrative events of the brain and electrical activity of the heart particularly in the Middle East animal industry. The physiologists view this feature as an obligation to them where they consider both the theoretical part and later test their hypothesis practically through the animal experiments. In view of the fact that the process is concerned with understanding life processes, the testing is thus to be conducted in living organisms from cells to the whole living organism and this includes animals and even human beings. Nevertheless, this has raised many ethical issues which leave one in an ethical dilemma of whether animal experiment must be in part performed on animals or on man. This is due to the fact that effective tests are based on perturbing the normal functioning of an organism and on controlled interventions so as to discover the functional genomics. Back to the ethical issue, we tend to analyze if at all we have the right of conducting such experiments which not only interfere with the life of living organisms but also inflicts pain, suffering and even the risk of death (Wise, 2004). Thus, the basic ethical dilemma arises in respect to whether it is right and justifiable for us to indulge in the physiological experiments that are in the interests of scientists which harm the interests of living beings or whether we should refrain from such scientific studies. The justification of animal testing does not end exclusively with the industry and scientific community, but is also based on societys consumption of animal food. Consumption is regarded as oppressive to the animals like research is. This aspect is well revealed on the part of business people who consider it their right to indulge in the practice of trading animal products, whether for research or consumption. Therefore, the parties involved in animal testing argue that as it is thought right for animal products to be consumed, testing on them is also no big issue and thus consider themselves both morally and ethically right when indulging in such practices. Legislation on Animal Testing Governments involvement in either supporting animal testing or working against the same is realized through laid down legislations. The Animal Welfare Act which was passed in the year 1966 apparently requires those companies dealing with the treating of animals to treat these animals with a maximum degree of humaneness thus fostering the animals rights in the long run. Despite the presence of the legislation intended to protect animals being in place the activity of inhumane animal testing has continued to be more rampant. Little has been done in the field of legislation concerning animal use in science for it only excludes any use of animals in the industry for profit purposes. Furthermore, the most conflicting things of this all is the fact that the firms dealing with animal testing are the ones responsible for funding the Biomedical Research and other centers for consumer freedom. This presents an ethical dilemma due to the fact that these animal testing firms spent huge amount of funds in purposeful research and their elimination would mean an end to the research. This therefore makes it hard for the government to close such firms for, by research funding, they play a big role in the growth of the economy. Ethical Dilemmas The key supporters of animal rights argue that even animals are subjects of life and thus are entitled to their rights. They hence call for the adoption of vegetarian diet and abolition of the animal testing or consumption of animal products which has been considered as morally important. The movement against animal testing was able to bring to an end the activity involving nerve stimulation in monkeys in 1985. The animal rights refers to equal consideration in the sense that the interests of animals are met, given that animals have the capacity to suffer both physically and mentally, they should be set free from harm and or suffering caused by human beings intentionally. Some companies in the UAE have come up with strategies aimed at discouraging animal testing. According to Lush (2011), the company does not buy products from companies that commission tests on animals. This brings out the collision of business rights against animal rights. On one side the potential suppliers of this company would feel justified to commission tests on animals while on the other side; they are excluded for disrespecting animal rights. Another ethical issue is the respect for life where man must respect the will and life of other living beings by always being responsible for their wellbeing. Though this aspect is true, it is also ethically right for man to use animals for purposes of biomedical research, food and labor. Businessmen have the right of indulging in such activities that deals with animal products or their usage to earn income (Orlans, 1998). This however brings us to an ethical dilemma given that even those who oppose the move, the animal and antivivisection activists have their right of protecting these animals. A deadlock is thus reached when neither party is willing to compromise on its stand. The fact that mostly, the ethical standards set when using human are different from the standards set when animals are used for testing also raises some ethical issues. Respect for life ought to be the guiding principle for physiological research and this necessitates ethical rules for animals which are similar to those set for human beings. This will help in coming up with rules of what should be done and what should be left out during the experiment. Thus, this calls for researchers to be responsible for their acts thus solving the major ethical dilemma facing man especially when testing physiological theories. Although this principle of respect for life is too general, animals have the right to their own life and as thus man should not do with them as they please. In essence, the advocators of animals rights argue against any use of animal or their products. Man is therefore obliged to uphold moral obligation whereby he should not cause any unnecessary pain or suffering and distre ss to animals. Given that the use of animal testing has been considered unethical, non animal testing should be done. Animals also do have their rights which ought to be protected. Among these rights is the enriched environment whereby the environment in which the animals are confined to is full of things to satisfy the animals species specific needs. This is meant to promote the well being of the animals. Refinement should be undertaken and the discomfort decreased through the provision of necessary anesthesia, care and analgesia. In addition, the animal is entitled to euthanize which is intended to prevent unnecessary suffering to animals through improvement of experimental procedures and determination of a humane end point (Wise, 2004). The future of animal testing is rather promising. This is due to the fact that developments are on the way of coming up with other new alternatives for the use of animals for testing. Technological advancement in the world today has led more research which was once conducted on vivisection to be done on other fields such as computer modeling, improved statistical design, synthetic skin and lastly the Murine Local Lymph Node Assay (MLNA). In addition, the non animal testing methods have proved to be relevant and viable for it encourages a realistic consideration of rather ethical and scientific issues involved in the replacement of animals in medical experiments for non animals. This can be well elaborated by three Rs which are: Refinement, Reduction and Replacement where suffering and distress are minimized in animals. Refinement is necessary given that some tests cannot be conducted in the absence of animals which must be there so as to offer the necessary results required. Reduction of the number of animals is also relevant and lastly is Replacement whereby much emphasis is laid in trying to replace the animals with other non animal resources for research. Furthermore, the fact that animal testing helps in the identification of cures for most incurable diseases, the fight against it in whole does not augur well. One is left to wonder on what discouraging animal testing would do on the struggle towards life saving and what should actually be done towards the attainment of the cures. Business people dealing in animal products daily continue to get more markets for cosmetics and household products derived from animals (Singer, 1990). One is left to wonder which side to support even as he tries to consider both sides. In terms of ethical dilemmas, there is a real battle between the supporters of animal rights and the supporters of business rights. For businessmen, they are to maximize their supply due to expansion of the market of their products and in so doing more animals products are to be involved. The rights of businesses is seen as a threat to the animal population given that the number of animals being employed in the process will increase leaving no room for any development to be done towards the fight for animal rights. One is therefore left to wonder which of the two groups is in the right, for both have their own right which must be respected at all cost, hence an ethical dilemma. When seeking treatment for chronic diseases such as cancer, asthma among others, the animal testing proves to be very essential. The research helps in the identification of the possible cures for the disease. Typically, the research tends to be beneficial to both animals and man. The identification of a drug for certain diseases can be of mutual benefit given that human and animals have got some commonness. Thus, although it appears to be ethically wrong to use animals in testing, it is also regarded ethical when the finding is used for the benefits of animals also. This forms another ethical dilemma for those opposed to animal testing given that the process or research appears to be fulfilling on either side. The proper moral treatment that can be directed to animals is allowing them to possess certain features such as sentience, cognitive capacities, sociability, capacity to flourish and possession of life. The ethical aspect here is arrived when one is in the process of discovering the level of injury inflicted on either animals or man. To some, it is ethically right for research which is conducted on animals such as a mouse for it helps in ascertaining the safety of important chemicals. This chemical is further considered to be of great importance for it is a trade commodity that has high demand in society. The major struggle in this part is in the definition of the limit on moral grounds. According to animal rights activists they argue that animals are experimented mostly out of the curiosity of scientists. They chop, starve or burn them so as to maybe yield something that could be of benefit to human. Some of these experiments could only be right if conducted on cases which do not have alternatives. The campaigns are therefore on the ways of minimizing harm on these creatures and safeguard benefits derived from these experiments. Further discussion brought forward is that although animals lives deserve some respect, the respect is not comparable to those deserved by human lives. The introduction of vaccines, new surgical techniques, artificial limbs and organs and new cancer therapies are as a result of animal testing (Orlans, 1998). Thus, human welfare must be dealt with first than focusing so much attention on animals. The argument for or against animal testing can be settled after a careful consideration of the goals of the research and on whether there is a great probability of success in the experiment. Once this has been obtained, a close focus should be on the animal being used for the experiment and the possible effect presented in the question thereof. This necessitates deeper analysis of these factors that helps in the identification of the need for the testing in order to identify the relevance of the research. If the study is seen to be of great significance to society at large, with less negative effects on the animals in question, then the research can be conducted. But before that, the possible alternatives present instead of animals should be presented so as to protect their interest and to guard against adverse human actions. Despite all these considerations being put in place, coming up with a concrete conclusion on the matter is not easy given that each party possesses different pe rception in respect to ones leaning (Lynch, 1987). The aspect of ethics has been left on the hands either advocates and they are the ones who are to decide on what is moral. This leaves us in an ethical dilemma for we are torn between which side to follow in the argument towards morality and ethics in animal testing. Animal testing has all along been implemented in order to obtain treatments and vaccines for the purposes of benefiting man and to some extent those animals which are beneficial to man. Researchers in the field harm as many animals as required to find treatments and procedures. Animal testing has resulted to major breakthroughs in the medical field and in case this stops due to animal rights then further developments in the fields will be compromised. The animal testing is viewed as a way of extending human life even though millions of animals are being killed yearly for the purpose of the same. The big question is what about the lives of animals. Are they also not important to deserve protection from pain, suffering and even unnecessary deaths? Focusing on both arguments one comes to a conclusion that all the two parties are right and that something must be done in the middle of this conflict in order to solve this ethical dilemma. Lastly, coming to firm conclusion of what is right and what is wrong in this field of animal testing is all together a difficult decision. Animal rights activists are right to fight for the welfare of animals and are the business rights activists who are for the use of animals in their experiments so as to save mankind and other non human species. Thus, the issue of animal testing is a most challenging ethical dilemma in the present world. Alternatives to animal testing to be implemented today and in the future includes; human clinical tests, in-vitro tests, computer software, animal parts and to some small extend animals especially where alternatives are not applicable. Alternatives to animal testing researches should be conducted to pave way for more advanced technology for use in finding solutions especially pertaining to human welfare. Conclusion In conclusion, animal testing poses ethical dilemma given that the research is morally and ethically unacceptable. On the other hand doing away with the research which proves to be of mutual benefits to both man and animals is untenable. This is because the research involving animals is ethically right especially when the benefits outweigh the costs and when all possible steps are being implemented to reduce suffering to animals. In summary, human do conduct tests on animals simply because they can and not out the fact that it is right for them to do so. The future of animal testing can however be based in the three Rs campaigns which are Reduction, Refinement and Replacement. This will ensure that the total number of animals used for the research is reduced, the suffering being minimized and animals are to a great extent replaced by non animals.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Oedipus the King Essays: The Downfall of Oedipus Rex :: Oedipus the King Oedipus Rex

The Downfall of Oedipus Rex The greek playwright, Sophocles, was born around 496 B.C., and died in 406 B.C.   During his life, he wrote many plays, one of which was Oedipus Rex.   Sophocles was the first dramatist to add the third actor to the play.   Actors were able to perfrom many different parts, but the play was limited to only three actors and the chorus.   (Literature, page 1065)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The downfall of Oedipus transpired due to the tragic flaw of his character.   Oedipus was very temperamental and became easily angered. He was a prideful individual who desired to be a hero and avenge the death of Laius.   His devout need to know the truth, and have the proof that it indeed was the truth also led to his ruin.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Oedipus had a very short temper.   Oedipus did not want to hear what Tiresias had to say after he begged him to tell him all that he knew.   "Am I to listen to such things from him!   May you be damned!   Get out of here at once!   Turn around and go!"   (Literature, Oedipus the King, Ln. 434-436, page 1085)   Oedipus went into a rage when Tiresias told him about the evils that Oedipus was living with.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Oedipus took great pride in saving people and being seen a hero.   He wanted the death of Laius to be avenged and he had to be the one to find the murderer and punish him.   "I'll fight for him, I'll leave no means untried, to cach the one who did it with his hand..."   (Literature, Oedipus the King, Ln. 270-271, page 1081)   He did not want to let the people of Thebes down, and he wanted to show that he would be a true hero once again.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Oedipus was in pursuit of the truth   to find out what really happened with his birth and life.   Oedipus was searching for the truth and needed to know all the facts in order to convict the murderer.   "Ah!   All of it was destined to be true!"   (Literature, Oedipus the King, Ln.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Alma Ata Declaration Health And Social Care Essay

The Alma Ata Declaration was officially adopted at the International Conference on Primary Health Care in Alma Ata ( in present Kazakhstan ) in September 1978 ( WHO, 1978 ) . It identifies and stresses the demand for an immediate action by all authoritiess, all wellness and development workers and the universe community to advance and protect universe wellness through Primary Health Care ( PHC ) ( ibid ) . This has been identified by the Declaration as the cardinal towards accomplishing a degree of wellness that will let for a socially and productive life by the twelvemonth 2000. The rules of this declaration have been built on three ( 3 ) key facets which include: Equity – It acknowledges the fact that every person has the right to wellness and the realization of this requires action across the wellness sector every bit good as other societal and economic sectors. Participation – It besides identifies and recognises the demand for full engagement of communities in the planning, administration, execution, operation and control of primary wellness attention with the usage of local or national available resource. Partnership – It strongly supports the thought of Partnership and coaction between authorities, World Health Organisation ( WHO ) and UNICEF, other international administrations, many-sided and bilateral bureaus, non-governmental administrations, support bureaus, all wellness workers and the universe community towards back uping the committedness to primary wellness attention every bit good as increasing fiscal and proficient support particularly in developing states. Other of import rules identified by the Declaration include: wellness publicity and the appropriate usage of resources. The declaration calls on all authoritiess to explicate schemes, policies and actions to establish and prolong primary wellness attention and integrate it into the national wellness system. It was endorsed by the World Health Assembly in 1978 hence enshrining it into the policy of the WHO ( Horder, 1983 ) .BackgroundBack in the sixtiess and 1970s, many developing states of the universe gained independency from their colonial leaders. In attempts to supply good quality health care service for the population, these new authoritiess established learning infirmaries, medical and nursing schools most of which were located in urban countries ( Hall & A ; Taylor, 2003 ) therefore making a job of entree to ‘good quality ‘ wellness service particularly for people that reside in rural communities. Successful programmes were initiated by Tanzania, Sudan, Venezuela and China in the sixtiess and 1970s to supply primary attention wellness services that was basic every bit good as comprehensive ( Benyoussef & A ; Christian, 1977 ; Bennett, 1979 ) . It is on the footing of these programmes that the term ‘Primary Health Care ‘ was derived ( Hall & A ; Taylor, 2003 ) . In low income states, the primary wellness attention scheme as described by the Alma Ata was really influential in puting wellness policy during the 1980s nevertheless in high income states such as the United Kingdom, it was considered irrelevant on the given that the degree of primary attention service was already good developed ( Green et al. , 2007 ) . Primary wellness attention has been defined in the Declaration of Alma Ata as ; â€Å" indispensable wellness attention based on practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and engineering made universally accessible to persons and households in the community through their full engagement and at a cost that the community and state can afford to keep at every phase of their development in the spirit of self trust and self-government. It forms an built-in portion both of the state ‘s wellness system, of which it is the cardinal map and chief focal point, and of the overall societal and economic development of the community. It is the first degree of contact of persons, the household and community with the national wellness system conveying wellness attention every bit near as possible to where people live and work, and constitutes the first component of a go oning wellness attention procedure. † ( WHO, 1978 ) The Alma Ata Declaration brought about a displacement on accent towards preventative wellness, preparation of multipurpose paramedical workers and community based workers ( Muldoon et al. , 2006 ) . In order to accomplish the planetary mark of wellness for all by the twelvemonth 2000, ends were being set by the WHO ( WHO, 1981 ) some of which include: At least 5 % of gross national merchandise is spent on wellness. A sensible per centum of the national wellness outgo is devoted to local wellness attention. Equitably distribution of resources At least 90 % of new-borne babies have a birth weight of at least 2500g. The infant mortality rate for all identifiable subgroups is below 50 per 1000 live-births. Life anticipation at birth is over 60 old ages. Adult literacy rate for both work forces and adult females exceeds 70 % . Trained forces for go toing gestation and kid birth and lovingness for kids for at least 1 twelvemonth of age. It has been over 30 old ages now that the Declaration of Alma Ata was adopted by the WHO. A expression at the current wellness tendency around the universe particularly in developing states such Nigeria, Ghana, Niger, Zimbabwe and so many others will uncover that the end of accomplishing wellness for all by the twelvemonth 2000 through primary wellness attention has non been a world. Although there have been sensible betterment in immunization, sanitation and entree to safe H2O, there is still hindrances in supplying just entree to indispensable attention worldwide ( WHO, 2010 )What went incorrect?Lawn et Al. ( 2008 ) explain that the Cold War significantly impeded the coveted impact outlook of the Alma Ata Declaration in the sense that planetary developmental policy at that clip was dominated by neo-liberal macro economical and societal policies. The consequence of this on poorer states of the universe peculiarly in Africa was execution of structural accommodation programmes in atte mpt to cut down budget shortage through devaluations in local currency and cuts in public disbursement. This resulted in the remotion of subsidies, cost recovery in the wellness sector and cut dorsums in the figure of medical wellness practicians that could be hired. The debut of user charges and encouragement of denationalization of services during this period had an indecent consequence on hapless people who could non afford to pay for such services. The combination of these factors therefore resulted in portion to the crippling of the quality of service that can be provided at the primary attention degree. Peoples who could afford such service resorted to wellness service offered at secondary or third attention which in most instances is hard to entree. The debut of a new construct of ‘Selective ‘ Primary Health Care as proposed within a twelvemonth of the acceptance of the Alma Ata Declaration by Walsh & A ; Warren ( 1979 ) changed the dimension of primary wellness attention. This ‘interim ‘ attack was proposed due to the trouble experienced in originating comprehensive primary wellness attention services in states with autocratic leading ( Waterston, 2008 ) . Walsh & A ; Warren ( 1979 ) argued that until comprehensive primary wellness attention can be made available to all, services that are targeted to the most of import diseases may be the most effectual intercession for bettering wellness of a population. The steps suggested include ; immunization, unwritten rehydration, chest eating and the usage of anti malarias. This selective attack was considered as being more executable, mensurable, rapid and less hazardous, taking away determination devising and command off from the community and puting it upon ad visers with proficient expertness hence doing it more attractive peculiarly to funding bureaus ( Lawn et al. , 2008 ) . An illustration of a selective primary attention attack is the Expanded Programme on Immunisation ( EPI ) . Selective primary wellness attention is concerned with supplying solutions to peculiar diseases such as HIV/AIDS and TB while comprehensive primary attention as proposed the Alma Ata begins with supplying a strong community substructure and engagement towards undertaking wellness issues ( Baum, 2007 ) . The displacement in maternal, new-borne and child wellness as a consequence of programmes that removes control from the community hinders the realization of the ends of primary wellness attention as emphasized by the Alma Ata Declaration. The reversal of policy in the 1990s by the WHO and other UN bureaus to deter traditional birth attenders and advancing installation based birth with skilled forces ( Koblinsky et al. , 2006 ) is an illustration of such. The World Bank ‘s study ‘Investing in Health ‘ which was published in 1993 saw the World Bank go a great influence and major key participant in international public wellness as such robbing the WHO of the esteemed place ( Baum, 2007 ) . It considers investings for intercessions that merely hold the best impact on population wellness as such taking local control and recommending a ‘vertical ‘ attack to wellness. This move counteracts the procedure of the societal alteration described by the Alma Ata Declaration which is necessary for realization of its ends. These go to demo that consistence both in leading ( locally and globally ) , policy every bit good as good grounds ( to drive policy devising and actions ) , are of import ingredients for planetary enterprises to win.What went right?Even with the several elements that prevailed against the accomplishment of the corporate ends of the Alma Ata Declaration, several instance surveies show that when provided with a favorable environment, primary wellness attention as prescribed by the Alma Ata is sufficient to convey about a important betterment in the wellness position of any population or state. Case study 1: Primary Health Care in Gambia Using informations obtained from a longitudinal survey conducted by the United Kingdom Medical Research Council over a 15 twelvemonth period for a population of about 17,000 people in 40 small towns in Gambia, Hill et Al. ( 2000 ) compared baby and kid mortality between small town with and without primary wellness attention. The excess services that were provided in the small towns with primary wellness attention include: a small town wellness worker, a paid community nurse for every 5 small towns and a trained traditional birth attender. Maternal and kid wellness services with inoculation programme were accessible to occupants of both primary wellness attention and non primary wellness attention small towns. There was marked betterment in baby and under 5 mortality in both sets of small towns. After primary wellness attention system was established in 1983, infant mortality dropped from 134/1000 in 1982 – 83 to 69/1000 in 1992 – 94 in the primary wellness attention small towns and from 155/1000 to 91/1000 in non primary wellness attention villages over the same period of clip. Between 1982 and 83 and 1992-94, the decease rates for kids aged 1-4 fell from 42/1000 to 28/1000 in the primary wellness attention small towns and from 45/1000 to 38/1000 in the non primary wellness attention small towns. However, in 1994 when supervising of primary wellness attention was weakened, infant mortality rate in primary wellness attention small towns rose to 89/1000 for primary wellness attention small town in 1994 – 96. The rate in non primary wellness attention small town fell to 78/1000 for this period. The execution and supervising of primary wellness attention is associated with a important consequence on infant mortality rates for these groups of small towns that benefitted from the programme. Case study 2: Under 5 mortality and income of 30 states To measure the advancement for primary wellness attention in states since Alma Ata, Rohde et Al. ( 2008 ) analysed life anticipation relative to national income and HIV prevalence in order to place over accomplishing or under accomplishing states. The survey focused on 30 low income and in-between income states with the highest twelvemonth decrease of mortality among kids less than 5 old ages of age and it described coverage and equity of primary wellness attention every bit good as other non wellness sector actions. The 30 states in inquiry have scaled up selective primary attention ( immunization, household planning ) and 14 of these states have progressed to comprehensive primary attention which has been marked with high coverage of skilled birth attenders. Equity with skilled birth attending coverage across income groups was accessed every bit good as entree to clean H2O and gender inequality in literacy. These 30 states were grouped into states with selective primary attention ; mixture of selective and comprehensive primary wellness attention ; and comprehensive primary wellness attention entirely. The major participants among states with comprehensive primary wellness attention are Thailand, Brazil, Cuba, China and Vietnam. Overall, Thailand tops the list and it has comprehensive primary wellness attention. Maternal, new-borne and child wellness in Thailand were prioritised even before Alma Ata and has been able to increase coverage for immunization and household planning intercessions. The Government investing in territory wellness systems provided a foundation for comprehensive primary wellness attention in maternal, new-borne and child wellness every bit good as other indispensable services. Community wellness voluntaries besides played a important function towards Thailand ‘s medical promotion. They promoted the usage of H2O sealed latrines to better sanitation and were r eally instrumental towards the diminution of protein Calorie malnutrition in pre-school kids in the past 20 old ages ( WHO, 2010 ) . Engagement of the community wellness voluntaries is a major beginning of community engagement into wellness attention of Thailand ( ibid ) . The undermentioned factors were identified as of import lessons from high accomplishing states: accountable leading and consistent national policy advancement with clip ; constructing coverage of attention and comprehensive wellness systems with clip ; community and household authorization ; territory degree focal point which is supported by informations to put precedences for support, path consequences every bit good as identify and damages disparities ; and prioritizing equity, taking fiscal barriers for hapless households and protection against ineluctable wellness cost. Case study 3: Integration of cognitive behaviors based therapy into everyday primary wellness attention work in rural Pakistan Rahman et Al. ( 2008 ) in a cluster-randomised control survey in Pakistan shows the benefits derived when cognitive behavior therapy in postpartum depression is integrated with community based primary wellness attention. Training was provided to the primary wellness attention workers in the intercession group to present psychological intercession. The wellness attention workers besides receive monthly supervising and monitoring. Significant benefit ( lower depression and disablement tonss, overall operation and perceptual experience of societal support ) was reported in the intercession group to propose that this sort of steps as supported by the Alma Ata can drive the inaugural towards ‘Health for all ‘ . It is apparent and clear that states that practiced comprehensive primary wellness attention as enshrined by the Alma Ata reaped great benefits in footings of population wellness betterment. Although it has been argued that comprehensive primary wellness attention is excessively idealistic, expensive and unachievable ( Hall & A ; Taylor, 2003 ) , grounds suggest that it is more likely to present better wellness results with greater public satisfaction ( Macinko et al. , 2003 ) . This sort of attention can cover with up to 90 % of wellness demands in low income states ( World Bank, 1994 ) .Relevance of Alma Ata in this present clipOur present universe that has been characterised by pronounced epidemiological passage in wellness. Low income states every bit good as high income 1s are faced with increasing prevalence of non communicable every bit good as chronic disenabling disease ( Gillam, 2008 ) hence, the being of infective diseases ( malaria, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis etc ) , and dise ases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. For low income states such as sub-Sahara African Countries, this constitutes a major wellness job because their wellness systems are chiefly oriented towards supplying services inclined with maternal and child wellness, ague or episodic unwellnesss. As such current wellness systems need to hold the capacity to supply effectual direction for the current disease tendency. The Alma Ata provides a foundation for how such effectual wellness service can be provided. Because, primary wellness attention is the first line of contact an person has to wellness attention, it is therefore really influential in finding community wellness particularly when the community is to the full empowered to take part. As societies modernise, as it is the instance in our current universe, the degree of engagement additions and people want to hold a say in what affects their lives ( Garland & A ; Oliver, 2004 ) . Therefore, the degree engagement in wellness atten tion is better off and more powerful in this present clip than it was when it was the Alma Ata was adopted. Evidence suggest that the values as enshrined by the Alma Ata are going the mainstream of modernizing societies and it is a contemplation of the manner people look at wellness and what they expect from their wellness attention system ( WHO, 2008 ) . Alma Ata failed in some states because the Government of such states refused to set schemes towards prolonging a strong and vivacious primary wellness attention system that is appropriate to the wellness demands of the community such that entree is improved, engagement and partnership is encouraged and wellness is improved in general. There is no end standard guideline or manual on Alma Ata but single authoritiess have to develop their ain schemes which should be good suited towards run intoing their ain demands. The Alma Ata initiation rules is still relevant towards accomplishing these ends particularly as it brings wellness attention to peoples door measure as it encourages preparation of people to expeditiously and efficaciously present wellness services. Evidence has shown that there is a greater scope of cost effectual intercessions than was available 30 old ages ago ( Jamison et al. , 2006 ) . It is for these grounds that primary wellness attention is indispensable towards acc omplishing the millenary development ends particularly as it concerns child endurance, maternal wellness, and HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB and other diseases. The Alma Ata emphasises the importance of coaction as an of import tool towards presenting, developing and keeping primary wellness attention. This partnership as supported by the Alma Ata is indispensable to increase proficient and fiscal support to primary wellness attention particularly in low income states. It is a current tendency to happen an increasing mixture of private and public wellness systems every bit good as increasing private-public partnerships. Governments, giver and private administrations are now working together to advance and protect wellness unlike after Alma Ata ( OECD, 2005 ) . There is besides increased support and this is switching from selective planetary financess to beef uping wellness systems through sector broad attacks ( Salama et al. , 2008 ) . This sort of coactions is a measure in the right way and when it is strengthened harmonizing to the rules of the Alma Ata, it will non merely better the perkiness of the wellness attention system but besides b etter engagement and equity in the sense that wellness attention is more qualitative and accessible to the people. The old ages that followed after acceptance of the Alma Ata by WHO member provinces was characterised by unstable political leading and military absolutism particularly among low income states which lead to pretermit of the wellness sector. This created unfriendly environments for the development and care of stable primary wellness attention systems. In this current times nevertheless, most states have embraced the democratic system of leading that promotes equity, engagement and partnership. Health equity is continually basking prominence in the duologue of political leaders and ministries of wellness ( Dahlgren & A ; Whitehead, 2006 ) . Therefore, the environment being created is friendlier to the Alma Ata hence doing it more relevant in this clip. Thirty old ages ago, the values of equity, people centeredness, community engagement and self finding embraced by the Alma Ata was considered as being extremist but today these values have become widely portion outlooks for wellness ( WH O, 2008 ) . Our current clip has been marked by gross technological promotion which was non available in the 1970s. There is besides an increased wealth of cognition and literature on wellness and on the turning wellness inequalities between and within states all of which was non available 30 old ages ago. All these set together provides a relevant foundation to back up the Alma Ata in the present clip doing it more relevant in presenting effectual wellness attention service.DecisionThe prevalent political and economic state of affairs around the universe make the Alma Ata more relevant than it was in 1978. However, there is still necessitate for more to be done. There is demand for the revival of primary wellness attention harmonizing to the dogmas of the Alma Ata and advancement made should be systematically monitored. There is besides the demand for an increased committedness to the virtuousnesss of ‘health for all ‘ every bit good as increased committedness of resources towards p rimary wellness attention which should be driven by good grounds base. It is of import that accent be changed from individual intercessions that produce short term or immediate consequences to intercessions that will make an incorporate, long term and a sustainable wellness attention system. Even with the challenges being faced so far with full execution of the Alma Ata, the ideals are relevant still relevant now more than of all time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bluest Eye Essay

It is so the start of school but the sisters Claudia and Frieda MacTeer are out to garner coals which had fallen from the railway autos. There was one time when Claudia got ill while they went out to garner coals. her female parent was huffy though still took good attention of her but the kid did non understand that her female parent was mad at the illness and non at her. she besides retrieve how her sister usage to soothe her by singing to her. With that incident. she remembered that love was present. it is an understood though non straight expressed feeling. The MacTeer family had an add-on ; the first 1 was Mr. Henry Washington who lived with Mrs. Della Jones who already grew old and was left by her hubby who was believed to hold run off with another adult female. Another one is Pecola Breedloove. she is to be commiseration with because her male parent put their household house into ashes and now she’s under the country’s detention. Miss Breedlove. being a portion of the MacTeer household. loves to imbibe milk utilizing Shirley temple cup but Claudia expressed how she ever disliked the Shirley temple and the doll which has giver her as a present for Christmas. She tends to cognize why everyone thinks that the fair-haired doll is beautiful and where could its â€Å"beauty† be found. It was in the afternoon of Saturday when Pecola drank three quarts of milk and Mrs. MacTeer got huffy because of that. the sisters tried to avoid her when Pecola starts shed blooding. Frieda thought that Pecola was merely holding her menses and tried to put a tablet to the latter’s frock. Pecola so all of a sudden asked how babes are made. and so Frieda answered her that she has to happen person to love her first. It is on the Saturday forenoon of October. Mrs. Breedlove aftermaths foremost and started out a sudden explosion of action in the kitchen. Pecola is still in bed but she knows that her female parent will get down a battle with his male parent. The twosome battle between Cholly and his married woman became a everyday every after he gets home rummy. their boy Sammy would really either fall in the battle or run off from place while Pecola would happen a manner of how to stand the state of affairs. Mrs. Breedlove would inquire Cholly to convey her some coal for the range but Cholly would decline to make so and she says that one time she sneezing and gets cold from bringing the coal outside. so the hubby is in problem. Unfortunately Mrs. Breedlove sneezed so the battle started. The married woman would utilize a pan to hit her hubby so their boy would assist her female parent by hitting his male parents head. Once Cholly knocks out. Sammy would inquire his female parent to kill his male parent quick but so his female parent would hush him. On the contrary. Pecola still lies on her bed feeling sick. She even wishes she could merely vanish. She hates herself for her ugliness. her instructor and schoolmates would normally disregard her. She hopes for a blue oculus because she believes that that would do her expression reasonably merely like fair-haired Mary Jane pictured in the confect negligee. Pecola goes to see the cocottes populating above their flat. They are sort to her and would ever state her narratives about their â€Å"boyfriends† who are their clients. China. Poland. and Miss Marie are adult females who are non said to be a victim by their profession. they merely dislike work forces. They don’t experience ashamed of what they are. Pecola was so funny how it is likely to be in love or what love is like. She wonders if love is like her parent’s when doing love ; his male parent doing sounds as if agony in hurting while her female parent is quiet. The winter came when a new miss charmed the whole school. Maureen Peal has a cabinet next to Claudia’s and one twenty-four hours the new comer asked the MacTeer sisters if she could fall in them for walk place. The three misss saw Pecola who was harassed by a circle of male childs they bully her and tease her for holding a dark tegument. Frieda hit a male child and threatens the other. Claudia came in to assist her sister and it seems that the male childs where ready to give the sisters a battle but so Maureen arrived and looks like the male childs did non desire to contend in forepart of her and merely left. Maureen asked the misss if they wanted to hold some ice pick and tends to handle merely Pecola. Claudia on the other manus felt abashed and went on without ice pick. The misss started speaking about menses. Pecola was asked if she had of all time seen her male parent bare and answered that she ne'er did but Maureen continued the issue though the sister told her to halt. The misss argued and Claudia started on impeaching Maureen that the miss is a boy-crazy piece Maureen would state them that they are ugly and that they are black. Pecola was hurt and Claudia was alarmed that what the other miss said is a fact. When the misss got home. they saw Henry entertaining Miss Marie and China. Claudia and Frieda disliked it because they know that their female parent hated those misss. These cocottes come in after Mrs. MacTeer leaves the house. Frieda would inquire Mr. Henry about them but the latter would lie and state her that they are merely members of his bible-study group. A black adult female named Geraldine who was married to adult male named Louis has a kid named junior. Geraldine gives a existent first-class attention of junior physically but early on. the kid understands that her female parent is non capable of giving them fondness ; the adult female would demo fondness merely to cats. As a consequence to this. junior would torment a cat or make something probably to ache the animal. Junior would wish to play with inkinesss but his female parent would non let him to play with what they consider a Low-class or nigga. One clip when Geraldine was out Junior asked Pecola to play with him and promised the miss to demo her some kitty. Pecola was overwhelmed by the beauty of the house. interim. junior throw a cat into her face that scratched her. Pecola tried to go forth but so junior stopped him from the door. The cat begun to wish her and Junior was irritated that Pecola got the cat’s attending. Junior threw the cat and hit the radiator. the cat fell down lifelessly. Geraldine was back by so and saw the cat. on the other manus junior said that Pecola was the 1 who killed it and so Geraldine told Pecola that she was a â€Å"nasty small black bitch† . Now Cholly came home rummy once more finds Pecola busy making the dishes. With mix desires of tenderness and lunacy of fury. Cholly raped his ain girl Pecola. She so swoons and when she wakes up she founds her female parent gazing down at her. In Loraine’s black community a light-skinned who was raised from the West was â€Å"self declared reader so as an adviser† . he is Soaphead church. He was a married adult male but was all of a sudden left two months afterwards so he discovered that he does non suit his profession and so he studied psychopathology and other societal scientific disciplines. had different occupations and eventually came to populate in Lorain. He rents a back from Bertha Reese and the lone job that he has with it is the landlady’s Canis familiaris which disgusts him. He planned to kill the Canis familiaris but every clip he tries he hesitates to travel near it. Pecola came to inquire Soaphead Church for bluish eyes. he understands Pecola and was touched by the child’s petition. He understand her through his ain attractive force to whiteness. he knows that he could non assist her but he told Pecola that she should give Bob. the Canis familiaris. a meat that he in secret poisoned. He said that if the Canis familiaris shows any reaction. her wants will so come true. The Canis familiaris that so ate the meat convulsed and earlier died. Pecola seeing the reaction of the Canis familiaris ran off. Meanwhile Soaphead remembers two kids who let him touch them in exchange of money and Sweets and wrote a missive to god stating that he had ne'er touched Pecola and that he Rivaled God for he had granted Pecola’s wish. It is besides said that she will non literally have her bluish eyes but because of the incident. she will believe she now does. Claudia and Frieda noticed that Pecola was inseminated by her ain male parent who had already run off. The whole vicinity was disgusted by that fact but some of them besides blamed Pecola. When her female parent Pauline found her. she hit her difficult. and beat her until she about loses her breath. The MacTeer sisters were sorrowed by the fact that none of the grownup at their topographic point seem to care for Pecola. In the contrary. Claudia made an thought on her head about how the babe looks like. She imagined that the babe with all the beautiful characteristics ; eyes. lips and tegument. They tend to assist hapless Pecola by praying for her and by giving a forfeit ; they plan to bury the money into Pecola’s house and they will works the remainder of the marigold seeds into their ain pace ( bookrags ) . Pecola started her lunacy and is ever conceive ofing that she has a new friend. Her fanciful friend would state her unfavorable judgments for looking at her ain image at the mirror ; Pecola would get down to inquire about how her eyes are so admiringly bluish and inquire her fanciful friend if her eyes are the bluest 1s. She thinks that all the people around her are covetous of her that’s why no 1 dares to look or gaze at her non even her female parent. Then Pecola’s friend would get down speaking about her male parent. and would state her that Mrs. Breedlove must truly lose her hubby really much because they are doing love a batch. The fanciful friend would impeach Pecola that she liked her father’s sexual progresss during the 2nd clip that Cholly raped her. Pecola got angry and decided to travel on to their first subject about her bluish eyes. Claudia and Frieda felt that they failed because their marigold seed ne'er grew and Pecola’s babe was born without life. Cholly died finally in a workhouse and Mrs. Breedlove and Pecola moved into a new topographic point. Claudia thought that it is the people who stand as the clime for a certain individual who tend to be the flower to bloom ( Toni Morrison The Bluest Eye ) . Citations: †Claudia and Frieda thought that it was because Pecola is holding her father’s babe that the seed of the marigold flower did non grow† ( p. 5 ) . This is when Claudia narrated her friend’s being pregnated by Pecola’s ain male parent ( novelguide. com ) . â€Å"Nuns go by every bit quiet as lecherousness. and bibulous work forces and sober eyes sing in the anteroom of the Grecian hotel ( p. 9 ) ( â€Å"The Bluest Eye† ) it explains that in the fall or the start of the narrative. the people are non who they are every bit said to be. â€Å"We stare at her. desiring her staff of life. but more than that desiring to jab the haughtiness out of her eyes and nail the pride of ownership that curls her mastication oral cavity ( p. 9 ) . â€Å" ( novelguide. com ) it is when Claudia stated how she hated Villanucci non because of the things that the individual possess but because of her attitude towards the societal position that she has. â€Å"It had occurred to Pecola some clip ago that if her eyes. those eyes that held the images. and knew the sights-if those eyes of hers were different. that is to state. beautiful. she herself would be different ( P. 46 ) ( novelguide. com ) . † Pecola believed that her life would be different if merely her eyes would turn into bluish. â€Å"She looks up at him and sees the vacuity where wonder ought to lodge and something more. the entire absence of human recognition-the glassy discreteness. † ( p. 48 ) ( novelguide. com ) it is when Pecola went out to purchase confect and the proprietor of the shop did non look to appreciate the beauty she has as a kid. â€Å"The line between colored and nigger was non ever clear ( novelguide. com ) ; elusive and revealing marks threatened to gnaw it. and the ticker had to be changeless. † ( p. 87 ) ( Toni Morrison â€Å"The Bluest Eye† ) This explains how Geraldine tried to conceal the existent visual aspect of junior by taking good attention of him and his true tegument tone. â€Å"She was secure and grateful ; he was sort and lively. † ( p. 116 ) ( novelguide. com ) . The storyteller stated how the twosome. Pauline and Cholly. went good at the beginning of their relationship. â€Å"She was ne'er able. after her instruction in the films. to look at a face and non delegate it some class in the graduated table of absolute beauty. and the graduated table was one she absorbed in full from the Ag screen. † ( p. 122 ) ( novelguide. com ) . Pauline. the female parent of Pecola believed that she could non be compared with other white individual and that she is non beautiful harmonizing to the criterions of white. â€Å"Her simpleness decorated us ; her guilt sanctified us. her hurting made us glow with wellness. † ( p. 205 ) ( novelguide. com ) . The storyteller explains how Pecola’s lower status composite strengthens the feeling of high quality of the people around her. â€Å"Certain seeds it will non foster certain fruit it will non bear and when the land putting to deaths of its ain will. we acquiesce and say the victim had no right to populate. † ( p. 206 ) ( Toni Morrison â€Å"The Bluest Eye† ) . This explains that Pecola’s babe was born dead because the hapless being was hated and that the kid has no right to populate. â€Å"We had defended ourselves since memory against everything and everybody considered all address a codification to be broken by us. and all gestures subject to careful analysis ; we had become froward. oblique. and chesty. Cipher paid us any attending. so we paid really good attending to ourselves. Our restrictions were non known to us—not so. † ( Second-to-last chapter ) ( Toni Morrison â€Å"The Bluest Eye† ) Claudia meant that they ne'er let themselves be oppressed by other people because their parents are at that place to back up them non unlike Pecola who experiences the confrontation of life and decease jobs without anyone to maintain her strong. â€Å"The birdlike gestures are worn off to a mere picking and tweaking her manner between the tyre rims and the helianthuss. between Coke bottles and silkweed. among all the waste and beauty of the world—which is what she herself was. All of our waste which we dumped on her and which she absorbed ( Toni Morrison â€Å"The Bluest Eye† ) . And all of our beauty. which was hers foremost and which she gave to us. â€Å" ( Last chapter ) ( Toni Morrison â€Å"The Bluest Eye† ) This explains how Pecola was made into a symbol of how individual acquire along through the agonies with fright and learns to confront it with hope that shows the interior beauty of a individual. â€Å"Cholly loved her. I’m certain he did. He. at any rate. was the 1 who loved her adequate to touch her. enfold her. and give something of him to her. But his touch was fatal. and the something he gave her filled the matrix of her torment with decease ( last chapter ) . ( Tony Morrison ) . Claudia believed that Cholly loved Pecola the manner he loved Pauline because he touched her and made love to her like he did with Pauline but the love he has for Pecola was the ground of her lunacy. â€Å"For some ground Cholly had non hated the white work forces ; he hated. despised. the miss. Even a half-remembrance of this episode. along with myriad other humiliations. lickings. and emasculations. could stir him into flights of corruption that surprised himself–but non merely himself† . ( ShengYing ) â€Å"Here was an ugly small girl inquiring for beauty. A small black miss who wanted to lift up out of the cavity of her inkiness and see the universe with bluish eyes. â€Å" ( Tony Morrison ) this was when Pecola approached Soaphead church and asked him to allow her a wish which is to hold those bluish eyes. Work Cited ( Toni Morrison â€Å"The Bluest Eye† ) hypertext transfer protocol: //www. novelguide. com/TheBluestEye/toptenquotes. hypertext markup language ( Toni Morrison â€Å"The Bluest Eye† ) hypertext transfer protocol: //www. randomhouse. com/highschool/catalog/display. pperl? isbn=9780375411557 & A ; view=excerpt ( Toni Morrison â€Å"The Bluest Eye† ) hypertext transfer protocol: //academic. Brooklyn. cuny. edu/english/melani/cs6/eye61. hypertext markup language ( Toni Morrison â€Å"The Bluest Eye† ) hypertext transfer protocol: //www. sparknotes. com/lit/bluesteye/quotes. hypertext markup language ( ShengYing ) hypertext transfer protocol: //www. tqnyc. org/NYC040522/thebluesteye/finalwork. htm

Van Hilleary. essays

Van Hilleary. essays If Van Hilleary had made it through pilot training, he might not be running for governor. Piloting aircraft is what the 4th District congressman really wanted to do after graduating from the University of Tennessee and being commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force. But he didn't "juggle" multi-tasks as quickly as he needed to, he said. So when he didn't succeed as a pilot, he stayed in the Air Force reserves and completed navigational training. And therein may be the foundation of the front-runner in the Republican primary for the state's chief executive officer. He doesn't make snap decisions, explained Jennifer Coxe, his press secretary. Some might see that as a weakness. Coxe sees it as Hilleary's strongest attribute. "He takes input from everybody and weighs it. Then he makes a decision," she said. On the campaign trail, Hilleary, 43, tends to stick to issues that a new governor will face in education, TennCare, economic development and the budget. He's established task forces to advise him. But get a few moments with him and wife Meredith over appetizers and iced tea at the Tennessee Grill or a stroll around Ayres Hall on the University of Tennessee campus - two of their favorite spots - and insight into his life becomes clearer. The couple met in Washington, D.C., where she was a congressional aide. She has since obtained a master's degree in education at UT. After getting a bachelor's degree at UT, Hilleary worked briefly in the family textile business at Spring City in Rhea County, returned to UT for graduate school, then decided to go to law school at Samford University in Birmingham, Ala. "I was searching for a new direction," he said. He ended up volunteering for assignments in Desert Shield and Desert Storm in the 1990s. He served as navigator on one rescue mission tha t resulted in a national award for the plane's crew, but Hilleary didn't mention that during an interview. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Rules for Sig. Digs Essays - Chemical Bonding, Valence Electron

Rules for Sig. Digs Essays - Chemical Bonding, Valence Electron Rules for Sig. Digs All digits from 1-9 are sig. Zeroes btwn the digs. 1-9 are sig. Leading 0s sig. If there is NO decimal pt, trailing 0s are sig. If there is a decimal pt, trailing 0s are sig. When + and round to lowest sig. dig. Period A row in the periodic table Group A column in the periodic table Valence Electrons Electrons in the outermost shell of an atom Nomenclature Ionic Compounds Write symbols for each element Write charge for element above its symbol Cross the numbers from the charges over to the other element to make a subscript Change the ending to -ide Latin Names Iron= Ferric/Ferrous Copper= Cupric/Cuprous Tin= Stannic/Stannous Gold= Auric/Aurous Mercury= Mercuric/Mercurous Lead= Plumbic/Plumbous Polyatomic Compounds *Recognize the groups of atoms that act as one ion* OH NICK the CAMEL had a CLAM for SUPPER in PHOENIX *exception Ammonium* Molecular Compounds Use prefixes Mono-1 Di-2 Tri-3 Tetra-4 Penta-5 Hexa-6 Hepta-7 Octa-8 Non-9 Deca-10 Element closest to the left goes first Scientific Notation Notation based on powers of 10 Sig. dig. X 10# of times decimal moved Exponent Examples 3 43 = 192 4x3 2x3 = 8x6 x5 x3 = x8 65/63 = 62 x4/x7 = x-3 = 1/x3 80 = 1 (y4)3 = y12 Matter Pure Substance A material that is composed of only one type of particle Mixture A material system made up of two or more different substances which are mixed but are not combined chemically Element Primary constituents of matter Compounds Consists of two or more different atoms Homogenous A homogeneous mixture is any mixture that is uniform in composition throughout Heterogeneous A heterogeneous mixture is any mixture that is not uniform in composition Diagrams Lewis Dot Element symbol and valence electrons Bohr Rutherford In the nucleus (#of neutrons, #of protons) Electrons circling in shells Periodic Trends Atomic Radius The distance from the centre of the atom to the boundary within which electrons spend 90% of their time Trends in A.R within a Period The radius increases going from left to right Trends in A.R within a Group Size of radius increases going down a group Ionization Energy The amount of energy required to remove the outermost electron from the atom or ion in a gaseous state Electronegativity An indicator of the relative ability of an atom to attract shared electrons Trends in E.N E.N increases going up a group E.N increases going left to right across a period Highest E.N: Fluorine Lowest E.N: Francium Metal Reactivity Trend Moving left to right across a period reactivity increases Moving down a group reactivity decreases Metallic Properties Trend Tend to decrease across a period and increase down a group Atomic # The number of protons Atomic Mass The mass of an atomic particle Isotope An atom with different numbers of neutrons Ion An atom that has gained or lost an electron Trends in Electron Configuration Elements in the same group have the same # of valence electrons Across a period # of valence electrons increase Valence electrons in a period occupy the same energy level Down a group the energy of the valence shell electrons increases Covalent Bond Angle Summary IVVVIVII 4 bonds3 bonds2 bonds1 bond Ionic Bonds Between a metal and a non-metal High melting and boiling points Conductive when liquid Covalent Bonds Between 2 non-metals Low melting and boiling points Poor Conductivity Soft or brittle solid forms Noble Gases Group 18 elements Full octet Does not bond Stable, non- reactive Halogens Group 17 elements 7 valence electrons Reactive Non-metals Alkali Metals Elements in group 1 (except for hydrogen) 1 valence electron Very reactive Alkaline Earth Metals Elements in group 2 2 valence electrons Semi reactive Lanthanides Period 6 Rare earth elements Inner transition elements Actinides Period 7 Have no stable isotopes Radioactive Transition Metals Groups 3 through 11 Hard metals High melting points Complex electron configuration Non-metals Semi reactive Most common in the tissue of living organisms Metalloids Share properties of metals and non-metals Poor conductors Polarity The physical alignment of atoms Can be predicted using the electronegativity difference of the elements that are bonded Polar Covalent Unequal sharing Nonpolar Covalent Equal sharing Metallic Bonding Occurs between atoms with low electro negativities Close-packed lattice formation No electron belongs to one atom Metallic bonds are not ions, but nuclei with moving electrons Physical Properties of Metallic Bonds Conductive Lustrous Malleable The greater the amount of valence electrons the stronger the metallic bond VSEPR Theory V: Valence S: Shell E: Electron P: Pair R: Repulsion Because of negative charges, atoms orient themselves as far apart as possible Electron Affinity The energy absorbed or released when an electron is added to a neutral atom The Octet Rule When bonds form between atoms, the atoms gain, lose, or share, electrons in such a way that they create a filled outer shell containing eight electrons Single Bond A covalent bond that results from atoms sharing one pair of electrons Double Bond A covalent bond that results from atoms sharing two pairs of electrons Triple Bond A covalent bond that results from the atoms sharing three pairs of electrons Bonding Pair A pair of electrons that is shared by two atoms, thus forming a covalent bond Lone Pair A pair of electrons that is not part of a covalent bond Electronegativity Difference The difference between

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Immigration and employment in Ontario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Immigration and employment in Ontario - Essay Example series of relevant legislative texts has been developed in any modern state which provides the requirements needed for the relevant procedure to be completed. These requirements are usually common among all countries around the world with only certain points of differentiation. It has been noticed that in countries with a high rate of development the relevant requirements tend to be stricter comparing the ones applied in the less developed countries. However, this assumption is not absolute and there are cases where the above requirements are equally formulated in both developed and developing countries. This paper examines the current conditions regarding the immigration policy applied in Canada and specifically the area of Ontario (with a special reference to the city of Toronto). The specific area has been a place that attracted a significant number of immigrants mostly in the past. Today also it seems that the rate of growth in the immigrants entering the country and the specific area continues to increase. This phenomenon although positive in certain aspects for the local economy it has been proved to have certain negative influences particularly in the financial area. The role of immigrants and their interaction with the local society is being examined in order for specific points of common to be found and for certain policies to be examined as of their suitability regarding their reason of existence. The presentation of statistical data combined with the findings of the literature has been considered as an effective method of exploring the above problem to the best possible level. Immigration in Canada has a long history. In fact, it has been found (Coyne, 1996) that in the 128 years since confederation, some 14 million immigrants came to Canada, almost a third before the First World War as Canadian immigration policy was essentially an open door. In this context, between 1867 and 1899, Canada absorbed 1.6 million immigrants into a population at

Friday, October 18, 2019

THE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

THE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACT - Assignment Example The RMA advocates for the protection and development of the natural and physical resources in order to enable communities and individuals to provide for their social, cultural and economic wellbeing while safeguarding the life supporting capacity of the ecosystems and mitigating the potential adverse effects of their activities. According to Frieder (1997), the adoption of RMA was particularly significant in a number of reasons. For example, unlike the previous resource use regulations which were controlled by different agencies and sectors such as pollution, forestry and land use among others, the RMA act has provided an integrated framework for environmental and resource management. Another potential significance of the Resource Management Act is that it is the first statute in New Zealand to incorporate the principle of environmental sustainability and sustainable management as part of the regulatory framework. This is particularly based on the notion that sustainable management of our resources is critically important for the regulation of human activities on the environment. This paper critically discusses the use of New Zealand’s Resource Management Act as a tool for promoting sustainable management of the natural and physical resources of New Zealand. There are currently 12 regional councils in New Zealand. Generally, regional councils play some of the critical roles in the implementation of the Resource Management Act. During the assessment of the resource consents, regional councils often undertake a number of processes and considerations particularly the issuance of resource consents. The other roles of regional councils are preparation of regional plans and policy statements, carrying out enforcement actions and monitoring the actual state of the environment and the potential impact of their decisions under the


WITH REFERENCE TO THE UN MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS, CRITICALLY EVALUATE THE ASSERTION THAT HEALTH IS NOW TOP OF THE INTERNATIONAL AGENDA FOR DEVELOPMENT - Essay Example eover, the countries committed themselves towards reducing child mortality which is MDG number four, followed by a declaration to improve maternal health as the MD goal number five. This is followed by a promise to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases while a commitment to ensure environmental sustainability became the MDG number seven. The last goal in the list is the declaration to develop a global partnership for development. To fast track the achievement of the MDG, UNDP (2010, p. 10) explains that in September, 2010 there was a UN conference in which the countries reaffirmed their commitment towards achieving the MDGs and promised to accelerate efforts towards their achievement. In reference to the Millennium Development Goals one can rightly assert that health is currently top of the international agenda for development. Looking critically at all the millennium Development goals shows that United Nations gives health top priority. All the eight goals contribute in one or the other in enhancing the health of global population. According to United Nations (2007, p. 23), giving each person a chance to enjoy a long and healthy life is both an essential goal of development and a means of enhancing the potential of a country to develop. Millennium Development Goal one committed nations to eradication of extreme poverty and hunger. If this goal is adequately addressed, it could lead to significant improvement in the health of the global population. Under this goal, United Nations (2007, p. 23), explains that the first target was to reduce by halve the proportion of people living on less than a dollar a day from what the population was in 1990. Reddy and Heuty (2005, p. 10) argues that poverty is a multi-dimensional phenomenon and defines it as lack of options to various dimensions of the quality of life. T here are many people living in absolute poverty in some parts of Asia and Africa as observed by Reddy and Heuty (2005, p. 10). Poverty deprives one a

Nursing Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nursing Ethics - Essay Example Every professional nurse should have a clear understanding of her nursing philosophy and values, professional requirements and responsibilities. All aspects of nursing (e.g. education, practice, management and research) have a profound ethical dimension. The ethical and moral dimension is distinguished from other dimensions of nursing by the inherent moral demands. Quality assurance has become a leading goal of health care delivery, the effect of public alarm over the high cost of care and the aim of offering the best care. The concept of caring is one of the most important and unique because it goes back to ancient times and determines the nature of nursing profession. The term caring means "nurturing and loving support of a person" (Yoder-Wise 2005, p. 7). The concept of nursing that has been evolving throughout the ages has not yet reached its fullest maturity. It continues to grow and develop to include widening spheres of nursing service and practice and expanding functions. Nursing has its origin in the mother-care of helpless infants and must have coexisted with this type of care from earliest times. Frequently this referred to a woman who suckled a child who was not her own, that is, a wet nurse. The maternal instinct provided that strong impulse or motive necessary to care for those who were suffering or helpless. Consequently, the nurse as a loving mother who intuitively comforts and renders care continues to be a popular image (Burns and Grove 2005). The parental instinct more accurately des cribes this strong motive and is present in both sexes of all races and within different age-groups. This concept reflects individual-nurse relations and importance of strict values and moral rules in this profession (Yoder-Wise 2005). The ethical and moral dimension is a care of nursing profession. Healthcare ethics is based on philosophical ideas go back to ancient time. Philosophy, no less than medicine, was transformed in the early modern period under the impact of science, and researchers might see the existence of "moral philosophy" as such as consequent on the cultural changes brought about by the scientific revolution. Introducing as they did a comprehensive secular version of the world, the modern sciences created a demand for a secular version of the ethical doctrines previously encoded within religion. This dimension is closely connected with concepts of health and wellbeing, an individual and society. Values are defined as 'broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others' (Thomasma 2004, p. 8). Ethics means 'a set of moral and ethical principles which determine right and wrong actions' (Thomasma 2004, p. 10). For a nurse, medical ethics raises the question of how her activities affect the behavior of individuals and the values of society, and concerns important ethical questions about the role of medical staff in the management process and healthcare delivery. Heifetz explains ethics as a mixture of morals, customs and values, and laws: Moral issues arise whenever human action or inaction affects others. Customs and values reflect the moral underpinning of a society. Morality speaks to what is right or wrong in human relationships, how we should treat others and how others ought to treat us,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Identify qualitative methodology in journal articles and critically Research Paper

Identify qualitative methodology in journal articles and critically review its applicability to the study - Research Paper Example ents were quite appropriate for the study, as capturing the essence of what drives both the management of change and the influence of the processes and systems at two different companies on female workers with varying degrees of education and experience. In order to fully assess different perspectives on these views, the unstructured interview allowed the subjects to freely express their unique experiences and viewpoints regarding the role of women in the workplace and how their roles are defined through different social lenses. Additionally, the unstructured interview, as opposed to the simple survey or questionnaire format, allows the researcher to dig deeper into the human behavioral aspects which drive various decision-making in the workplace. It is a relatively common fact that, from an HR perspective, people have various needs in the professional environment linked to autonomous working conditions and empowerment in order to feel fully valuable to an organization. With this in mind, had this study taken a more quantitative approach, such as the utilization of surveys to locate patterns of behavior at the two workplaces described in the research article, it would have limited the potential of the study by limiting responses to a set series of researcher-designed criteria. For instance, a multi-tick survey instrument, such as a series of questions with potential responses ranging from 1-10 based on personal opinion, might have captured whether specific patterns existed in terms of individual worker pers pectives on the role of women in the workplaces. However, the more behavioral aspects of managing people, such as the soft approach to human resources management where people development is paramount, would be missing from this approach, which justifies this study’s use of the informal interview template to provide for free expression of ideas and unique perspectives. One notable limitation to this study’s design involves its lack of clear objectives: What

Monopoly and Competitiveness Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Monopoly and Competitiveness - Research Paper Example 2. Competition- a perfectly competitive firm has no control on the competition as the entry and exit of new firms is not restricted. However a monopolist firm being dominant in its market can create entry barriers for new firms. 3. Supply and demand curves- a perfectly competitive firm faces a horizontal demand curve and an upward sloping supply cure. While in the case of monopoly firm it faces a downward sloping demand curve and its supply curve is dependent on the marginal cost and marginal revenue (as seen in the graph below). 4. Profit- maximizing output- a perfectly competitive firm maximizes its profit at the point where its marginal cost equals marginal revenue which in turn is equal to the equilibrium price. Whereas a monopoly firm maximizes its profit at the point where marginal revenue equals marginal cost and vertically locates the supply quantity on the demand curve (as seen in the graph below). A2. Schumpeter has tried to elaborate and improve the definition of monopoly. The term has been misinterpreted and misunderstood continually. It is regarded as a taboo which equals to oppression and savage exploitation of resources. But it is important to understand that monopoly evolves mainly due to the large-scale structure of a business. This in turn is achieved by hard work and outstanding performance. Though he does not deny that there have been instances when the production is not improved despite the large-scale domination of the monopoly but this is not enough for backing up the common generalization associated with the term. According to him a single-seller position gained by either patent or monopolistic strategy can not be termed as exploitation as in most cases they are innovators. They bring in the new commodities and build their markets. In the case of perfect competition, where the market forces in equilibrium are disturbed by some external factor, then under old views it is assumed that the market itself reaches the new equilibrium. But in reality it might take the market farther than the new equilibrium than stabilizing it. Another common notion about the perfectly competitive market is that, it is free of wastage of resources and inefficiencies. This in fact tumbles when considering the fact that a large-scale business can produce a similar product with the same resources but with improved technology, quality, usability etc. and these are the reasons for why it charges a

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Nursing Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nursing Ethics - Essay Example Every professional nurse should have a clear understanding of her nursing philosophy and values, professional requirements and responsibilities. All aspects of nursing (e.g. education, practice, management and research) have a profound ethical dimension. The ethical and moral dimension is distinguished from other dimensions of nursing by the inherent moral demands. Quality assurance has become a leading goal of health care delivery, the effect of public alarm over the high cost of care and the aim of offering the best care. The concept of caring is one of the most important and unique because it goes back to ancient times and determines the nature of nursing profession. The term caring means "nurturing and loving support of a person" (Yoder-Wise 2005, p. 7). The concept of nursing that has been evolving throughout the ages has not yet reached its fullest maturity. It continues to grow and develop to include widening spheres of nursing service and practice and expanding functions. Nursing has its origin in the mother-care of helpless infants and must have coexisted with this type of care from earliest times. Frequently this referred to a woman who suckled a child who was not her own, that is, a wet nurse. The maternal instinct provided that strong impulse or motive necessary to care for those who were suffering or helpless. Consequently, the nurse as a loving mother who intuitively comforts and renders care continues to be a popular image (Burns and Grove 2005). The parental instinct more accurately des cribes this strong motive and is present in both sexes of all races and within different age-groups. This concept reflects individual-nurse relations and importance of strict values and moral rules in this profession (Yoder-Wise 2005). The ethical and moral dimension is a care of nursing profession. Healthcare ethics is based on philosophical ideas go back to ancient time. Philosophy, no less than medicine, was transformed in the early modern period under the impact of science, and researchers might see the existence of "moral philosophy" as such as consequent on the cultural changes brought about by the scientific revolution. Introducing as they did a comprehensive secular version of the world, the modern sciences created a demand for a secular version of the ethical doctrines previously encoded within religion. This dimension is closely connected with concepts of health and wellbeing, an individual and society. Values are defined as 'broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others' (Thomasma 2004, p. 8). Ethics means 'a set of moral and ethical principles which determine right and wrong actions' (Thomasma 2004, p. 10). For a nurse, medical ethics raises the question of how her activities affect the behavior of individuals and the values of society, and concerns important ethical questions about the role of medical staff in the management process and healthcare delivery. Heifetz explains ethics as a mixture of morals, customs and values, and laws: Moral issues arise whenever human action or inaction affects others. Customs and values reflect the moral underpinning of a society. Morality speaks to what is right or wrong in human relationships, how we should treat others and how others ought to treat us,