Thursday, September 12, 2019

Customer Engagement in Social Media & Netflix Assignment

Customer Engagement in Social Media & Netflix - Assignment Example Today people prefer other people’s experience and their opinions about a particular product or service rather than advertising and promotions of the brands. For this reason internet is playing a vital role in encouraging people to share their ideas, experiences, opinions to influence others. The potential consumers seek for these types of information which is available and open to everyone (Evans and McKee, 2010). One of the benefits of taking this course is that the information is presented two-fold. Both the marketing and consumer perspectives are represented in an effort to provide you with a holistic view of Social media Marketing. What is your perspective on the Netflix/Qwikster rebranding endeavor? Taking the newly adopted Netflix business model into consideration, how would you have handled the negative customer outpourings on the Social Web if you were in the shoes of Netflix CEO Reed Hastings? FYI, implementing the previous price model is not an option in this scenario, what are other alternatives Netflix could have explored that would prove beneficial to both customers and stakeholders? The Company decided to change the name of its DVD mail service to Qwikster while rebranding, however being wise in technology and innovative, the Company did not go through Social Media, i.e. Twitter where a guy named Jason Castillo already existed with Qwikster (Hill, 2011). To make Netflix beneficial for customers as well as stakeholders and to handle the negative reviews there should have been a better communication process. The Company increasing the prices and doubling it followed by a bad communication process would certainly put a loyal customer to rethink about the relationship with the Company. Priority to customers is the main element and while driving prices up, there could have been a better communication with the customers through their blogs and through other social media. They could have communicated with the

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