Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Corporate Social Responsibility - Term Paper Example The concept of corporate social responsibility is underpinned by the specific idea or principle that the organizations around the globe cannot act as the isolated economic units operating in the detachment from the broader society. Traditional and old views about survival, profitability, and competitiveness have been swept away through the concept of CSR (Fukukawa, 2011, p.121). In the past, the governments of the developed and developing countries strongly relied on the regulation and legislation to deliver environmental and social objectives in the competitive business sector. Recoiling government resources, integrated with the regulation’s distrust has guided to the exploration of non-regulatory and voluntary initiatives. Growing demand for the corporate disclosure from the stakeholders including suppliers, employees, investors, communities, activist organizations, and customers are pushing business towards the CSR initiatives. Recently several investors are changing the wa y of the performance assessment of the organizations. Investors are making their investment decisions based on various criterions that include ethical concerns. According to the report of social investment forum, more than 2 trillion US dollars valued assets invested in the portfolio linked to the social and environmental responsibility. The organizations are trying to maintain proper business ethics in their business practices in order to motivate and attract shareholders and investors. In addition, employees within the organization are increasingly looking beyond several employment benefits. Effective and skilled employees are the strongest asset of an organization. Therefore, it is important for the organization to retain skilled, experienced and effective employees. The organizations are trying to motivate their employees by providing employment benefits and taking care of their professional and personal needs. In this competitive business environment, it is important for the or ganization to retain skilled employees. Moreover, the organizations are trying to maintain an effective relationship with the suppliers.  

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