Monday, September 30, 2019

Outline and Discuss the Major Roles and Functions of the Guidane Counsellor

Within our Jamaican schools the guidance counseling programmes are designed to implement core principles as stated by the Jamaican school curriculum. Guidance counsellors are the ones who play the role of effectively analyzing and implementing these programmes which ensure that all students are well prepared to manage these â€Å"exciting times†; every student needs support and guidance. This is imperative as they embark upon the academic, social, spiritual and developmental challenges of adolescence; a time of rapid growth and change.Our guidance and counselling programmes offer students the opportunity to develop these characteristics necessary to become successful adults in a fast changing world. The primary goal of guidance and counselling and guidance counsellors is to guide and support overall student development and well-being in three broad areas of student life; while keeping in mind the central tasks of adolescence such as acquiring and assimilating self-knowledge, d eveloping future goals and purposefulness, building strategies to accomplish goals, developing decision-making skills, coping with outcomes of decisions and exploring social relationships.The guidance counsellor is charged with the responsibility of being the one who facilitates positive change in the lives of those in their care especially in the three broad areas. These include ‘Personal/Social Goals’ which entails helping students acquire the inter personal and communication skills to increase their understanding and respect of self and others. Academic Goals’, which helps students develop a wide range of academic skills and become effective agents of their learning, ‘Post Secondary-College Planning Goals’ achieved through information sessions and by making resources available to research and apply to college, students are able to plan and make decisions about their future. John is a fifteen year old student who has recently returned to Jamaica to live with his father. John had left Jamaica at an early age to live with his mother in the Cayman Island. She is now incarcerated in the Cayman Island and so he now has to live with his father.John is having serious problems in school and at home. He has been getting very low grades in class and is sometimes very disrespectful to his teachers especially his female teachers. John also finds it hard to adjust and to make new friends; he resents the woman with whom his father now lives and is now hiding from school and hanging out at the video arcade. John’s teachers and his father have made arrangements for him to have weekly sessions with the schools Guidance Counsellor. The roles of a Guidance Counsellor in any Jamaican school vary.John’s case is just one example of the wide spectrum of psychosocial problems experienced by many Jamaica students who are in need of guidance and support. The role of a counselor in John’s case is vital to his adjustment to his new situation and with him dealing with the pain of his past experiences. Whatever his counsellor does is critical in his survival from his maladjustments. Myric (2003) defines the term ‘role’ as an elusive one. It generally refers to the part that one plays in a given situation. He further gives the definition of function as the way in which a professional carries out his/her part.Function gives attention to various behaviours that might be performed in the role. Guidance and counselling is therefore a necessity in all Jamaican schools. The needs of students especially those at the adolescent stage are overwhelming. As postulated by Makinde (1993) persons at the adolescence stage in life need guidance as they seek to clarify their goals and values, strengthen their interests and aspirations, appreciate their philosophies and cognition and adjust to the norms of society. Some major roles and functions of the guidance counsellors according to Gibson et al. 1999) are to provi de individual counselling, group counselling, work with parents, and consult with teachers and administrators. Guidance counsellors should also conduct classroom guidance instructions and assessment activity and coordinate with community agencies. The Ministry of Education (2009) outlines the major components that comprise roles and functions as: preventative, interventive, supportive administrative and pro professional development. In order to help Jamaican students make the transition from childhood to adulthood, the guidance counsellor’s role is integral in this quest towards the holistic development of these students.How important are these roles and functions in the development of our children, our future? This essay seeks to outline the major roles and functions of a guidance counsellor in our Jamaica school setting and also to examine some of the factors which negatively impact the guidance counsellor in his or her quest towards fulfilling these roles. As a guidance co unsellor the implementation of all the components geared towards the holistic development of students must be considered and implemented. These should be ongoing and emphasis should be placed on classroom guidance as well as group and individual counselling.Ministry of Education (2009) coined preventive measures as proactive initiatives implemented to deter the onset of individual and group problems. These measures and strategies will provide students and others the opportunities to learn skills of conflict resolution and reduction. Guidance Counsellors are able to assist in the planning, implementing and coordinating of orientation designed to help students adjust to new experiences within the school community. The preventative components also help guidance counsellors to promote leadership development of peer counsellors and encourage participation in community service programmes.These programmes also furnish principals and other stakeholders with relevant information concerning s tudents in the various stages of development. As students progress through the different levels of academic life, they are faced with tremendous problems of deciding and selecting their subjects, courses and career choice. This challenge can be alleviated through the professional guidance of the guidance counsellor. The counsellor will assist the students to make rational decisions toward their life goals.Through career development programmes the Guidance counsellors help provide placement services and work experience for the students. Through this kind of programme the counsellor is able to help the students to make the transition from one school level to another or from school to employment, in this way students are better prepared and equipped with skills necessary for the world of work. The guidance counsellor also assists students who although they have been exposed to the options and guidance in a group setting, have not made up their minds as to which area they would like to pursue.These students are usually assisted on an individual basis. Another major role and function of the guidance counsellor includes individual counselling of students. Gibson (1999) defines individual counselling as one-to-one relationship involving a trained counsellor that focuses on some aspects of the client’s adjustment, development, or decision making. This process can therefore help a counsellor develop a close personal relationship and communication base with the student. As such the guidance counsellor in the school can help tudents to develop understanding of self as it relates to their social and psychological world. Students can also be assisted in exploring possibilities relating to their lives and also understanding how to initiate change in their lives. Through individual counselling students will gain a better sense of confidence in the counsellor and will no doubt be more comfortable in discussing and dealing with issues presented. With individual counsell ing the opportunity is there for them to speak freely without the fear that may exist in a group setting.For a student such as John an individual session will help him to deal with underlying issues which have created his bitterness and anger. He would be better able to cope with all the changes with which he is faced. Such an individual counselling session would allow him the framework on which to maximize his true potential and understand his world in order to impact positive change. Saginak (2003) provides additional insights into how effective counsellors can help identify students of multiple intelligences.This finding can help a counsellor care for the different needs of students. For example, the use of journal writing, art, music and poetry has been advocated for many years as effective ways with counselling students. Individual counselling is basically a continuous process as the counsellor seeks to build a relationship with each student he or she comes in contact with. Ind ividual counselling by a guidance counsellor is sometimes the only means of providing some kind of hope for some children. Hence, the counsellor should ensure that a harmonious relationship is built.Although some students are confident to go to a counsellor’s office after being referred by their teacher, parents or peer, some may be reluctant; as such, group sessions will help to cater to the needs of these students. The importance of group counselling (small group, large group) and guidance in schools cannot be overemphasized. According to Johnson (2000), group counselling involves two or more individuals in face-to-face interactions, each aware of positive interdependence as they strive to achieve mutual goal.Myrick (2003) adds value to what Johnson (2000) said that group counselling in school is a unique educational experience in which students can work together to explore their ideas, attitudes, feelings and behavior especially as it relates to personal development and pr ogress in school. For some students this might be the only intervention experience in learning about themselves, others, life task and how to deal with certain confidential issues. It is clear that group counselling helps students to share common interest and concerns.Students like to know that other students are having similar experiences as they are having. Groups are valuable as students are better able to support each other as they struggle together. As such, students are better able to relate to each other in their social contexts. Improvise the opportunity for students for students to learn and live with each other as a team. Gladding (2009), states that students participating in a group develop social relationships and emotional bonds and often become enlightened.Research has also shown Flemming (1999) that group counselling is more effective than individual counselling to address the need of students, especially â€Å"at risk† students. He further asserts that this co ntention is supported through research into violent youths, which suggests that peer group interventions are effective in redirecting peer values, confronting antisocial behavior, teaching problem-solving skills and encouraging pro-social behavior. Dollarhide et al (2003) opines that students in group counselling allow counsellors to expand their awareness of student client.What better way to see how students react in their systems than to witness it first-hand. In essence group counselling in Jamaican schools provide both students and guidance counsellors with a more comprehensive knowledge of what students are faced with on a daily basis, issues can be dealt with and students continue to focus on their goals. As in John’s case, he may not be responsive in a group setting as well as he might be timid or embarrassed to tell his story. Although group counselling can be beneficiary to many students, it has its down side.The nature of group settings can at times bring out comple x and sensitive issues which might require counsellors to speak to teachers and parents to better aid students in this process, hence the need for consultation. Saginak (2003),defines consultation as a three part helping relationship characterized by confidentiality, mutual respect and collegiality, focused on helping the consulted function more effectively with the client. Saginak further states that consultation provides a systematic intervention allowing counsellors to reach into student’s context and mobilize other persons in the student’s support network.In the consultation process the Guidance Counsellor can maximize the opportunity to educate the teachers, parents and community on the developmental issues that students are faced with this level of consultation is vital in Jamaican schools as it provides stakeholders with the assurance in dealing with the issues which may arise with their children. Parents are better able maximize on their roles as caregivers and confidants. This is as a result of the access to cooperative relationship with their child’s Guidance Counsellor.This enables them to better understand their child’s behavior, attitude, relationship and other concerns. In addition, it provides the opportunity for counsellors to consult with parents who are not actively participating in their child’s education. In a case like John’s which is similar to many children in Jamaica, the guidance Counsellor would not only help him to deal with his present problems but also to develop skills that would allow him to be able to cope with other challenging situations which will inevitably occur throughout his lifetime.His parents would also be enlightened as to how their actions influence his state of mind and behaviour and the steps they can take to help him to live a better life. Parents would also have a closer hand on what exactly is going on in the life of their children and would receive information as to whe ther or not their child need further help to cope with different situations. Consultation also helps teachers and administrators in dealing with students who are exhibit anti-social or dysfunctional behaviour.It provides the teacher the opportunity to learn the skills necessary to deal with these children who are problematic. Teachers would understand the adjustments of the curriculum and instructions needed to effect positive change. In his or her role in the Jamaican school system the guidance counsellors also provide consultation to the members of the school community this is deemed necessary as the community is usually the nurturing ground for the members of the school. This in effect filters down to benefiting the student and the entire community.This also fosters a better and more effective communication process between the school and the community. Although not an official role, the guidance counsellor in the Jamaican schools, through community involvement, are often times ca lled upon to lobby for sponsors for different projects these are usually projects undertaken by the counselling department or administration for the funding of different project geared towards students’ development. As stated by Miss Cindy Nemard guidance counsellor at Quest Preparatory, many students benefit from these programmes specially in the public schools where school feeding programmes, school fee payment, sport scholarships, examination fees, uniform to books and other programmes benefit the children based on the collaboration effort of the guidance counsellors and the community members. Miss Nemard further states that this allows the community members through their support of the school a sense of being a part of the school development and progress. They also get to voice their opinion on their hopes and plans for the school and in turn the students.In addition the counsellor gains easier access to engaging families in counselling the process and if necessary collec ting information to assist the police, judge or social worker. The overall benefit from community consultation is immeasurable. She further states that when the stakeholders are involved in the children’s development the school environment is more shaped within the community. To maximize on this the guidance counsellor must have a good programme which will be beneficial towards the total development of the students.Without a plan we have very little hope of achieving the full potential of our dreams and aspirations, similar is the case with a guidance counsellor in achieving his or her objectives. He or she must have a clear idea of the needs of the students and the objectives must be in line with such. The role of the guidance counsellor in this instance is one of being administrator as he or she must not only decide on the objectives but plan careful and effective programme to achieve these goals. These goals must be in line with the Ministry of Education’s guideline s and at the same time cater for the needs of the stakeholders.These programmes must be infused with the school’s curriculum. The counsellor has to maintain records of the process and progress of the guidance programme and all the activities involved, these include career day, orientation of new students, staff and student development seminars, curriculum lessons and consultation time. Myrick (2003) says that a guidance counsellor is like the co-pilot on a plane, responsible for his or her own programme. The question therefore arises: what are the specific ways in which a guidance Counsellor leads?The guidance counsellor at all times has to be involved in planning, coordinating, organizing, assessing and evaluating. The counsellor has to be reliable, impartial and accountable. The guidance counsellor has to be supportive of all stakeholders. Ministry of Education (2010) views supportive as those management activities that establish, maintain and enhance the total guidance and counselling programmes. A full assessment of programmes activities in schools helps the counsellors to plan for future programmes and evaluate to what extent the programme are working or their effectiveness.Ongoing assessment needs to be done for the students to ensure readiness for ongoing learning. As guidance counsellors are seen as helpers who understand and respond to human needs however, he or she must be cognisant of his or her needs as well. With the approval of the Ministry of Education and the school boards counsellors must engage in personal and professional development. According to the Ministry of Education the guidance counsellor must attend conferences, workshops, and meeting.These include those at the Jamaica Association of Guidance Counsellors in Education (JAGCE), the Guidance Counselling Unit and other organizations not exceeding fifteen sessions per year. As the guidance counsellors acquire these skills and knowledge he or she must demonstrate knowledge of the l aw and policies as it relates to education, guidance and counselling, children and adolescent. The counsellor must also abide by the Education act (1980) and the Code of National Ethics of the Jamaica Association of JAGCE Ministry (2009).Being a proactive, knowledgeable individual, a guidance counsellor has to keep up to date with the required skills and knowledge in order to be a competent and effective counsellor. Although the guidance counsellors are reaping some success in schools, they are faced with existing challenges which affects the effective performance of their daily tasks. Myrick (2003) thinks that the individual counselling is becoming a luxury in schools. It cannot be provided for everyone. He further states that some students need this more than others because of the nature of their concerns and their inability to work with groups.In essence, counsellors face limitations to effectively cater to every student. Counsellors do not have enough time to see all. Guidance c ounsellors are also seen as coordinators of many activities and programmes within the school setting. They are responsible for a number of administrative work involving students, teachers, parents and all the stakeholders involved. This role in itself impedes the speed and progress of other important roles. It may lead to an overworked counsellor and an unbalanced counselling programme.Myrick (2003), points out that the coordinating functions of can be a millstone round a counsellor’s neck, or it can lead to some productive outcomes in guidance. Counsellors are seen as teachers with flexible time and so at times there is disregard for the structured plans and routine of a guidance counsellor as he or she is often called up onto fill in as a substitute teacher in the absence of a regular class teacher. Another problem that counsellors face is that of the increase in the violence in the society which is then mirrored in the Jamaican schools. Counsellors are limited to their job s as it is often difficult for them to gain access to the root cause of the problems involving violence in the schools.Students who are exposed to violence in their communities may begin to adapt to this kind of life experience and sometimes may even accept violence as the norm. Although the guidance counsellors use their initiatives to encourage students in situations like these at times their efforts seem to go unnoticed The limitations and challenges also extend to the lack of or insufficient resources in schools. For the counselling process to be effective the counsellor should be provided with certain basic essentials such as a comfortable counselling area in which to practice.Counsellors are sometimes hesitant to pursue difficult cases involving students especially as it relates to criminal offences. Counsellors are often apprehensive of the repercussions which may arise when reports are made against persons who commit crimes against children. With the inadequacy of our legal system, counsellors sometimes have to think of the safety and well being of themselves and their families. The roles and functions of a guidance counsellor are many and varied and sometimes extend to areas undefined; however as a guidance counsellor one must ensure that his or her role is carried out comprehensively and effectively.All the roles mentioned are specific to all counsellors but may vary depending on the type of school. The finding in this research outlines and gives definite answers relating to some roles and functions of the guidance counsellor within the Jamaican schools. The roles identified include providing education counselling, career counselling, consultation, classroom instruction, individual and group counselling. It can be concluded that the role of the guidance counsellor is important for the continued development of the students in our school and in effect the continued development of our Jamaican society.Reference Gladding,T. (2009). A comprehensive Profes sion. New Jersey Gibson, L. (1999). Introduction to Counselling and Guidance. United States of America Prentice Hall Inc. Mankind, O (1993). Fundamentals of Guidance and Counselling London Oxford Mack Millan Education Myrick, D (2003). Development Guidance and Counselling: A Practical Approach. 4th Edition. United States of America: Education Media Corporation. Ministry of Education Guidance Counselling Unit

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ikea’s Global Sourcing Challenge Essay

1) IKEA is a successful global furniture company, which was founded as a mail order business earlier. The vision of IKEA was to create a better life for the many people, besides offering qualitative products with affordable prices, IKEA was trying to be environmental friendly and social responsible. Nevertheless, the flourish of IKEA also brought some problems, and IKEA was currently seeking a better way to deal with the child labor issues of its suppliers. 2) IKEA was facing a harsh issue due to the secretly using of child labors by IKEA’s supplier, thus, IKEA had to find a way to deal with the problem and give a appropriate answer to public and its consumers. 3) Marianne Barner: business area manager for carpets at IKEA. She had to solve the issues about child labor of IKEA’s suppliers. Ingvar Kamprad: the founder of IKEA Rangan Exports: one of IKEA’s suppliers that was using child labors. 4) IKEA had sent a legal team to Geneva to seek input and advice from International Labor Organization on how to deal with the problem. Also, they hired a third party agent to monitor child labor practices at its suppliers. Furthermore, they had all their suppliers sign a legal document claiming that if a supplier hired children under legal working age that the contract would be terminated. 5) I think IKEA should not just cut off its relation with the supplier. Also, IKEA should participate in the program. The program would be a chance for IKEA to explain themselves and their concerns toward their suppliers. Through a lot of years, IEAK had already earned good images and respects from customers, public, business areas and government. Therefore, to show IKEA’s responsibility and clear the intention would help with developing a positive image, and strengthen IKEA’s business power.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Waikato River settlement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Waikato River settlement - Assignment Example Partnerships normally offer great opportunities to increase the availability of knowledge and the available resources and this opens up opportunities for development of an area which is more inclusive and unified as it brings on board all the concerned parties. Bodansky in his research states that there are a number of economic activities practiced by the Maori including forestry, fishing and agriculture and they normally account for annual income of between 1billion US dollars and 1.9 billion US dollars in their economy but this source of livelihood is under threat from the destruction of the environment and unsustainable use of the environmental resources. This paper takes a comprehensive overview of the Maori and Crown people scrutinizing their worldviews on different issues including their customary rights, ownership and stewardship. Finally we shall survey the issue of sustainability and how this important issue is under threat and finally recommend solutions for a better and mo re sustainable environment within the Waikato Basin. Until the year 2004, the Maori people have had a greater control on the management of resources and decision making than it has ever been during the colonial past periods. A number of treaty settlements have been used to bring the economy of the Maori people into the modern world market as well as the global economy (Selby, 2010). According to a recent analysis, forestry, fishery and agriculture account for about 1-1.9 billion US dollars of the Maori economy every year (NZIER, 2003). However, study has also indicated that this source of livelihood for the society is under threat from unplanned and unsustainable use of the available resources. The Maori leaders are expected to be conscious of the unique relationship they have with the environment and also of the ways in which long term sustainability of the environment, the society, the economy and the cultural values can be ensured. It is however not enough to simply achieve

Friday, September 27, 2019

Sucess Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sucess - Essay Example Regardless of the definition of success, there are numerous common characteristics and skills shared by numerous entrepreneurs and managers. This paper discusses the success traits and skills of Marc Jacobs and Louis Vuitton. He is an American fashion designer and heads Marc Jacobs Fashion Company in France. In addition, he also heads Marc by Marc Jacobs. Marc Jacobs is a successful entrepreneur with more than 201 retail ventures in 82 countries. Since 1997, while still running his ventures, he has been working for Louis Vuitton Company as the creative director (Grigoriadis). Recently, his success made Times Magazine rank him among the 100 most influential people in the world. This is a France-based Fashion House started by Louis Vuitton in 1855. It is one of the most leading and successful fashion houses in the world. Its monogram is well renowned as it is featured in its products which range from leather goods to shoes, jewellery, watches, sunglasses and luxury trunks (Richard 750). This fashion house owns boutiques and departmental stores across the globe, which act as its selling points. Moreover, the Internet has been a contributive factor of its high sales. A successful business cannot be built by one individual alone. This is a task that requires a team that is devoted to the business and its success. Marc Jacobs promotes cohesion and team work among the employees. This promotes good relationship between him and the subordinates. Craven notes that Marc Jacobs’ workers are loyal to him and that they love him. Levy asserts that Marc Jacobs discusses issues about fabrics with his staff. In addition, Marc Jacobs motivates his employees. In reference to Walker and Brown, employee motivation is a fundamental factor that leads to business success and promotes good relations between the employer and employee (580). A successful entrepreneur believes in the business.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Formal report and work plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Formal report and work plan - Assignment Example Miller, F.W., Alfredsson, L., Kostenbader, K.H., Kamen, D.L., Nelson, L.M., Norris, J.M., and De Roos, A.J. (2012) Epidemiology of environmental exposures and human autoimmune diseases: Findings from a National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences expert panel workshop, Journal of Autoimmunity, 39 (4), 259-271. McMichael, A.J., Neira, M., Bertollini, R., Campbell-Lendrum, D., and Hales, H. (2009) Climate change: A time of need and opportunity for the health sector, Lancet, Retrieved from Pleil, J.D. (2008) Role of exhaled breath biomarkers in environmental health science, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Science, Part B, 11: 613-629. 5. Information to be provided to Consultants: Definition of career Environmental health science has been defined as â€Å"the study of the linkage from environmental pollution sources to eventual adverse health outcomes† (Pleil, 2008, p.613). ... duties of an environmental health professional include, apart from diagnosing and treating environmental health problems, â€Å"promoting public understanding, monitoring and reporting the health effects of environmental change, and proposing and advocating local adaptive responses† (McMichael, Friel, Nyong, and Corvalan, 2008, p.193). Personality types Professionals with social and environmental awareness and commitment are good for this profession (McMichael, Friel, Nyong, and Corvalan, 2008, p.193). Placement opportunities The major opportunities in this sector have been evolving from the adverse impacts of climate and other environmental changes (McMichael, Neira, Bertollini, Campbell-Lendrum and Hales, 2009, p.1). Health inequalities caused by environmental pollution are on the rise and â€Å"health professionals have a vital contributory role in preventing and reducing the health effects of global environmental change† (McMichael, Friel, Nyong, and Corvalan, 2008, p.191). Hence this career field presents placement opportunities in almost all industries and institutions. 6. Additional Resources a) The website, b) The government website, c) The Registered Environmental Health Specialist Program of the government in California. d) National Environmental Health Association and their website, e) Environmental Health Services Program f) Environmental health specialist registration norms of different state governments g) Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, UK 7. Graphics An instance of environmental health assessment: Environmental Health Specialist job trends: Alcoa-Kofem Environmental, Health and Safety Strategy: A graphical model Cover Page A Guide to Career of Environmental Health Specialist Prepared for:

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What is critical thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

What is critical thinking - Essay Example It also involves the observation of things in open-minded ways and examining them from various perspectives. Critical thinking allows people to see beyond their view of things and understand the opinions of other people better. Critical thinking is usually used in discussions to form well-rounded and cogent arguments. Critical thinking uses multiple skills such as logic, accuracy, relevance, fairness, clarity, precision, and completeness. Critical thinking has benefits that range from personal life and working place to scientific research and academic education. It is quite unfortunate that most people’s thinking are distorted, uninformed, partial, and biased, which form barriers to effective critical thinking (Moore & Parker 2011). Critical thinking requires the ability from an individual to approach situations and problem in a rational manner. Thinking in a rational way requires proper analysis of what is known and deriving conclusions based on evidence or facts rather than feelings or opinions. Reasoning in an honest way requires thinkers to acknowledge motives, personal goals, and emotions that can corrupt one’s thought processes and opinions. Rational thinking should identify and eliminate prejudices that inhibit fresh and objective approaches to situations (Moore & Parker 2011). Critical thinking is important as it generates new avenues of problem solving. Critical thinking requires people be open-minded. Being open-minded permits people to find all possible answers to an obstacle and accept solutions and answers different from the initial expectations. Being open-minded requires people not to assume their ways of providing solutions are always right or the best. Scientists, for example, should be aware that the results of research or experiment will not always meet their expectations. Results obtained from such experiments can be challenging, but will eventually lead to meaningful discoveries (Moore & Parker 2011). Critical thinking

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Do Patients Really Have a Choice in Anaesthesia and Surgery Essay

Do Patients Really Have a Choice in Anaesthesia and Surgery - Essay Example The mere condition of having sensation blocked or the nerves being desensitized is not accepted by many and there may be each to their own reasoning for it. The anesthesia is used to avoid the person undergoing surgery from pain or distress. For different issues, different kinds of anesthesia may be used. There is general, local, regional and dissociative anesthesia, each one used in different cases as each one has their own varying effects. Consent, is now an integral part of pre anesthetic consultation. Nowadays, given the evolved role within the health institutions, plus the legal and ethical issues, the patients are informed about the procedure they will be subjected to during the surgery. Disclosure of information seems to be the most legal and ethical discussion in the consent process. Given the function of any anesthesia, this consent is vital. This reinforces the idea that the given ‘consent’ to the patient before any surgery, is not actually being asked to accep t a procedure but is being offered a range of options from which to choose. Any medical profession indeed respects the patient’s reasoned choice and their right in law to refuse treatments. As anesthetists, the consent process can serve more than one purpose. It protects the practitioner from any ethical or legal issues. It ensures that the patient has agreed to the given way of treatment. The consent is a representation of the choice the patients have today in this. (Slater. R, 2007) No matter what examination or treatment one has to undergo, one may ask their anesthetist if there is any choice in the anesthetic method. One should also understand that some surgeons are more content operating on patients who have received one form of anesthetic rather than another. This most often means that the patient has a general anesthetic, which involves temporary unconsciousness. The article on All about Anesthesia, Do you have a choice, talks about the surgeon not having to choose the type of anesthesia one will receive, unless there is no anesthesia involved in one’s case. (2012) However, the surgeon may discuss the choice with the patient and with their anesthetist. In the same way, ones anesthetist does not choose what operation one will have or how it will be carried out. Again, ones anesthetist may discuss the operation with the patient and the surgeon, particularly if one has special anesthesia problems. The type of anesthesia varies with the given situation. Example for a finger ligament being torn off or the finger’s bone being broken may allow for local anesthesia, this type of a surgery allows a choice from the range of anesthesia. On the other side, during a caesarian, spinal or epidural anesthesia can be used. This type of scenario may allow less choice for the patient because general anesthesia may be harmful to the baby. Another case may involve a heart surgery, which will involve the use of general anesthesia and confine the choice o f the patient. Given the intensity of the situation like a heart surgery, a patient can not choose spinal anesthesia for their own good. This aspect suggests that a patient’s choice depends on the situation they are in. The beginning of this article stated a brief case where the patient would not agree to get their sensation paralyzed for a while, may be due to a range of reasons. These may involve the patient not approving the idea of losing control, issue of allergy,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Contribution of Shakespeare to Modern Literature Essay

Contribution of Shakespeare to Modern Literature - Essay Example Shakespeare's main arena included one where he affected people through his intellectual, yet seemingly ordinary and therefore, easily accessible message. Shakespeare managed to imbibe a sense of physical action into the rather static state of affairs in the thearetical scene upon his arrival. Also, he was phenomenal as far as creating symbolic instead of purely realistic plots were concerned. In this context, writers of modern day literature have avidly followed his lead by experimenting with real life scenarios to twist and turn them to trasmit a meassge. The striking characteristic of Shakespeare's work lies in its ability to simply transport a person to unknown lands and their unusual elements. Even when writing of the violence Literature ridden times of England or the discriminatory attitude that prevailed among many at that time, he tells a story of dreams and hope. Invariably, writers today follow this basic format in modern literature where there is always a struggle with hope complementing it and finally - the hero takes the cake. Shakespeare actually introduced the world and thereby inducted the modern literary scene, into the traditional rough it out till the end mode of writing. (Harold, 2003) The best part about Shakespeare's plays is that the characters are studies in cultural and societal nuances. Try Shylock from The Merchant of Venice. This money lending Jew fit the typified framework which was associated with the cunning community at that time and Shylock with his dialogues and choice of words became a huge hit merely because he was just like them and yet different in the way he had been portrayed in lieu of the situations that surrounded him as a father. These kinds of characterisations have come to signify the blueprint for all... This paper stresses that it is difficult for most scholars of his work to decide whether his sonnets have more punch or his plays have more of his sense of unparalleled imagination. As far as his style of writing is concerned, his nuances and detailing have been a benchmark for many a writer. On a more personal note, William Shakespeare’s life reflects the story of a boy from a provincial town who made it to the top without any money or connections to support his talent or dreams. Besides influencing the theaterical scene in more ways than one, Shakespeare has been creadited with the creation of the most splendid plays the world has ever seen. He had the power to revolutionalise theatre and he actually achieved that aim with the creation of the most admired plays in Western Literature. This report makesa conclusion that most modern writers have been found to draw inspiration from Shakespeare’s work which promoted them to demonstrate deeper understanding of elements like art and music in one’s everyday. With Shakespeare’s entertaining yet informative and rather realistic style, most writers of modern literature have found to understand areas like art and music which they have imbibed in their work, to reflect the struggles and issues of the time and other general problem areas like cultural suppression, violence and political power.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Erik Erikson Psychosocial Stages Essay Example for Free

Erik Erikson Psychosocial Stages Essay To summarize this article is basically showing the identity development from a lifespan perspective. This article discusses the different developmental stages from childhood stages until the adulthood stages. In order to better investigate or research these stages they make use of Erik Erikson’s psychological theory to do so. After researchers did the studies they found different patterns of psychosocial balance which were found for each identity style with largely consistent findings. Included in this article are the research findings from empirical studies. It seemed for many individuals identity development is a lifelong process that ranges well past the years of adolescence. Summary of the Theory The person identified with this theory is Erik Erikson. Erikson’s psychosocial theory is composed of eight developmental stages which span throughout the course of life. Each stage presents the individual with a natural task or conflict that they must successfully resolve to proceed with development. He placed a great emphasis on sociocultural factors because he believed these strongly influenced developments. Erikson believed that childhood identification is the foundation for identity formation in adolescence. One of the main elements of Erikson’s psychosocial stage theory is the development of ego identity, (ego identity develop through social interaction). The concept of this theory emphasizes that humans continue to change and develop throughout their lives and that personality is not exclusively formed during the early childhood years. This idea is helpful and optimistic and many believe it is too realistic. According to Erikson our ego identity is constantly changing due to new experiences and our daily interactions with others. This concept was very powerful for self-awareness and improvement, and for teaching and helping others. Erikson’s model of psychosocial development is a very significant, highly regarded and meaningful concept. Life is a series of lessons and challenges which helps us to grow. Erikson’s wonderful theory helps to tell us why. This theory is very helpful for child development and adults too. Erikson believed that his psychosocial principle is genetically inevitable in shaping (mind) and social (relationships). HE also referred to his theory as â€Å"epigenesist† and the â€Å"epigenetic principle,† which signified the concepts relevance to  evolution (past and future) and genetics. Erikson explained his use of the word â€Å"epigenesist† thus â€Å"epi† can mean above in space as before in time, and in connection with genesis can well represent the space- time nature of all development. Like other seminal concepts, Erikson’s model is simple yet very sophisticated. The theory is a basis for broad or complex discussion and the analysis of personality and behavior, and also for understanding and for facilitating personal development- of self and others. Although Erikson’s theory provides useful information, there is some limitations with his theory. For instance his theory does not suit when explaining different types of personality differences that exist among individuals. Such personality differences are listed in the 5 factor model of personality: extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness. Personality differences can affect the outcome solving psychosocial crisis. Critical Analysis of the Articles Use of the Theory The theory was used to explain the life span of human beings life over the course of childhood to adulthood. The theory was very suitable for this article because it helps to explain human behavior. Those eight stages of the psychosocial theory explain how identity is formed. The theory also clarify that the ego as well as internal and external motives determine individual’s behavior. The theory also helps to explain that role confusion can lead to a very different human experience and it causes the individual to question one’s personality. In the article the theory was used to help individuals understand that identity is a major part of one’s self. However, if an individual does not master in these psychosocial phases, then there is a conflict with one’s identity and interferes with the development of the person. Research shows that identity development continues to be an ongoing process throughout adulthood. The process of forming an identity involves creating a logical sense of self. The theory also helps to understand that childhood experiences are the most intellectual, articulate, and prominent times of a person’s life. I think there’s a relationship between our theory and article because the theory we were assigned focuses on Cycle social. This theory argues that events and stages of society and history are generally repeating themselves in cycles. In our article it discussed Erikson’s Developmental stages and how they were effective from childhood to  adulthood. After reading our article and better understanding Erikson’s theory it all makes sense. Each developmental stage is used in order to allow one to grow with each age. Erikson was keen on improving the way children and young people are taught and nurtured, and it would be appropriate for his ideas to be more widely known and used in day-to-day life, beyond the clinical and counseling professions. I evaluated that this theory ties into my article perfectly because the cycle social theory is basically about the cycle we go through in order to change and grow as humans. The article discussed each psychosocial stage that Erikson came up with while doing his research.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Nightmare of the American Dream Essay Example for Free

The Nightmare of the American Dream Essay The â€Å"American Dream†, an idea that success, freedom and equality exists according to each mans capabilities regardless of social status and ethnicity, is one that appeals to every American from all walks of life. After the Great Depression, the importance of realizing success, freedom and equality became a priority in the lives of many, including the Native Americans. The belief in the â€Å"American Dream† was deeply embedded in their hearts in a quest to dispel stereotypes about their community such as being poverty- stricken and primitive warriors who belonged in the jungles as they began to assimilate into the urban culture of a white dominated society. However, as one examines the American society today, such stereotypes still exists and may have been influential in the opportunities presented to the Native American communities or the lack thereof. In the story â€Å"The Red Convertible†, Louise Erdrich employs images associated with freedom as ironies in order to argue that the â€Å"American Dream† is a farce as the stereotypes attached to individual communities, in this case, the Native American communities will never be broken and the believe in such dreams will eventually lead to life-altering and undesirable outcomes. Erdrich consistently uses the image of the convertible that the brothers bought which would usually represent freedom and status connected with the ownership of an automobile in an ironical manner to show that the brothers will never be free and revered in society as a result of their ethnicity. Its colour, â€Å"of course it was red† (1-2), is a reminder of how Native American communities have lived with the stigma of being call Red Indians for centuries thus suggesting they will never be free of such derogatory labels. The brothers bought the car â€Å"reposed, calm and gleaming† (34) just as they bought into the promising idea of equality in the â€Å"American Dream†. Paralleling the journey of the gleaming car to Henry who had to leave for the war as many Native Americans were drafted to fight on the frontline, Lyman â€Å"had it up on blocks in the yard or half taken apart, because the long trip did a hard job on it† just as light-hearted Henry returns from the war a broken man, needing â€Å"repairs†. The ultimate irony is in the tragic ending of the convertible sinking into the river, representing the crushed dreams of equality and success as Henry returns to the same poverty-stricken life of the reservation which he assumed would change at the end of the war. To further illustrate the irony of the â€Å"American Dream†, Erdrich compares Henry to the rabbit which is essentially an animal that exists freely in the wild but who exists to be preyed just as Native Americans believing that they were equals in society but were actually preyed upon the stereotype that they were brave, natural warriors who would have skills to fight ruthlessly in the war. When Henry came back from the war, he was â€Å"jumpy and mean† (123) and when he was still, â€Å"it was the kind of stillness that you see in a rabbit when it freezes before it will bolt† (128-130). Henry was used as a prey in the war based on a stereotype without any regard for his humanity, now would bolt to protect himself as he realizes that the dream of equality he believed in was a lie which exploited his ethnicity instead of protecting it. As Lyman narrated another stereotype of Native Indians in the story: â€Å"We liked to tease him that they really wanted him for his Indian nose† (91-92), has more truth to it as many Native Americans were made to fight in the front line during the war resulting in an alarming rate of deaths. Lastly, Erdrich ironically uses imagery of nature as embodiments of hope and new beginnings and juxtaposed them against the brothers dreams of a better life which was tragically crushed. Lyman describes of the day when Henry suggests to take the car out for a spin after he fixed it: It was spring. The sun was shining very bright. My only sister, Bonita, who was just eleven years old came out and made us stand together for a picture. (194-196) The imagery of springtime which symbolizes hope and life and the Sun which symbolizes a gleaming future is what the brothers had believed in as they bought into the idea of the â€Å"American Dream† as a means of escaping their poverty stricken lives in the reservations. However, after  Henry â€Å"squint against the glare† (212) of the Sun in the photo as he could no longer believe in the dream after being exploited in the war. As Lyman later examines the picture, he realizes that Henry â€Å"might have drawn back , because the shadows on his face are deep as holes† (214-215) suggests that Henry will never again be the person that he was even in the hopeful time of Spring, he will always be a victim of the war and stereotypes hence unable to pursue forward to achieve success as promised in the â€Å"American Dream† he had believed earlier. In the later part of the story, Erdrich uses the image of the sun again, only this time in a deference to the tragedy of Henrys drowning as he is unable to live the life of poverty and despair as well as to the failure of the American dream which did not deliver its promise of equality and freedom as â€Å"the sun is down†(294). The ironical use of images of freedom in â€Å"The Red Convertible† shows that the â€Å"American Dream† did not deliver its promise of equality regardless of social status and ethnicity as stereotypes regarding the Native Americans continue to exist and such stereotypes not only has the ability to hurt an individual but can also have tragic consequences such as deaths of Native Americans in alarming numbers in the war as well as the death of Henry as he no longer believed in the dream.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Environmental Impacts From Dam Construction

Environmental Impacts From Dam Construction The construction of large dams always change the relationship of water and land that destroy the existing ecosystem balance whereas in many cases, has taken thousands of years to create. Now, there are around 40,000 large dams that obstruct the worlds rivers, completely changing their circulation systems. This is not going to occur without dire environmental impacts. About past few years, the negative impacts of dams have become so familiar that most of countries had to stop building them altogether and are now forced to invest their money into fixing the problems created by existing dams. Construction of the dam does not necessarily only bring benefits. But on the other hand there are adverse effects of dam construction that existed before and after construction must be considered. It will not only affect the construction environment, but can be up to the river mouth. Among the effects of dam construction is:- ECOLOGICAL SYSTEM PROBLEMS No doubt the problem will arise in our ecosystem. It is usually starts from the beginning of the constructions until the affected downstream natural river. Many cases studies and much information can not be used as reference material before extinct. Indirectly, the genetic diversity of biological resources and destroyed. Many endangered species of aquatic animals, land, forest issues. Deforestation Construction of dams required extensive land clearing without any control. As in Bakun and at Lake Chini has a significant impact and can be seen clearly. The most obvious example of the Bakun dam has destroyed the natural habitat of 70.000 hectares of Singapore. Another example is the dam of Lake Chini, Pahang is also clear that there are 60 hectares of forest. Vegetative damaged ecosystems and hence have an impact on wildlife. Disturbed the natural habitat and cause the organism to find a new habitat or the continued extinction of the area. Extinction of flora and fauna, and disruption In Temenggor, dam have been identified as causes of this problem with the number of fish in the Sungai Perak terubuk decreasing. Another problem is the transfer of animals from the forest to the occupation. This causes problems for local residents who live nearby. As an example was the construction of ordinary dam at Bakun. This problem will increase if no action is taken and control. Other example, the reproduction of freshwater turtles is threatened by this situation. It also prevents the passage of freshwater turtles and fish and thus interferes with their breeding habits and movements. In rivers with biologically productive estuaries, both marine and fish and also shellfish suffer from the changes in water flow and quality. Changes in fresh and quality water flows and the salinity balance in an estuary will alter species distribution and breeding pattern of fish. Furthermore, changes in nutrient levels and decrease in the quality of the river water can also gives bad impacts on the productivity of the fish. These changes can also have major effects on marine species which is the feed of their life cycle in the marine, or are influenced by water quality changes in the coastal areas. The greatest impact on wildlife will come from loss of habitat. This is as result from the reservoir filling and land use changes in the catchment area. Migratory patterns of wildlife and the fish may be disrupted by the dam. This will make the aquatic fauna, include waterfowl, amphibians and reptiles can increase because of the construction of dam. Water pollution / Water quality Usually, the river will be effect on soil erosion and the silt occurs during the construction and disposal of water. Because of that, the water becomes brown and it was caused of a problem for growth of aquatic plants. But on the other hand, the river will be a shortage of minerals due to system problems slowed the flow of water caused water dam. Then, rate of mineral and oxygen was decreasing. Further problems arise when people cultivated their crops. The used of pesticides can not be drained and recycled in a river. The material from the construction of dam itself which is the steel consumption rates also affect water quality when water is released from the dam. The obvious changes occur in the timing of flow, quality, quantity and use of water, aquatic biota, and sedimentation in the river basin. The area of influence of a dam construction projects extend from the upper limits of the catchment of the reservoir to as far downstream as the marine and coast or offshore zone. While there are direct environment impacts related with the construction of the dam for examples, dust, erosion, borrow and the disposal problems. The greatest impacts result from the impoundment of water, flooding of land to form the dam and alteration of water flow downstream. These effects also have direct impacts on soils, vegetation, wildlife and wild lands, fisheries, climate and also the human populations in that area. Other effect Construction of the dam has an adverse impact on river hydro ecosystem. Other disadvantages are affected fish population in the river if the construction of the dam occurred at the upper river. That situation took place on the Temenggor Dam, Bersia Kenering. Deep study was done in Lake Chenderoh. Fishery catches in the dam is low and only 22 species were captured, and 15 of them consisted of fish caught by family Cyprinid. Most using drift nets, and this small shows lack large fish in that dam. Results show catch per unit effort will be between (2.7 12.8 kg. per fisherman-day with a value between RM4.94-32.43-per-day fishing.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Development of Benedicks Character in Shakespeares Much Ado About

The Development of Benedick's Character in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing At the beginning of the play, Benedick appears as almost a comic character, acting as if the most important part of his character is his wit. However, by the end of the play it becomes obvious that he is a clear-thinking character who is able to take action and keep his head in a crisis. The change in Benedick's character is accompanied by the change in his relationship with Beatrice, as they move from 'merry war' and 'skirmish of wit' to become lovers, though Benedick does still protest that he 'love thee (Beatrice) against my will'. Throughout the play, Benedick's relationship with Beatrice is an important mark of his character. In the first scene they are unable to converse without entering into one of the skirmishes of wit for which Leonato has said they are known. There is a suggestion from Beatrice that the two have been in a relationship before: "You always end with a jades trick, I know you of old" Evidence of this past relationship provides both a reason for the 'merry war' and a suggestion that there may still be some romantic feelings between the two. However, Benedick's jocular attitude towards women does not stop at Beatrice, even when Claudio asks Benedick, as a friend, for serious advice about Hero, he is unable to take the situation seriously or give a serious answer: "She's too low for a high praise, too brown for a fair praise and too little for a great praise" This shows quite clearly that Benedick's character in the early stages of the play is firmly rooted in his wit. Of course, Benedick's failure to notice Hero at all is a further suggestion that he has feelings for Beatrice, which is supported by his ... ...e, due to the gradual change and development of his character. The extent to which Benedick is changed is shown by the way his attitudes appear completely changed by the conclusion of the play, as he appears no longer to be a 'tyrant' towards women, and he is no longer reliant on his wit as the main feature of his personality. Works Cited and Consulted: Barton, Anne. Introduction. Much Ado About Nothing. The Riverside Shakespeare, 2nd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1997. 361-365. Lewalski, B. K. "Much Ado About Something" Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 8 (1968): 235-251. Prouty, Charles A. Conformity in Much Ado About Nothing. New York: Books for Libraries Press/Yale University Press, 1980. Rossiter, A.P. "Much Ado About Nothing." William Shakespeare Comedies & Romances. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

What it Means to be an American Essay example -- Papers USA Citizenshi

What it Means to be an American What does it mean to be an American? In my eyes to be an American means to have privileges, rights, and freedom. America isn't perfect, but it is one of the only countries that have rights given to people of different diversities and gender. America does not have tremendous poverty. Instead we have choices given to us by the people who fought and died for the American people. Without George Washington and the other patriots who planted the first seed in the ground and help plant the American nation we live in now who knows what America would be like now. One of the most important and well-known facts about America is freedom. We are granted the freedom or choice in our lives and how we live. We are given freedom of speech and press that lets us give our opinions and aspects of the community we live in. also we have the freedom of voting for our leaders and representatives. The American people are also given freedom of clothes, music, and number of kids. This right of freedom in our lives is one of many rights given to us. Equality in America is very important, and people have fought for it for years. In my opinion equality makes people more open minded about other peoples cultures and creates a better nation. There are still people in America and in other countries who do not believe in a community of equality and the respect of other cultures, and that is something that is not perfect about America. With that way of thinking and believing those people create the hysteria of violence and hate in America. All because they do not know about the culture they hate so bad, but we still have the people who do believes that equality is important, and they ... ... The people in America are not surrounded by a majority of starving people. Instead we have one of the most powerful economy in the world. America offers so much to the people who live in the U.S., but America will always be full of criticism, violence, and people who are offended by everything. America still seems to manage to be one of the world's best nations. The first Americans planned America to be as successful as it is, but for America to be more peaceful. America is not one of the most peaceful places, but it is not the most dangerous place to live. Even political parties lie and cheat each other. A lot of the Americans are greedy, because they take advantages of what America offers to their citizens. Even though America is not perfect I am still glad to live in the U.S.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Learning Team Assignment Hardware and Software Essay

This pack of NTC 362 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Hardware and Software Paper comprises: Time Division Multiple Access, Frequency Division, Multiple Access, and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Computer Science – General Computer Science Write a 3- to 5-page paper comparing the advantages of Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, as used in wireless mobile communications. Define the technical details of each access method, then compare their strengths and weaknesses in system use. Address the following: Explain radio frequency (RF) transmission characteristics. Identify common frequency bands used in current RF communications. Analyze the necessity for different protocols in wireless communications. Compare the challenges of using satellites in end-to-end communications links. There are a lot of things you can do to prepare for college, but it will still hold many surprises for you! This article will offer you some sound advice on how to get through classes, campus life and all the other obstacles that you will encounter in your efforts to reach graduation. This pack of NTC 362 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Hardware and Software Paper comprises: Time Division Multiple Access, Frequency Division, Multiple Access, and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Computer Science – General Computer Science Write a 3- to 5-page paper comparing the advantages of Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), Code  Division Multiple Access (CDMA), and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, as used in wireless mobile communications. Define the technical details of each access method, then compare their strengths and weaknesses in system use. †¦ For downloading more tutorials visit – There are a lot of things you can do to prepare for college, but it will still hold many surprises for you! This article will offer you some sound advice on how to get through classes, campus life and all the other obstacles that you will encounter in your efforts to reach graduation. Computer Science – General Computer Science Write a 3- to 5-page paper comparing the advantages of Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, as used in wireless mobile communications. Define the technical details of each access method, then compare their strengths and weaknesses in system use. Address the following: Explain radio frequency (RF) transmission characteristics. Identify common frequency bands used in current RF communications.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Health and Social Care Essay

P1. EXPLAIN THE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF A HEALTH OR SOCIAL CARE ORGANISATION. The aim of the organization (red hut day nursery) was to carry out high standards of care from children age from 3 months to 5 yrs old. Whilst following the curriculum guidelines of early years foundation. The role of the organization was to care for children within their responsibilities whilst the Childs parents or carer has left them in the organization care. Policies such as ensure every child is treated fairly and equally depending on that Childs needs in order for their needs to be meet , was expected of all staff members to conduct themselves in such away . the role of each staff member was to ensure that health and safety measure where up to scratch for instant making sure sharp , hot , dangerous objects where out of reach of the children , picking objects off the floor to avoid any one tripping over , cleaning spillages up etc . the procedures of the organization ( red hut day nursery ) was that all staff members interact and conduct themselves in a friendly manor so the children would feel relaxed and not intimidated without their parents present, making the nursery a pleasant place to be for the children My roles and responsibilities within the organization was to interact with the children to making the Childs time whilst in care of the organization pleasant and of high quality of care assisting the child to the toilet if needed , changing nappies , whipping the Childs nose if needed etc , maintaining health and safety measures to minimize the risk of any incidents occurring. my other responsibilities where to help the children prepare for meal times by occupying a number of children at a time on the carpet with a game or activity whilst a few children at a time take it in turns to wash their hands before eating . log any incidents that occur. Description of services users Services users such as parents who both work and need some one to look after their child professionally whilst they work, or a parent who wishes for their child to further their development by enrolling them to the organization which will help them to learn new skills whilst interacting with other children and building up their independence. Links with other organizations/services Link services available through the organization is after school club which takes on children of school age up until the age of 8 this services provides parents extra time to work or carry out every day needs to support their families . The services runs from 3pm to 6.30pm where a member of the team will collect pupils from school and bring them into the care of the organization where they will be given a meal and after interact in activities until their parents collect them. the organization also has a breakfast class which runs of the same basis as the after school club but instead of picking up the child the parents drop the child off between 8am and 9pm where the child will receive a breakfast cereal or toast and once it is time for their school to start they are escorted to the school. P2/ on own contributions to a specific team activity relating to health and social care . Following policies and procedures the children’s toys and equipment must be regularly cleaned to maintain hygiene, therefore in a team we had to gather all the children’s toys that were outside in the garden whilst at the same time watch over the children as they played in the garden we took it in turns to watch the children and clean the toys. I help to assist the children as they played in the garden ensuring that they wasn’t interfering with the toys as they being cleaned and staying within the play area and not at harm , then rotated with other team member to wash the toys and put them back into place . My contributions to the team whilst conducting the activity was using my skills as working as a team player to complete a task and taking it in turns to keep watch on the children as well as help to clean toys. My contribution help to minimize risk of children interfering with the toys as they were being washed which could of lead to a child slipping in the water and . Overall My contributions to the team on a whole enable the task to be completed smoothly without any complications as I interacted with children in playing games helping the on the slides ect to avoid any accidents whilst playing or the children interfering with the toys as they where being washed which as a result could lead to an accident . my contributions help team sprit as we took it in turns at both interacting with the children and cleaning the toys to ensure fairness in the task as well as team work which help us to complete the task successfully without any problems . My contribution to the team also enables the task to be completed quicker than if a single person was to complete the task. D1. Make recommendations as to how you could have adapted your own contribution to the team to enhance the success of the activit y .

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Citizen Kane – Personal Response

Citizen Kane is an American drama film released in 1941. It follows the life of the main character, Charles Foster Kane, and the investigation into â€Å"rosebud† – the last word spoken before his death. Kane was a wealthy newspaper tycoon who lived a reserved lifestyle; he had many possessions but isolated himself from the public eye wherever possible towards the end of his life. The director’s portrayal of the films main themes are shown in such a way that a Year 12 group of students would be able to understand, and therefore can easily make links with society and even their own lives.I would highly recommend Citizen Kane for a Year 12 book club. I will be talking about 2 main points shown in Citizen Kane that I believe are good discussion points for an English class, and which are relevant to our world today. It is an interesting point to note that although the film was released in 1941, many of the ideas can be translated into the present day. First I will ta lk about the idea of â€Å"Loss† in the film, and then I will discuss Materialism and how a group of year 12 students can relate to, and learn from this theme.Loss is a complex idea in the film, as it is not an immediately obvious theme. Defining what â€Å"Loss† is in the film is an interesting thought to discuss. The movie uses flashbacks to tell the story of Charles Kane’s life, this technique is used by the director to show a retrospective view on his life and to emphasise his losses. One of the first flashbacks show him as a child, when he was innocent and happy. In the picture on the screen, what you can see is his Mother handing over custody to Thatcher, who is going to take him to New York to be educated and given a successful life.In the background you can see Kane outside in the snow, he is representing innocence, but the fact that he is framed by the window hints that he is going to become trapped in his new guardianship. This loss continues throughou t the film, he loses his wife, his newspaper company, and his election campaign for governor before eventually losing his life. The film ends with him alone, just like he was at the start of the film. But instead of being happy in the white snow, he is alone in a dark mansion.This is a theme that I think is one that could be discussed in depth by a year 12 book club. Another theme portrayed in Citizen Kane is the idea of materialism, and I believe this is a theme that Year 12 Students would be able to understand and form opinions upon. In the film, Charles Kane lives in a huge mansion filled with many expensive goods. He was an avid statue collector, a hobby only the very wealthy could pursue. Charles Kane said in the film, â€Å"They've been making statues for some two thousand years, and I've only been collecting for five. The director’s uses of depth of focus to exaggerate Kane’s many possessions, and in one shot near the end we can see rooms full of crates with it ems he never unpacked. In his mansion, the rooms are perceived to be large, with dark shadows cast all around. Perhaps this is a metaphor to suggest that Kane’s excessive amount of materialistic possessions have now begun to own him. This leads to a link a Year 12 group of students will be able to make with the modern world today. Advancement of technology has skyrocketed in the past few decades.The invention of smart phones, tablets and other household technologies have created a culture in which it is deemed necessary to own as many of these items as possible. It would seem that Social status is moving from humanitarian values to being based on your materialistic demeanor. Year 12s will be able to relate to the concept that the distinction between ‘need’ and ‘want’ is being clouded by the desire to have these products in order to be ‘accepted’ into modern society.Much like Charles Kane’s obsession with collecting statues, people in society today are becoming obsessed with purchasing the newer, updated version of a product they may already own one, or several of. The film represents his collecting as an obsession, whereas it is deemed normal in today’s world, and this is a point that is open for discussion. Citizen Kane’s representation of materialism provides an excellent starting point for Year 12s to discuss, it is easily relatable and can spark many views and opinions, therefore making it suitable to belong on a class viewing list.Citizen Kane is a film which presents a wide range of themes, and it is these themes which can teach us many things about the lives we live and the world which we live in. The concepts of materialism and loss are ones that are relevant and suitable for a group of Year 12 English students. The imagery and metaphors shown in the film represent issues that can be directly translated into today’s social climate. Therefore I would thoroughly recommend Citizen K ane to a Year 12 book club.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Kim Sung & Kim Jong

From an early date Korean political culture is characterised by isolationism and a strong desire to maintain the country's independence (â€Å"Kim Il Sung†, para 2). Relationship with its neighbouring countries are poor and with the countries in the West, are almost equal to zero. Even with such relationships, Korea has been unable to stop the encroachment   of its neighbours. It was made the Japenese protectorate in 1905 and later the number of   Japenese immigrants in Korea have risen so much that the Koreans have become second-class citizens within their own land.Kim Il SungKim Il Sung’s real name was Kim Song Ju. He was born in Pyongyang on 15th April, 1912. At the age of   17 he was jailed for being a part of   a student political group led by the South Manchurian Communist Youth Association. After his release from jail he joined the Anti-Japanese United Army. He emerged as a significant leader in this time period and later changed his name to Kim Il Song, in honor of his uncle who participated in nation-wide protests against the Japenese in 1919.Kim Il Sung as a leaderAfter the Second World War the Korean peninsula was divided into two parts, North and South. North Korea was sponsored by Russia while the South was aided by USA. Kim Il Sung was selected to take charge of the formation of a provisional government for the North. Under his leadership the Korean Workers Party was inaugurated.A number of reforms were introduced to the North, including an eight-hour working day, equality of the sexes, and suppression of religion. Land and wealth formerly belonging to the Japanese or to enemies of the regime was confiscated and redistributed, industry was nationalised, and Soviet-style economic planning was initiated (â€Å"Kim Il Sung†, para 12) His opponents within the party were purged to secure his absolute rule. Kim led the military committee, coordinating action against the South Koreans in 1950.With carefully prepared plans and without any warning to the South Koreans, his army swarmed into the South. The war continued for three years and during these three years about three million people lost their lives. Between 600,000 and one million North Koreans needlessly starved to death due to the economic legacy of Kim's regime. Kim claimed to have won that war but no peace treaty was ever signed.Kim Il Sung, through land reclamation, gave priority to increased agricultural production. He emphasised on trade, developed the country’s infrastructure, and encouraged people to rely on domestically produced equipment. He discouraged them to even think about foreign aid and taught them that self reliance should be the key goal to everyone’s success. From 1972 onwards, North Korea became poorer because it could not afford to buy advance technology from the West and its industrial production declined. A personality cult had glorified Kim, but by the mid-1990s the rapid economic growth of North Korea's ear ly years had given way first to stagnation and then to hardship, and there was widespread dissatisfaction with the repressive regime (Scalapino & Lee p.175)When he died in 1994, the country lost its venerated founding leader. Just a few years earlier, its powerful alliances had evaporated with the fall of the Soviet bloc and China's move toward a market-based system. The economy was on the rocks and energy and food were in short supply. A series of weather disasters, combined with an inefficient state-run agricultural system, further eroded the food supply, leading to mass starvation (â€Å"Dear Leader or Demon†, para 12)Kim Jong IlKim Il Sung’s successor, Kim Jong Il, was born on 16th June, 1942. Growing up in a time when anti Japanese revolutionary struggle was at its peak, Kim Jong Il cultivated uncommon characteristics and qualities through his experiences of his real life and practical activities. During his training period under his father's tutelage in the 1970s , he was often referred to as the â€Å"Party Center,† and he launched a number of campaigns to take over the daily operations of the Party.When he came to power on the death of his father in 1997, Kim Jong-Il ruthlessly set about establishing his own authority. His government is said to be extremely secretive and brutal to dissidents. Kim's disastrous agricultural and economic policies have caused his people to suffer under one of the world's longest, deadliest famines. On the domestic front, Kim has given occasional signs that he favors economic reforms similar to those carried out in China by Deng Xiaoping.But at home he has done little or nothing to relax the absolute control of the state and party over all aspects of economic life. He has certainly given no sign of considering the de- collectivization of agriculture, which was the foundation of Deng's reforms (Chong-Il p. 84). With the sort of image Kim Jong Il carries around with him many analysts thought that the commu nist regime would finally come to an end in North Korea, but it is almost a decade since he has been in power and still ruling over North Korea and extending his father’s philosophy of Juche. Kim Il Sung’s style of ruling his country according to Stalinism was submerged into his Juche philosophy and later it subordinated into a more militant theme of Kim Jong Il’s Red Banner Policy.Kim Jong Il has been accused of being involved in two bombings; one in Rangoon in 1983 and another in 1987, which killed all passengers in a South Korean airplane.   No evidence directly links Kim Jong Il to the bombings, however, and some analysts believe his father was still firmly in control of international activities throughout the 1980s, while giving his son more power over domestic affairs. He spends more than 25% of his country’s annual GNP on the military while most of the citizens go hungry. Jong Il has also proved himself to be a movie lover and has directed a coup le of movies himself and written six operas, while his scientists make nuclear war heads.Kim Il Sung as a CommunistIn the words of Morelly, the author of the influential treatise Le Code de la Nature, published in 1755: †The only vice which I know in the universe is avarice; all the others, whatever name one gives them, are merely forms, degrees of it. . . . Analyze vanity, conceit, pride, ambition, deceitfulness, hypocrisy, villainy; break down the majority of our sophisticated virtues themselves, [they] all dissolve in this subtle and pernicious element, the desire to possess.†Such economically determined psychology lies at the root of every socialist and communist doctrine (Pipes 2001). Kim Il Sung was one man who was obsessed with gaining power over not only his own people but he went to extremes and even created his own religion so that the people should start worshipping him. When workers of the Korean Workers Party tried to over throw Kim in 1953, the eleven consp irators, who failed in their coup, were not only executed but their properties were confiscated as well. He purged his opponents in all possible ways in order to ensure that he stays in power.Kim Il Sung’s personality was a true speciman of a communist. Russia had an influence over the political system of North Korea right from the onset. Kim Il Sung was highly impressed by the communist rule in Russia and he developed a Marxist-Leninist political ideology that emphasises the need for autonomy and patriotic self-reliance. Called ‘Juche', or ‘Kim Il Sung Thought', the ideology demanded total loyalty to the paramount leader and the â€Å"religion of Kim Il Sungism†, and stressed on the benefits of sacrifice, austerity, discipline, dedication, unity, and patriotism. It has been   described as â€Å"encyclopedic thought which provides a complete answer to any question that arises in the struggle for national liberation and class emancipation, in the building of socialism and communism.† The practical effect of Juche was to seal the DPRK off from virtually all foreign trade (â€Å"Kim Il Sung†, para 38).Kim Il Sung’s personality cult was similar to that of   Stalin. In that he was accused of tampering history, tyranny and injustice and self glorification. Kim’s zeal for communsim is evedient from the fact that the North Korean media, which is owned and controlled by the state, promoted Kim’s image as an infallible genius and the driving force behind the resistance to the Japanese and the liberation of the North. Kim had more than 34,000 monuments of himself erected throughout the country. Practice of any other religion except the worship of Kim Il Sung   was outlawed. The official calender started from his birthday and that day was an official holiday too.Kim Il Sung was so obssessed with his ideals that he started to believe in himself in a godly manner. The painters and artists of the country were instucted to paint only his personality in a pompous manner and project it to the rest of the country. All this was believed, by   Kim Il Sung, as not a forceful extension of his one-man show personality to the masses but he had actually started to live in a pseudo-shell of belief   that the citizens of his country actually adored him.In my point of view the personality of Kim Il Sung was a fragment and extension of Stalin. This is supported by the fact that he not only tried to follow him in the way he ruled North Korea but he also sought his help and looked up to him in various matters of   state. In the Korean War of   1950-1953, while South Korea was supported by USA, North Korea was aided by USSR primarily because it was a communist country. Kim Jong Il has proved himself to be a true replica of his father.He has not only ensured the continuity of his father’s policies and reforms but he has also gone to the extent of further subjugating the agrigarian community by spending more on his military might. He has promoted his father’s personality cult by making it a compulsion for each citizen to visit Kim Il Sung’s moseleum atleast once each year and also by paying tribute to the Senior Kim by wearing lapel badges and all those who dare to offend are sent to concentration camps within the country. Kim Il Sung has become so much part of   a North Korean’s daily life that to reject Kim is more like rejecting his own self.ConclusionWith 1% of the citizens in concentration camps and 25% of GNP being utilized to further the ruler’s military prowess, North Korea is definitely not in pursuit of a prosperous future. While the exiguity of the basic facilties of life and the over all plight of the nation is being blamed on the West in general and the US in particular, nobody dares to question the extravagent life of the dictators of North Korea. North Korea is going through its worst era right now; with its predominent supp ort/donor, in the shape of USSR, disintegrated and with the West pressing hard on it on the contentious issue of its nuclear programme.ReferencesClark, Carol. (2001). Kim Jong Il, â€Å"Dear Leader or Demon?† Retrieved 13 May 2006Chong-Il, Kim. (1986). Life and literature. Pyongyang, Korea: Foreign Languages Publishing House.Harris, Bruce. (2004). â€Å"Kim Il Sung†. Retrieved 12 May 2006Pipes, Richard. (2001). Communism: A History. Random House Publishing Group.R. A. Scalapino and C. S. Lee. (1992). Communism in Korea. Seoul: Ilchokak.

Friday, September 13, 2019


ALGORITHM MEANING In the most basic sense, an algorithm is a process- a set of detailed instruction that must be carried out in a particular order and follows logic to attain a given result. An algorithm is a well-defined procedure or set of rules guaranteed to achieve a certain objective. You use an algorithm every time you follow the directions to put together a new toy, use a recipe to make cookies, or defrost something in the microwave (personal algorithms). When the term algorithm used in math, it typically refers to a set of steps or procedures used to solve a mathematical computation. In mathematics, an algorithm is a specific series of steps that will give you the correct answer every time. For example, in grade school, you and your classmates probably learned and memorized a certain finite steps or procedures for addition, subtraction and multiplying etc. (standard algorithms). Algorithm are of two type: informal (personal) and formal (standard) algorithm. An informal algorithm is a procedure that the student him/herself figured out while a formal algorithm is a process and procedure that has been taught to them. It may or may not be similar to a conventional algorithms (formal algorithms). Examples on Informal Algorithms Examples on Formal Algorithms 1. ADD the given numbers 109 + 207 Jimmy did like this. David did like this. =100+9+200+7 109-9=100 =300+16 207-7=200 =316 200+100=300 9+7=16 300+16=316 2. Multiply the given number 25Ãâ€"13 25(20+5) x13(10+3) ————– 15 60 50 + 200 ————— 325 1. ADD the given numbers 109+207 1 109 + 207 ——– 316 ——– 2. Multiply the given number 25Ãâ€"13 1 25 x13 ———— 75 +25x ———— 325 MERITS OF INFORMAL ALGORITHMS They learn to think and use their common sense, as well as new skills and knowledge. Students who invent their own procedures: Learn that their intuitive methods are valid and that mathematics makes sense. Become more proficient with mental arithmetic. Are motivated because they understand their own methods, as opposed to learning by rote. Become skilled at representing ideas with objects, words, pictures, and symbols. Develop persistence and confidence in dealing with challenging problems. ADVANTAGES OF THE FORMAL ALGORITHMS Plunkett (1979), Thompson (1997), Usiskin (1998) and other writers offered several reasons for this. These included :  ¢ Standard algorithms are powerful in solving classes of problems, particularly where the computation involves many numbers, where memory may be overloaded.  ¢ Standard algorithms contracted, summarizing several lines of equation involving distributivity and associativity.  ¢ Standard algorithms are automatic, being able to be taught to, and carried out by, someone without having to analyze the underlying basis of the algorithm.  ¢ Standard algorithms are fast, with a direct route to the answer.  ¢ Standard algorithms provide the written record of computation, enabling teachers and students to locate any errors in the algorithm.  ¢ Standard algorithms can be instructive.  ¢ For teachers these are easy to manage and assess. DISADVANTAGES OF THE FORMAL ALGORITHMS Kamii and Dominick (1998), McIntosh (1998), and Northcote McIntosh (1999) have potential dangers that can be summarized as follows :  ¢ They do not correspond to the ways in which people tend to think about numbers.  ¢ They encourage children to give up their own thinking and creativity, leading to loss of ownership of ideas .  ¢ The traditionally-taught (standard) algorithm may no longer be the most efficient and easily learned.  ¢ They tend to lead to blind acceptance of results and over-zealous applications. Given the focus on procedures that require little thinking, children often use an standard algorithms when it is not at all necessary.  ¢ There is a high probability that the students will lose conceptual knowledge in the process of gaining procedural knowledge. There is also the use of relevance. Students use standard algorithms for only a small proportion of their calculation.

Film Worksheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Film Worksheet - Essay Example Everyone in the hall was excited to watch the film due to the good reviews. I brought nuts and a few other snacks with me to enjoy through the course of the film. Because Boyhood was a coming of age film, the film involved camera technicalities in order to create a temporally shifting experience through time. The film is based on a young boy named Mason who is shown growing up over a period of 12 years. As Mason grows up, the film has captured the experiences and changing personality of a child who grows up to a young man. Hence, time is a prominent element in terms of film making in which the director, Richard Linklater has exploited the use of camera technologies to create the intended effect the situated across time. Mason is 6 years old as the film starts and by the time film gets over, he has already turned 18, a mature individual. Instead of showing the process of growing up in one moment of a scene, the director has used time lapse in order to show the entire transformation to childhood to boyhood. Judging from the name of the film as well, Boyhood is meant to be the essence of the film and time lapse filming really engenders the tempo rally situated transformation that occurs through time. The film successfully retained my attention throughout the film. I was interested to watch more and follow the story as it developed in time. In terms of the narrative part of the literary aspect, the film involved a strong storyline and one which is a crucial subject in the present times, which is, growing up. The process of growing up based much of the storyline when a child goes on from being an innocent young individual to one who is old enough to understand some serious matters. The narrative progresses with the film as seen through the lens of the child, Mason, himself. A state of disequilibrium is inherent in the process as growing up itself involves disruption. Growing

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Customer Engagement in Social Media & Netflix Assignment

Customer Engagement in Social Media & Netflix - Assignment Example Today people prefer other people’s experience and their opinions about a particular product or service rather than advertising and promotions of the brands. For this reason internet is playing a vital role in encouraging people to share their ideas, experiences, opinions to influence others. The potential consumers seek for these types of information which is available and open to everyone (Evans and McKee, 2010). One of the benefits of taking this course is that the information is presented two-fold. Both the marketing and consumer perspectives are represented in an effort to provide you with a holistic view of Social media Marketing. What is your perspective on the Netflix/Qwikster rebranding endeavor? Taking the newly adopted Netflix business model into consideration, how would you have handled the negative customer outpourings on the Social Web if you were in the shoes of Netflix CEO Reed Hastings? FYI, implementing the previous price model is not an option in this scenario, what are other alternatives Netflix could have explored that would prove beneficial to both customers and stakeholders? The Company decided to change the name of its DVD mail service to Qwikster while rebranding, however being wise in technology and innovative, the Company did not go through Social Media, i.e. Twitter where a guy named Jason Castillo already existed with Qwikster (Hill, 2011). To make Netflix beneficial for customers as well as stakeholders and to handle the negative reviews there should have been a better communication process. The Company increasing the prices and doubling it followed by a bad communication process would certainly put a loyal customer to rethink about the relationship with the Company. Priority to customers is the main element and while driving prices up, there could have been a better communication with the customers through their blogs and through other social media. They could have communicated with the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Corporate Social Responsibility - Term Paper Example The concept of corporate social responsibility is underpinned by the specific idea or principle that the organizations around the globe cannot act as the isolated economic units operating in the detachment from the broader society. Traditional and old views about survival, profitability, and competitiveness have been swept away through the concept of CSR (Fukukawa, 2011, p.121). In the past, the governments of the developed and developing countries strongly relied on the regulation and legislation to deliver environmental and social objectives in the competitive business sector. Recoiling government resources, integrated with the regulation’s distrust has guided to the exploration of non-regulatory and voluntary initiatives. Growing demand for the corporate disclosure from the stakeholders including suppliers, employees, investors, communities, activist organizations, and customers are pushing business towards the CSR initiatives. Recently several investors are changing the wa y of the performance assessment of the organizations. Investors are making their investment decisions based on various criterions that include ethical concerns. According to the report of social investment forum, more than 2 trillion US dollars valued assets invested in the portfolio linked to the social and environmental responsibility. The organizations are trying to maintain proper business ethics in their business practices in order to motivate and attract shareholders and investors. In addition, employees within the organization are increasingly looking beyond several employment benefits. Effective and skilled employees are the strongest asset of an organization. Therefore, it is important for the organization to retain skilled, experienced and effective employees. The organizations are trying to motivate their employees by providing employment benefits and taking care of their professional and personal needs. In this competitive business environment, it is important for the or ganization to retain skilled employees. Moreover, the organizations are trying to maintain an effective relationship with the suppliers.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

ANT 250I MOD 3 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ANT 250I MOD 3 SLP - Essay Example The most common muscular dystrophy is Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy – a disease found predominantly in males and diagnosed in a period between 2 and 6 years. It afflicts as approximately 1 out of every 3, 500 births (Emery 687). DMD (abbreviation for Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy) is a result of muscle fibers degeneration and atrophy brought about by the absence/lack of dystrophin, a protein which is responsible for maintaining muscle fibers intact. Specifically, the loss-of-function mutations found in dystrophin are accountable for the disease. Dystrophin’s function is to encode a specific protein - 427-kD protein. The latter is located below the sarcolemma. Dystrophin, in alliance with the associated proteins, called dystroglycan and the sarcoglycans, takes part in a mechanically powerful link which can be traced from the extracellular matrix to the cytoskeleton that underlies it (Rybakova et al 1209). Total or partial deficiency of dystrophin ruins the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (abbreviated as DGC), which means that cytoskeleton present in the muscle fibers is no longer linked to the matrix (Hoffman, Brown, and Kunkel, 919). Hence, no dystrophin leads to the DGC complex functional impairment, while the mechanical stress accompanying with contraction results in the degeneration or atrophy of skeletal muscle fibers, impairment of movements, plus muscle-wasting. It finally leads to the death of the afflicted male kids which is a result of respiratory or cardiac failure, or both (Rando 1575, Petrof et al 3710). According to Engwal & Wewer, the existing dystrophin deficiency found in skeletal, as well as cardiac muscles, leads to the fact that several secondary processes start activating. Among them one may find inflammation, interstitial fibrosis, and extracellular matrix degradation, which badly affect the DMD progression (Engwal & Wewer 1579). Boys diagnosed with