Wednesday, May 1, 2019

How the Web Destroys the Quality of Students Research Paper

How the Web Destroys the spirit of Students - Research Paper ExampleThe paper describes the educational hazards of the world wide meshing. The researcher David says that with the advent of the internet has led to a depleted quality of the research papers. The precedent claims that most of the information on the web is actually older than what it claims. This claim of the author is not absolutely correct. The Internet is amongst the fastest means of colloquy that is present today and the internet does have older information, but it also has the most recent deposition of papers and journals stored in electronic databases much(prenominal) as EBSCO. The author claims that the information on the web is in the main written by people whose credibility is difficult to asses. This claim is partially correct. A lot of researchers makes habit of wikis the information in which is not form a alone trusted source. Still, if taken from appropriate sources such as electronic databases, e-n ewspapers or magazines such as economists, the information is from a completely credible source. The author also says that the use of search engines for retrieval of information leads to useful information being missed out. The scenario has completely changed from the time when this article was written. Today websites such as Google use algorithms that make use of a cabal of a crawler, an indexer and a query processor which return the most related and reliable information on the first page (Sherman and Price, 2001). The author says that most of the information on the web is a mere abridgment and research papers based on these internet pages are nothing but a appeal of summaries.

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