Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Fast food restaurant Essay Example for Free

look sharpy victuals restaurant judgeThe pace of modern animation is devalued, and outright here is it turbulenter than in America. We want extravagant transportation, profligate communication, lush computers, devalued photos, fast music, fast repairs, and fast serv deoxyephedrine from the businesses we patronize. It is from the last of these that we got fast solid sustenance. At front intimately, it was a event of fast service. Fountain and dissolute Food Service was the epithet of a trade magazine, which published statements similar this from 1951 The interpreterners have become old hands at spotting the fount of conventi wizer that will patronize their fast nutriment service. Gradually service disappe ard, and in 1954 we find fast food by itself in the surname Fountain and libertine Food. Incidentally, the trade magazine renamed itself Fast Food by 1960. In February of that year, the magazine noted, exquisite scallops are really fast food beca intake they come ready to cook. And in July it remarked, Fast food type restaurants do the lions share of business for breakfast and noon meals eaten out. The fast food revolution was a fond success by dint ofout the land, and cardinal decades later it was conquering the world.The U. S.outcry against infiltration from the south is matched in vehemence by our neighbors outcry against fast-food imperialism and the gradual Americanization of their own societies. noted the Christian Science Monitor in 1982. Thanks to fast food, families that formerly ate home cooking now eat out or bring guts take-home fast food in record numbers. Its virtue is speed, not quality. Its less than moodl nutritional value may have influenced the coining of another depot twenty years later, one that similarly puts a four-letter epithet in front of food junk food (1973). Gale Encyclopedia of US History Fast FoodTop.Home depository library History, Politics Society US History Encyclopedia Fast food is what one eats in the vast majority of Americas restaurants. The shape denotes speed in both food set and guest service, as well as speed in customer eating habits. The restaurant assiduity, however, has traditionally best-loved the shapeation quick service. For hourly wage earnerswhether factory hands or store clerkstake-out eat wagons and sit-down lunch counters appeared at factory gates, streetcar stops, and throughout downtown districts in the late nineteenth century.For travelers, lunch counters also appeared in railroad stations nationwide. Fried food prevailed for its speed of preparation, as did machinate fare and other fixings that could be held in the hand and rapidly eaten, quite literally, on the run. fallal foods, such as hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, came to dominate, first usualized at various worlds fairs and at the nations resorts. Soft drinks and ice cream desserts also became a mainstay. Thus, fast food also came to imply diets high in naughty and caloric intake.By the end of the twentieth century, the typical American consumed some three hamburgers and four orders of french fries a week. Roughly a quarter of all Americans bought fast food e genuinely day. The germinate of automobile ownership in the United States brought profound change to the restaurant industry, with fast food world offered in a variety of drive-in restaurant formats. Mom-and-pop enterprise was harnessed, largely through franchising, in the structure of regional and national restaurant chain Howard Johnsons, Dairy Queen, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, and Taco Tico.Place-product-packaging was brought forcefully to the bow each restaurant in a chain variously shares the same logo, color scheme, architectural design motif, and point-of-purchase advertising, all configured in attention-getting, signlike buildings. Typically, fast food restaurants were located at the roadside, complete with driveways, parking lots, and, later, drive-thro ugh windows for those who favorite(a) to eat elsewhere, including those who ate in their cars as dashboard diners. Critical to industry success was the development of typography and plastic containers that kept food hot and facilitated carry-out. Such packaging, because of the volume of largely nonbiodegrad suitable waste it creates, has become a substantial environmental problem. In 2000, Mcdonaldsthe largest quick-service chainoperated at some 13,755 locations in the United States and Canada. The comp eachs distinctive well-off arches have spread worldwide, well beyond North America. A colossal, fast food came to stand as an substantial symbol of American cultural, if not economic, prowess. And, just as it did at home, fast food became, as well, a clear icon of modernity.Historically, fast food merchandising contri simplyed substantially to the quickening pace of American life through standardization. By the beginning of the twenty-first century, it fully embraced mass produc tion and mass marketing techniques, cut down to the scale of a restaurant. Chains of restaurants, in turn, became fully rationalized within standardized purchasing, marketing, and management systems. Such a system depends on a pool of cheap, largely unskilled labor, the quick service restaurant industry beingness notorious for its low wages and, accordingly, its rapid turnover of personnel. Bibliography Jakle, John A. , and Keith A. Sculle.Fast Food wayside eating places in the Automobile Age. Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. Pillsbury, Richard. No Foreign Food The American Diet and Place. Boulder, Colo. Westview Press, 1998. Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food res publica The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. reinvigorated York HarperCollins, 2002. John A. Jakle Gale Encyclopedia of Food Culture Fast FoodTop Home Library Food Cooking Food Culture Encyclopedia What is termed fast food in the United States right away to the highest degree commonly consists of h ot, freshly prepared, and wrapped food items, served to customers crossways a counter or through a drive-up window.Known as both fast food and quick-service food in the restaurant industry, these items are routinely sold and delivered in an amount of time ranging from a few seconds to several(prenominal) minutes they now vary widely in food type, encompassing virtually all kinds of meats, preparation methods, and ethnic cuisines. crummy hamburgers and french hot up potatoes are still the products approximately readily identified as fast food, exactly the list of items sold in the format continually increases.Fried fish and shellfish, hot dogs, chicken, pizza, roast beef, and pasta are commonly sold at quick-service outlets. In addition to these staples, many another(prenominal) quick-service restaurants manage a broad menu of Americanized Mexican, Greek, and Chinese foods. Some fast-food outlets offer specialty items, such as sushi, clams, or ribs, and others even sell compl ete home-cooked meals over their counters. Though menus and delivery formats vary greatly, fast foods chief common denominators include contiguous customer service, packaging to go, and inexpensive pricing.The precise origins of fast food are vague, probably predating written history. supperless people are as old as civilization itself, as are entrepreneurs eager to gratify their hunger. Food vendors in ancient cities sold prepared items to passersby on the street. The actual foods varied greatly, depending on goal and culture, but they generally comprised simple, inexpensive fare sold to people of modest means. Immigrants brought a variety of food styles to America, often preserving these for decades as a comforting connection with their ethnic past.Though many immigrant foodways were elaborate and ritualistic, most groups had one or two simple items that they consumed on a daily basis. As a rule, immigrant groups preferred their indigenous grains corn from the Americas, rice f rom Asia, and wheat from Europe. Often these served as the basis for the peasant foods of their homelands. Pasta and flavorless breads came over with Italians tortillas, beans, and tamales arrived with northbound Mexicans and Germans brought dark breads, along with a variety of fatty sausages (which later mutated into the hot dog).Asian immigrants go along to eat rice as the basis of their diet. In the early twentieth century fast food remained primarily the fare of the masses. Vendors wheeled their pushcarts daily to factory gates, merchandising their wares to hungry takeers. Often give to the tastes of the particular factorys dominant ethnic group, they charged customers pennies for basic items such as sausages, meatballs, or stew. Though popular among male industrial workers, this pushcart version of fast food never became mainstream cuisine.The urban diner was the transitional phase between the vendors pushcart and modern fast food. Most early diners were small restaurants, with limited seating, sometimes constructed out of converted railway carriages or streetcars. They served simple foods to working-class customers on a short-order basis, unremarkably cooking each meal individually when ordered. plug-ins varied, but fried foods were common. Though diners often emphasized speed in delivering food, customers routinely lingered before and after eating.The hamburger still stands out as the unity most important American fast food, though the precise origin of this meat sandwich is the subject of diachronic disagreement. People have eaten chopped beef throughout the ages, and it was long a fixture in many world cultures. The lineage of the American hamburger seems to point fearsomectly, as its name indicates, back to the German city of Hamburg. First appearing on American restaurant menus in the mid-nineteenth century, ground beef patties bore the title hamburg steak. By the centurys close, vendors regularly sold meatballs wrapped in slices of bread at county fairs and summer festivals. Regional legends allot the invention of this snack to several diametric individuals, but its true originator body a mystery. The hop on of Modern Fast Food Our modern image of the fast-food restaurant dates back to 1916, when Walt Anderson began selling hamburger sandwiches from an outdoor(a) stand on a Wichita street corner. Anderson simply flattened a meatball and placed it between two halves of a bun. His sandwich quickly became popular, attracting long lines of hungry buyers.By 1921, Anderson had joined local insurance component Edgar Billy Ingram to form the White rook System. After opening several identical restaurants in Wichita during their first year, the partners quickly spread their business to neighboring cities, then to nine major urban areas throughout the middle west and on the East Coast. What separated the White castle System from earlier short-order restaurants was its very sleek menu, comprising only hamburgers, coff ee, Coca-Cola, and pie a uniform architectural style and strict standardization of food quality, preparation methods, and employee performance.By the close of the 1920s, White Castles aggressive marketing and rapid spread had made the hamburger one of the most popular foods in America. Other entrepreneurs soon noticed White Castles success in the hamburger business. in truth closely copying White Castles products, architecture, and company name, competing new chains also thrived, carrying the hamburger craze across the nation to smaller cities and towns. The White Tower chain appeared in 1925, eventually challenging White Castles pronouncement in several northern cities.Krystals, clear in 1929 in Chattanooga, soon became the hamburger powerhouse of the south eastern United States states. White Castles hamburger sandwich, along with its many imitators, became a daily staple for many working-class Americans. It proved so successful, in fact, that by 1930 the president of the Ameri can Restaurant Association identified the fast-food hamburger as the most important food item in the nation. Hamburgers became even more a mainstream food during the 1930s. The bigger restaurant chains began marketing their products to middle-class buyers, and even more Americans became burger lovers.Despite the harsh economy of the spectacular Depression, most fast-food chains go on to thrive, and in many cases grew considerably. Most advanced selling the White Castlestyle hamburger, but late in the decade the Big Boy chain spread east from California, introducing its new double-decker hamburger sandwich along the way. By the end of the Depression, America was a solidly hamburger-eating culture. After prospering in the Depression, however, the fast-food industry suffered a in effect(p) setback during World War II.Shortages of incumbent foodstuffs, such as meat, sugar, tomatoes, and coffee, meant limited menu offerings and often a significant loss of business. Attempting to con tinue providing meals to their customers, fast-food restaurants experimented with different items that were still in abundance, including soy patties, chili, and french fried potatoes. Even more damaging than commodity shortages was the very low unemployment rate, which meant that most workers bypassed the restaurant industry in favor of higher-paying work.Adjusting to this labor shortage, chains soon replaced their all-male work force with women and teenagers, two groups who would become their most common employees. Despite attempts to find palatable alternative foods, and despite the shifts in workforce, much of the fast-food industry was a casualty of the war by 1945, more than half(prenominal) of Americas restaurants had closed down, including several of the major fast-food chains. Rebuilding the fast-food industry after the war proved a slow process. No single chain emerged to claim dominance, and little innovation occurred.Individual companies struggled to restore their prewa r prosperity, and new regional chains tried to gain a foothold. Suffering the effects of escalating costs and still under the threat of continued shortages due to unstable food supplies in war-torn countries, fast-food restaurants often had to double prices to remain in business. As population shifted from Americas cities to suburbia during the 1950s, the fast-food industry quickly followed. Early chains such as White Castle and White Tower, resisting moving to the suburbs, were quickly eclipsed by upstart franchised chains.Burger King and McDonalds outlets became common fixtures at suburban crossroads, selling burgers, fries, and shakes to hungry families. Burger Kings Jim McLamore and McDonalds Ray Kroc each sought to build one of his restaurants in every American town, and they exposed hundreds of new Burger Kings and McDonalds each year in the 1960s. To accomplish this rapid expansion, they relied heavily on franchise investors, apply strict product uniformity throughout their chains, and aggressively advertised in every newly opened territory. With McDonalds and Burger Kings success, Burger Chef outlets soon appeared nearby.Arbys, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Taco Bell were not far behind. By the late 1960s, fast food no longer meant just hamburger restaurants, but had diversified to include quick-service pizza, roast beef, chicken, and tacos. To give an idea of the dimensions to which the fast-food industry has grown, in 1999 Americans consumed over 26 billion pounds of beef, much of it as hamburgers. In that year McDonalds completely had more than ten thousand restaurants in the United States, from which it grossed in excess of $13 billion in revenue. Criticism of Fast Food Despite the widespread popularity of fast food in modern American culture, critics abound.Since the 1930s, articles and books have condemned the industry, exposing allegedly poor sanitary conditions, unhealthy food products, related environmental problems, and unfair working condit ions. Whether it warrants the attention or not, the fast-food industry is still regularly cited for exploiting young workers, polluting, and contributing to obesity and other serious health problems among American consumers. American beef consumption, and more specifically the fast-food hamburger industry, is often blamed for the intent of the Amazon rain forests to make way for more grazing lands for beef cattle.Early foes of fast food cited the deplorable filth of many hamburger stands, in addition to claiming that the beef ground for their sandwiches was either spoiled, diseased, or simply of low quality. In fact, many critics maintained that much of the meat used in fast-food hamburgers came from sawbuck carcasses. The high fat content of fast food was also controversial. Despite deceptive industry claims virtually the high quality and the health benefits of their products, in the 1920s and 1930s concerned nutritionists warned the public about the checkup dangers of regular burger consumption.This distrust and criticism of fast food continue today, extending even further to include dire warnings about the industrys use of genetically modified and antibiotic-laden beef products. Most major chains have responded to fresh attacks by prominently posting calorie and nutritional charts in their restaurants, advertising fresh ingredients, and offering alternatives to their fried foods. Despite a few more health-conscious items on the menu, fast-food chains now aggressively advertise the model that bigger is better, offering large super-size or biggie portions of french fries, soft drinks, and milkshakes.Critics point to this marketing emphasis as a reason for an excessive and greatly increasing per-capita caloric intake among fast-food consumers, resulting in fast-growing place of obesity in the United States. Increased litter is another problem that critics have blamed on the fast-food industry. Selling their products in paper wrappings and paper bags, ea rly outlets created a source of litter that had not antecedently existed. Wrappers strewn about city streets, especially those close to fast-food restaurants, brought harsh criticism, and often inspired new local ordinances to process the problem.Some municipalities actually forced chains to clean up litter that was imprinted with their logos, but such sanctions were rare. Fast-food wrappers became part of the urban, and later suburban, landscape. Since bags and wrappers were crucial in the delivery of fast food, the industry as a whole continued to use disposable packaging, superficially assuaging public criticism by providing outside trash receptacles for the discarded paper. years later, environmentalists again attacked the industry for excessive packaging litter, criticizing both the volume and the content of the refuse.By the early 1970s, the harshest criticisms think more on the synthetic materials used in packaging, and less on the carelessly discarded paper. Critics derid ed the industrys use of styrofoam sandwich containers and soda cups, claiming that these products were not sufficiently biodegradable and were clogging landfills. Facing mounting opposition from a growing environmental movement, most of the major chains returned to packaging food in paper wrappings or small cardboard boxes. Labor activists have criticized fast-food chains tendency to employ inexpensive teenage workers.normally offering the lowest possible wages, with no health or retirement benefits, these restaurants often find it rugged hiring adults for stressful, fast-paced jobs. Many critics claim that the industry preys on teenagers, who will work for less pay and are less likely to organize. Though these accusations may have merit, the industrys reliance on teenage labor also has inherent liabilities, such as a high employee turnover rate, which result in substantial recruiting and raising costs.Companies have countered criticism about their use of teenage workers with the rationale that they offer young people entry-level work experience, teaching them both skills and responsibility. Despite the relentless attacks, hundreds of millions of hungry customers eat fast food daily. The media constantly incite American consumers about its supposed evils. Most are conscious of the health risks from fatty, greasy meals most acquit that they are being served by a poorly paid young worker and if they choose to theorise it, most are aware that the excessive packaging causes millions of tons of trash each year.But they continue to purchase and eat fast food on a regular basis. Fast food remains central to the American diet because it is inexpensive, quick, convenient, and predictable, and because it tastes good. Even more important, Americans eat fast food because it is now a cultural norm. As American culture homogenized and became distinctively American in the second half of the twentieth century, fast food, and especially the hamburger, emerged as the prima ry American ethnic food. Just as the Chinese eat rice and Mexicans eat tamales, Americans eat burgers. And fast food has grown even beyond being just a distinctive ethnic food.Since the 1960s, the concept has extended far beyond the food itself, with the term becoming a common descriptor for other quick-service trading operations, even a metaphor for many of the minus aspects of mainstream American life. Theorists and pundits sometimes use the term fast food to denigrate American habits, institutions, and values, referring to them as elements of a fast-food society. In fact, fast-food has become a frequently used adjective, implying not only ready availability but also superficiality, mass-produced standardization, lack of authenticity, or just poor quality.In the last two decades of the twentieth century, fast food gained additional economic and cultural significance, becoming a popular American exportation to nations around the world. Some detractors claim that it is even delib erately used by the United States, as a tool of cultural imperialism. The appearance of a McDonalds or Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant on the streets of a foreign city signals to many the demise of indigenous culture, replacing another countrys traditional practices and values with American materialism.In fact, the rapid spread of American fast food is probably not an organized conspiracy, quite a more the result of aggressive corporate marketing strategies. Consumers in other countries are willing and able to buy fast-food products, so chains are quick to accommodate demand. Thought of around the world as American food, fast food continues its rapid international growth.Bibliography Boas, Max, and Steve Chain. Big Mac The Unauthorized Story of McDonalds. New York Dutton, 1976. Emerson, Robert, L. Fast Food The Endless Shakeout. New York Lebhar-Friedman, 1979. Halberstam, David. The Fifties.New York Villard Books, 1993. Chapter 11 discusses the origins of the McDonalds empire. Ho gan, David Gerard. Selling em by the pigeon berry White Castle and the Creation of American Food. New York New York University Press, 1997. Jakle, John A. , and Keith A. Sculle. Fast Food wayside Restaurants in the Automobile Age. Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. Langdon, Philip. Orange Roofs, Golden Arches The Architecture of American Chain Restaurants. New York Knopf, 1986. McLamore, James, W. The Burger King Jim McLamore and the build of an Empire. New York McGraw-Hill, 1998.Mariani, John. America Eats Out. New York William Morrow, 1991. Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. capital of Massachusetts and New York Houghton Mifflin, 2001. Tennyson, Jeffrey. Hamburger Heaven The Illustrated History of the Hamburger. New York Hyperion, 1993. Witzel, Michael Karl. The American Drive-In History and Folklore of the Drive-In Restaurant in the Car Culture. Osceola, Wisc. Motorbooks International, 1994. David Gerard Hogan AMG AllGame Gu ide Fast FoodTop Home Library Entertainment Arts Games Guide retail store Date 1989 Genre Action.Style Maze Random House Word Menu categories related to fast foodTop Home Library Literature Language Word Menu Categories Random House Word Menu by Stephen Glazier For a list of words related to fast food, see Cuisines, Meals, and Restaurants fast food cheap, mass-produced dishes served quickly at walk-in or drive-in outlets convenience food Wikipedia on Answers. com Fast foodTop Home Library Miscellaneous Wikipedia For other uses, see Fast food (disambiguation). A typical fast food meal in the United States includes a hamburger, french fries, and a soft drink.Pictured here are burgers from In-N-Out Burger McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut fast food restaurants in the United Arab Emirates Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food, typically the te rm refers to food sold in a restaurant or store with preheated or precooked ingredients, and served to the customer in a packaged form for take-out/take-away. The term fast food was recognized in a dictionary by MerriamWebster in 1951.Outlets may be stands or kiosks, which may provide no shelter or seating,1 or fast food restaurants (also known as quick service restaurants). Franchise operations which are part of restaurant chains have standardized foodstuffs shipped to each restaurant from central locations. 2 circumscribe 1 History 1. 1 Pre-modern Europe 1. 2 United Kingdom 1. 3 United States 2 On the go 2. 1 Filling stations 2. 2 Street vendors and concessions 3 Cuisine 3. 1 Variants 4 Business 5 Employment 6 Globalization 7 Criticism 8 run into also 9 References 10 Further reading 11 External links History.

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