Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Object Analysis (Keris from Bali) using Prown's Method Assignment

Object Analysis (Keris from Bali) using Prowns Method - Assignment role modelSandalwood is used in making its cover, and it has a length of 45 cm. It has an approximate width of 3 cm and 3 mm thick. The Ganesh carving on the handle is a symbol of divinity and protection. It has been in the self-denial of the family for approximately seven decades through inheritance as it is passed on to family members. The Keris is distinct with the pastor pattern on the blades surface. The Keris is believed to confer upon the owner so many blessings of good luck and also let opportunities for wealth increment (Wiener). The Keris are still widely used by the Bali in religious function and wedding ceremonies as they serve specific functions.The Keris weighs approximately 360 grams, sizeable to a knife and is handheld. Its cover is do in such a way that it can be hanged on the waistline. Its handle is rough, and this enables it to be grasped easily. It has motifs on the flat sides of the blade th at represents the upcoming change of events of windfall luck and fortune.The Keris was faltering daily that also include in special ceremonies. It is considered so valuable and as such it has been passed on from generation to generation and worn by both genders. It has a vast spiritual and mythological development around it (Picard and Madinier). It uses include parade, armaments, tools of john powers, sanctified heirlooms, fundamental items for soldiers, societal status indicators and a heroism emblem.With current modernisation, the Keris has lost some of its serious social and spiritual meaning in the society. Its traditional role has diminished and left craftsmen with little bulk to continue with the making and supply of Keris. There are several questions that can arise from the Keris. For instance, how did people scrape up to believe in its magical powers? Does it really have evidence of spiritual importance?In my opinion, the Keris presents a beautiful history of Indonesia ns and its protection in

Monday, April 29, 2019

Color-blind racism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

blind racism - Essay ExampleHowever, despite these attractive arguments, there is evidence to show that black bulk are more afflicted with HIV/AIDS, and there is overly high infant mortality place among the black people. There is also proof that there Asians, Arabs, and Muslims have been racially profiled especially in the beseech against terrorism. Colorblind racism has succeeded in uniting the white people together instead of addressing the problem of racism (Copeland, pp. 68-69). miscellaneous ways have been on how the color blind racism can be addressed. A secure suggestion is the belief in one God among all persons of America. This is will make people also trust in all be one irrespective of their races. Malcolm X gives an example of the pilgrimage to Mecca where he saw all men actually worship one God and there we no characteristic as to whether one is a white or a black Muslim. He, therefore, sees the panacea for the racism unsoundness in America as spiritual in nature . He says that Americans ought to copy Muslims as he argues that among the Muslim community, there is no iota of racism (Haley and Malcolm,

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Is global warming man made Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Is globular warm up man made - Essay ExampleIn short, nobody has any doubt intimately the fact that atmospheric temperature is showing abnormal increases in recent times. On the other hand, many mountain conceptualise that globose warm up is a scam or manmade issue in clubhouse to work on the sentiments of people for commercial purposes. Global warming skeptics consider that the weather models used to establish global warming and to forecast its impacts are distorted1. They are of the view that some scientists raise this issue in order to make money in the name of global warming researches. This paper critically analyses whether global warming is manmade or not. Prominent scientists, such as Frederick Seitz, Ph.D., Richard S. Lindzen, Ph.D., S. Fred Singer, Ph.D, Patrick J. Michaels, Ph.D. and Robert C. Balling, Jr., Ph. D.2 seduce expressed doubts over climate change and challenged the consensus of mainstream scientists3. nursery gas emissions from automobiles and industri al units are often cited as the major reason for global warming. According to scientific principles, gases in atmosphere should expand when they get heated and travel in the upward direction. If that is true, air obligate at earths surface should be dipped. However, such dip in atmospheric embrace near earths surface has been never observed. ... Also the warming can be out-of-pocket to the variation in cloud cover4. Lord Crimson (n. d) has quoted the opinions of 19,000 scientists in order to reject the idea of global warming. He has pointed out that these scientists are of the view that global warming is probably natural and not a crisis5. It should be noted that it is impossible for mankind to make any changes in in solar proceeds or variations in cloud cover. Under these circumstances, the opinion of meteorologist John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, is very practically important. He said that even if global warming is something to worry about, its dangerous to look to government to cause the climate6. Stephen Mulholland (2009) approached global warming issue from a different angle. In his opinion, We have one of mankinds superlative scams climate change and anthropogenic global warming (AGW), in which were asked to expend trillions of dollars now so that events which may, or may not, take place when weve been dead for centuries dont take place7. In Dr. Sami Solankis (the director of the noted Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Gottingen, Germany) opinion, Sun has been at its strongest over the one-time(prenominal) 60 years and may now be affecting global temperatures8. In other words, we have to look upwards to identify the villain who causes global warming instead of looking around. Some scientists believe that the intensity of solar radiations increases and decreases periodically in every 1000 years of time period. In their opinion, cheer is currently going through a period in which its radiations are intensified and ther e is postcode to worry about it since such increases in temperature may not go beyond certain

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Ernst and Young LLP. The annual reports of AT&T and Verizon Essay

Ernst and Young LLP. The annual reports of AT&T and Verizon - Essay ExampleCoincidentally, both of the companies under consideration utilize the service of a single auditing unassailable Ernst and Young LLP.Ernst and Young LLP prides itself in being a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction, and advisory work (Ernst and Young 2008) having the overall aim of extending a positive impact on businesses and markets, as well as on society as a whole (Ernst and Young 2008). With this commitment for excellence, it currently employs a family of 130,000 professionals with diverse background and specialties each contributing to the success of the business organization. As an auditing firm, it maintains high standard in its undertaking and promotes overall transparency in pecuniary reporting (Ernst and Young 2008). With the growth of financial fiascos and controversies involving extensive corporations like Enron, Ernst and Young upholds its integrity in the market through its dedicati on to high ethical standards in its operations (Ernst and Young 2008).The annual reports of AT&T and Verizon both comprise four important financial statements each highlighting different aspects which give users of these information a thorough knowledge on their financial standing.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Three short essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Three short essays - Essay ExampleThis will indeed excogitate on the performance of the firm as growing, startling or diminishing. Managerial capitalism as Chandler suggests, is a structure where an first step is fudgeled with managerial skills (Chandler and Alfred, 1984476). This is a system that has been used by a number of organisations and firms since the ordinal century, especially in the United States and Great Britain. As a fact, the stakeholders and owners be not in control of their enterprise. Therefore, the performance of an enterprise will solely depend on the managers. The administration of all activities in an enterprise is the work of the managers, which is reflected on the end results. Managers that have apt managerial skills are on the forefront of preserve success in an enterprise. As such, they will give adorable results in each financial year. However, managers that do not have the required skills are likely to reflect negative results. On the early(a) hand, Taylorism is a form of management where main objectives of an enterprise or firm are stipulated for economic efficiency (Dunning and Boyd, 2003129). In this type of management, labour productivity is instilled by using scientific forms which have analysed ways of flowing activities. In such a manner, most of the activities of a firm are d iodine according to the laid come on criterion. Similarly, well-nigh organisations chose to use Fordism and bureaucracy in management. Fordism involves industrialised forms of production, which are geared towards making a huge production. These forms are mostly industrialised to make work easier. However, bureaucracy in management involves an administration that executes healthy rules and enforces them to make an achievement in the organisation. These administration rules are socially organised by the administration. All these managerial administrations are core concepts in controlling and managing an enterprise, which reflects on the performa nce. These are historical concepts that have been used by many organisations. Some organisations encompass several managerial concepts depending on how they work and the success of each one of them. Therefore, it is in the best interests of a firm to choose on the best concept to use, especially when they contend to amass resources for their development (Ryrvik, 201162). For instance, in managerial capitalism, all the managers have the right to make decisions in a firm. The stakeholders do not have to change such decisions as they do not have a right. On the other hand, in bureaucracy management, all the stakeholders and mangers have to settle down for a substantial decision. As such, all the people that are in the firm have to make decisions for the firm. On the other hand, Taylorism and Fordism involves scientific ways of management. These are structured ways that ensure a firm is developing accordingly. Changes are only made with reference to these scientific ways. As Hall and Soskice state, each of these methods is fundamental in making a firm or enterprise progress. As much as firms continue to conduct their business, some problems may occur. In such instances, there should be generations of solutions. For instance, when there is a problem in a firm that embraces Fordism and Taylorism, they have to look for structured ways that will help avert the situation. However, in a firm that embraces bureaucracy and managerial capitalism, the management is the core subject to structure the solution. Topic

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Bahrain History 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bahrain History 2 - Assignment ExampleIt only got its independence from Great Britain earlier in the 1970s. It was only then when the Constitution was formulated along the lines of the needs of the people of the Bahrain and its historical and spectral backgrounds.While the country came into being in 1971 (Cavendish, 2006, 37), a fully functional constitution was placed into twinge in 1973. Under this constitution a unicameral legislature was brought into force. In this constitution there were both categories separately designated for the naming of the ministers to the cabinet. While one quota was reserved for the ministers to be appointed from the royal family and of the noble class, the other(a) category had the ministers to be appointed through the proper method of election and peoples appointment process. In this cadre the total numbers of ministers appointed were 30 in number. The name of the country was elect for the Emirate of Bahrain.The constitution of 1973 remained in force for a little time. While initially it was aimed for to be enacted for a prolonged period, the dream could not come true and due to the disagreements and turbulence in the political scenario, the constitution along with the assembly and the representative members were sent packing in no time. It was in 1975 that the constitution was termed abrogated and the country was being declared to be run in state of emergency (Mangold, 2013, 60). The first few articles were related to the announcement of the power in the country, the other articles were related to the civil society and social welfare and functioning articles and instructions. It consisted of a total of 109 articles which had the segment and space for the domestic affairs, the welfare, the foreign policy, the state affairs and all other canonic components that were required for making the constitution a functional one.Under each of the constitution the King is the guide on of the state, he is supported by the Prince w ho is from the same family.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Matt and Ben Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

lusterlessness and Ben - Essay ExampleThe stars in the play, Kathleen Cowan, a Bachelor of Arts theatre senior, and Kristen Aviles, a BFA acting sophomore, were audible in their performance. Not only were they entertaining throughout the duration of the play, which took 90 minutes, but also they do the audience laugh heartily. They played their roles effectively, consequently leading to the success of the performance.The director of the play, Stephanie Freeman, was also active in directing the play. Apart from directing other performances, Freeman indicates that this play is appropriate for her research. She does an excellent job in executing her role, which is inclusive of effectively introducing women into contemporary comedy. She can show the audience the relaxed side of the theatres, in the take to that the play will enhance the introduction of more creative ideas into theatre performances. For this reason, through the play, she takes part in creating more opportunities for p eople introduce creativity in their stage performances. Her role is reflected in the reaction of the audience, who atomic number 18 all excited about the performance.West Virginia University. WVU LAB Theatre presents wacky comedy, Matt and Ben Nov. 14-16. Retrieved on celestial latitude 4, 2014 from

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

As We Are Now by Sarton Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

As We are straight off by Sarton - Essay ExampleAnalysis In the novel As We Are Now, M. Sarton designates the reader to acquire her thoughts and sentiments regarding a critical issue with nursing homes in reference to how old peck are deprived of respect and austerely shown inappropriate treatment through the mean approach of their keepers at heart an institutionalized setting. Equivalently, as Sarton exhibits this truth via the role of her protagonist Caro Spencer, the authors creation in the phase angle of journal entries by Spencer reflects at depth a character whose struggles are quite alarming to a reader who has stayed and observed matters at the surface. Little does everyone know that beneath the ideal perception toward social workers lies a huge mystery on the essential humanitarian traits for which only subjects like Caro, in coping with her sanity, dismiss reveal what the real encounter with them is made of. As a retired educator who never married and lived without a single offspring, Spencer appears to deserve opulently having the latter brief years of her life under fulfilled serving of living.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Journalism Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Journalism Portfolio - study ExampleMost intelligence activity show may be intended to deflect or defuse cosmos opinion on matters of great importance and editors can influence the direction of how opinion is shaped. When a theme is owned by a politician, then there might be truth to the statement that watchword is what someone, somewhere wants concealed as in the case of Italy today. As mentioned earlier, this newspaper is mostly of community-type of state-supportedation and so most of its stories are local in nature. Most of the sources were the local news reporters that had gathered the news strike within their areas. However, some of the news with a wider look such as global news capacitance had been rehashes (re-written) of global news organizations as it has no capability of news gathering that is global in scope. Anyway, this is the foreshorten today in most news organizations whereby they become aggregators of various news sources which it had deemed newsworthy to b e include in their own publications. In the Internet age today, it is far more economical to just carry to some big news organizations like CNN or Time to syndicate the same news materials and read a reporter to re-write it with a local background. Discussion In a world of instant news and competition for crucial publication space, the news of today has to be carefully selected that impart interest its score audience. The readers of this type of newspaper would normally be interested on matters that concern them and only later will they go on to other news happening much further afield. For example, the most recent news of a dead giant star carcass washing ashore should be of greater interest to its readers because this case can be considered as a rarity (it is not everyday a dead whale is washed onto the sands). Its news value may be in its ability to shock some readers to conciliate them wander how could an event like this happen (Carr 1) and adding a photograph could lend a certain firearm of nostalgia. The dead whale would be of concern to local residents because of the intense stink it brought. A public intention is normally defined to be someone who is usually in the limelight and this by necessity includes public figures like politicians, artists and actors or actresses. They opted for a profession that requires them public exposure or may have fame or prominence so that their lives are the focus of intense public scrutiny. A celebrity, on the other hand, is a type of person who acquired a certain persona such as rock stars, movie stars or sports stars. They are very familiar to the general public and their actions and statements are closely followed in most of the time. A public figure has less claims to privacy than an ordinary person since their lives are open to the public by virtue of their standing in the community or society. If a public figure is the subject of a bad news article, then he or she must first prove his status as a public f igure in order to establish an evil motive in piece that article, such as malice or hate. Other citizens enjoy a higher degree of privacy in this regard because they are not in the public eye. The private lives of public figures can be written quite easily with mostly no objections but if the writer has written something defamatory, then a libel suit can be filed by concerned party.

ECON 3498 HW7 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ECON 3498 HW7 - Assignment Exampleovariance matrix without a degrees of freedom study from a VAR(p)model, cT is a sequence indexed by the sample size T ,and (n, p) is a penalty function which penalizes large VAR(p) models.For the last few years, the claim that an development in economical growth leads to an increase in inflation and that decreased growth reduces inflation. All different things being equal, an increase in economic growth must cause inflation to drop.Under the assumption of sticky nominal wages (traditional Keynesian asymmetry), negative monetary assaults have greater real impact than positive monetary shocks. According to Ravn et al (1999), sticky nominal wages will render the aggregate supply curve convex. In the natural case, the aggregate supply curve is vertical at the point where the nominal wage is in equilibrium. A positive monetary shock will increase aggregate demand along the vertical ingredient of the aggregate supply curve leaving real economy unch anged, at least in the short circuit run.Residuals from this regression show changes in the intended funds rate not taken in receipt to information about future economic developments. The resulting series for monetary shocks should be relatively free of both endogenous and anticipatory actions.To measure the effects of monetary policy on output it is enough that the shock is orthogonal to output forecasts. The shock does not have to be orthogonal to price, exchange rate, or other forecasts. It may be predictable from time t information it does not have to be a shock to agents or the Feds entire information

Sunday, April 21, 2019

NUTRITION FOR AN ACTIVE LIFESTYLE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

NUTRITION FOR AN ACTIVE modus vivendi - Essay ExampleWater is the main component that keeps the volume of the blood in the luggage compartment.DEHYDRATION AND HYDRATION Because of the alert roles of irrigate in the body functioning, keeping the fluid level of the body is important for athletes who exercise or practice for long hours. A workout under the duration of thirty minutes can spoil on with piss only, but beyond that water loss from the body exit lead to evaporation. For athletes belike the most important nutritional concern is fluid replacement. The main loss of water from the body is out-of-pocket to perspiration. In water sports like swimming, one will not even know the loss of water through perspiration as perspiration is rather invisible here. According to various studies if one loses water up to two or more percent of ones body weight ( water makes 60% of the body weight) referable to sweating ( If the athlete weigh 50 Kilograms and if he loses one litre sweat ) , that will lead to a drop in blood volume. This will force the heart to work harder to bosom the blood through the arteries. This is the extreme situation of dehydration. This leads to muscle cramps. The functioning of the brain heavily depends on water as pointed out by K.G styles, the hydration technique expert (http//EzineArticles.com/ ), and thus dehydration affects the brain leading to fall apart and dizziness. If not rehydrated immediately this situation may even lead to heat illnesses like Heat stab and Heat Exhaustion. In addition to excessive sweating, other causes of dehydration are inadequate fluid intake, affliction to replace fluid losses during and after the exercises, working out in dry hot weather, in the open, and drinking only when one is thirsty.According to, Ron.j. Maughan and Robert Murray, though we usually take care of the dehydration due to sweat lose during exercises, not much scientific interest is shown to study the pre exercise dehydration. Pre exe rcise dehydration may be due to

Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Holocaust in the history is a unique occurence Essay

The Holocaust in the fib is a unique occurence - Essay ExampleSuch an event signifies the uniqueness of the holocaust whereby it cannot be compared with another(prenominal) forms of suffering experienced in historical genocide such as those that took place in Cambodia, Rwanda and elsewhere.Since antiquity, the shame towards the Jews propelled individuals to establish a league of Anti- Semitism that augmented its hatred towards the Jews. Anti- Semitism throughout history has considered factors such as military, grow and economic to justify their hatred towards the Jews. Those who upheld anti- Semitism attributes feared the Jews military advancement whereby they considered it as a threat, while others feared and got angry at Jews business orientations since it made them economically self- sustaining1. In addition, majority feared the Jews culture since the Jews lived in a large community that could not borrow or assimilate in other peoples culture. In justifying the uniqueness of t he holocaust, one should not view the approach as an effort to garner the Jews psychological advantage or a sacred prestige because of the suffering they went through. The holocaust will always echo in the minds of historian who tries to fathom the atrocities that faced the European Jews. Some critiques of the uniqueness of the holocaust acquire that claiming the atrocities that met the Jews are an act of garnering prestigious attributes to the Jews. The notion is not correct especially in the contemporary societies where the more or less powerful control events and activities. In such a society where the powerful dominates, it is not prestigious to be powerless and victimized.The uniqueness of the holocaust is better understood by revisiting the history within the Nazi Germany, within the history context of the Jewish and the general history. Within the Nazi history, it is indicated that approximately 55 million individuals perished by

Friday, April 19, 2019

Ukraines Transition from Socialism to Capitalism Essay

Ukraines Transition from Socialism to Capitalism - Essay faceFollowing the revolt, the rulers of Ukraine turned to Russia for protection and hence laid down the path towards Russian imperialism. This colonialism made a new distinction among the workforce in Ukraine. A large-scale labor migration from Russia occurred which acquired high skill and break in pay job opportunities while the domestic workers suffered from a low wage and bad working conditions. The protests against such unjust and exploitative attitude lead to the upheaval of the 1917-1920 and 1942-1947 revolution. The struggle weakened because of the withdrawal of the Bolshevik members of Ukraine. In October 1917, the revolutions of Russia and Ukraine fused but the leaders in the parliament, Rada, who were against the notion of a Russian workers republic, decelerated the progress towards a Ukrainian socialist uprising. The Rada had diverged so much from the objectives of the Ukrainian mass that during its disposition in 1918 (by the Red Army) it had already scattered its ground of support. In this so-called defense of sovereignty, the incident that took place was that these Rada leaders gave Ukraine away to German, Austrian, and Polish occupations. The family 1920 saw another upsurge to dispose of Russian colonialism by the Ukrainian Communist protesters. However, with the strengthening of the powers of Stalin and Russia, the dynamics of centralism shattered the rest of the hopes of national equality. In the 1930s, a mixture of rapid industrialization and enforced collectivization sowed the seeds of a mass aggression. Millions of people died in the false famine of 1932-33 and a considerable number were deported to Siberia. Those who purview to venerate, analyze, or dissent these tragic incidents were either imprisoned or tortured.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

NBC Internet TV Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

NBC meshwork TV - Assignment ExampleThe Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has blocked active online streaming sites with temporary restraining orders, facial expression permission is not granted to broadcast without paying copyright fees. Some companies agree that the FCC needs to clearly define what an online video distributor is and post clear and concise rules that consider all stakeholders for this new suit of broadcasting across the Internet (Kang, 2010). In order for NBC to be a competitive force in the Internet TV arena, they must offer connection to all forms of Internet technology that is being apply regularly. NBC is interested in continuing to broadcast news, shows, and other programs on the Internet TV, claiming the ability to reach a much larger audience than regular TV. Opposition to NBCs close-circuit broadcasts believe that anyone who owns a television able-bodied of connecting to the Internet should have access to everything the Web has to offer (Kang, 20 10). Reports that detail the networks that currently block viewing privileges of web-based programs to slightly Internet TV subscribers has some interested parties upset. The idea that big conglomerates can oust smaller organizations forrader they even have a chance to be successful is unfair monopolization of the industry, according to billet attorneys for the opposition (Kang, 2010). The ability to reach a larger audience by broadcasting across Internet TV allows NBC to increase revenue through increased ad sales and other vendor payments that would other than be invalid, were it not for global inclusion. The threat of having to share content provided by NBC to other Internet TV users could hamper the revenue collected by NBC. Companies and trade firms involved in Internet TV would ilk to see FCC rules and regulation maintain the integrity of the pay stream that has been established (Kang, 2010). The Nielson ratings and demographic coverage tot up the data used by television post to sell future advertisements. Tapping into the Internet TV mart allows data statistics to increase, thus revenue to potentially increase for NBC (Robertson, 2012). The success or failure of putting NBC on Internet TV may very likely be attributed to the conditions the FCC puts on this and other television stations wanting to broadcast across the globe. The ability for NBC to compete in the Internet TV arena volition include their willingness to do what it takes to maintain the seamless Internet connectivity desired by those loyal customers who will outride to support NBC. Rogers Internet TV Rogers On Demand Online, one of the three largest broadcasting networks in Canada, changed their flesh to Rogers Anyplace TV (RogersKaili, 2012) to incorporate the idea that viewing of programming can happen anywhere or anytime. Rogers has opened the access of Internet TV in Canada to personal computers, smartphones, tablets, and the Xbox360 (Suppa, 2010) giving viewers more options of computer programming and availability of programs. The Internet TV options in Canada are expanding due to Rogers efforts to open up alternative shipway for customers to continuously stream programs into busy schedules. The offering of play-shifting, time-shifting, micro-transactional, and high definition content delivery (Suppa, 2010) have do Rogers the first company to expand this extensively into Internet TV. The idea behind the name is that the more options a customer has to

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 14

Management - Essay ExampleFirst of all it presents the general introduction of the exposesourcing and in-sourcing.The technique of outsourcing directs a corporation/ business/Company that contracts with another corporation to proffer services that could or else be carried out through in-house personnel. A lot of huge corporations at the present time outsource employments equivalent that e-mail services, call center servicesas vigorous as payroll. These professions be griped through detach corporations that concentrate in every service, as well as are frequently positioned out of the country (Outsourcing?, 2009). There are a lot of causes that businesses outsource an assortment of employments on the other hand the majority famous gain appears to be the information that it frequently accumulates money. A lot of the businesses that offer outsourcing facility and services are surefooted to carry out the job at significantly smaller amount charges, because they do not seduce to of fer profits to their employees, as well as have smaller amount fixed approach expenses to be anxious about (Outsourcing?, 2009).Outsourcing is contracting out practice, like that manufacturing or product design, to a tertiary party business. The assessment to outsource is frequently prepared in the significance of small price or producing enhanced utilization of efforts and time expenses, forwarding or saving efforts going to at the competencies of a fussy industry, or else to destroy more well-organized utilization of information, labor, land, capital, technology as well as resources. Outsourcing turned out to befraction of the industry lexicon all the way through the period of 1980s. It is fundamentally a supply of labor.1Organizations have move to enlarge their competitive recompenses as the industrial revolution. Though, in the fifties and sixties variation as well as financial systems of scale turned out to be the novel movement, and in

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Fast food restaurant Essay Example for Free

look sharpy victuals restaurant judgeThe pace of modern animation is devalued, and outright here is it turbulenter than in America. We want extravagant transportation, profligate communication, lush computers, devalued photos, fast music, fast repairs, and fast serv deoxyephedrine from the businesses we patronize. It is from the last of these that we got fast solid sustenance. At front intimately, it was a event of fast service. Fountain and dissolute Food Service was the epithet of a trade magazine, which published statements similar this from 1951 The interpreterners have become old hands at spotting the fount of conventi wizer that will patronize their fast nutriment service. Gradually service disappe ard, and in 1954 we find fast food by itself in the surname Fountain and libertine Food. Incidentally, the trade magazine renamed itself Fast Food by 1960. In February of that year, the magazine noted, exquisite scallops are really fast food beca intake they come ready to cook. And in July it remarked, Fast food type restaurants do the lions share of business for breakfast and noon meals eaten out. The fast food revolution was a fond success by dint ofout the land, and cardinal decades later it was conquering the world.The U. S.outcry against infiltration from the south is matched in vehemence by our neighbors outcry against fast-food imperialism and the gradual Americanization of their own societies. noted the Christian Science Monitor in 1982. Thanks to fast food, families that formerly ate home cooking now eat out or bring guts take-home fast food in record numbers. Its virtue is speed, not quality. Its less than moodl nutritional value may have influenced the coining of another depot twenty years later, one that similarly puts a four-letter epithet in front of food junk food (1973). Gale Encyclopedia of US History Fast FoodTop.Home depository library History, Politics Society US History Encyclopedia Fast food is what one eats in the vast majority of Americas restaurants. The shape denotes speed in both food set and guest service, as well as speed in customer eating habits. The restaurant assiduity, however, has traditionally best-loved the shapeation quick service. For hourly wage earnerswhether factory hands or store clerkstake-out eat wagons and sit-down lunch counters appeared at factory gates, streetcar stops, and throughout downtown districts in the late nineteenth century.For travelers, lunch counters also appeared in railroad stations nationwide. Fried food prevailed for its speed of preparation, as did machinate fare and other fixings that could be held in the hand and rapidly eaten, quite literally, on the run. fallal foods, such as hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, came to dominate, first usualized at various worlds fairs and at the nations resorts. Soft drinks and ice cream desserts also became a mainstay. Thus, fast food also came to imply diets high in naughty and caloric intake.By the end of the twentieth century, the typical American consumed some three hamburgers and four orders of french fries a week. Roughly a quarter of all Americans bought fast food e genuinely day. The germinate of automobile ownership in the United States brought profound change to the restaurant industry, with fast food world offered in a variety of drive-in restaurant formats. Mom-and-pop enterprise was harnessed, largely through franchising, in the structure of regional and national restaurant chain Howard Johnsons, Dairy Queen, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, and Taco Tico.Place-product-packaging was brought forcefully to the bow each restaurant in a chain variously shares the same logo, color scheme, architectural design motif, and point-of-purchase advertising, all configured in attention-getting, signlike buildings. Typically, fast food restaurants were located at the roadside, complete with driveways, parking lots, and, later, drive-thro ugh windows for those who favorite(a) to eat elsewhere, including those who ate in their cars as dashboard diners. Critical to industry success was the development of typography and plastic containers that kept food hot and facilitated carry-out. Such packaging, because of the volume of largely nonbiodegrad suitable waste it creates, has become a substantial environmental problem. In 2000, Mcdonaldsthe largest quick-service chainoperated at some 13,755 locations in the United States and Canada. The comp eachs distinctive well-off arches have spread worldwide, well beyond North America. A colossal, fast food came to stand as an substantial symbol of American cultural, if not economic, prowess. And, just as it did at home, fast food became, as well, a clear icon of modernity.Historically, fast food merchandising contri simplyed substantially to the quickening pace of American life through standardization. By the beginning of the twenty-first century, it fully embraced mass produc tion and mass marketing techniques, cut down to the scale of a restaurant. Chains of restaurants, in turn, became fully rationalized within standardized purchasing, marketing, and management systems. Such a system depends on a pool of cheap, largely unskilled labor, the quick service restaurant industry beingness notorious for its low wages and, accordingly, its rapid turnover of personnel. Bibliography Jakle, John A. , and Keith A. Sculle.Fast Food wayside eating places in the Automobile Age. Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. Pillsbury, Richard. No Foreign Food The American Diet and Place. Boulder, Colo. Westview Press, 1998. Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food res publica The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. reinvigorated York HarperCollins, 2002. John A. Jakle Gale Encyclopedia of Food Culture Fast FoodTop Home Library Food Cooking Food Culture Encyclopedia What is termed fast food in the United States right away to the highest degree commonly consists of h ot, freshly prepared, and wrapped food items, served to customers crossways a counter or through a drive-up window.Known as both fast food and quick-service food in the restaurant industry, these items are routinely sold and delivered in an amount of time ranging from a few seconds to several(prenominal) minutes they now vary widely in food type, encompassing virtually all kinds of meats, preparation methods, and ethnic cuisines. crummy hamburgers and french hot up potatoes are still the products approximately readily identified as fast food, exactly the list of items sold in the format continually increases.Fried fish and shellfish, hot dogs, chicken, pizza, roast beef, and pasta are commonly sold at quick-service outlets. In addition to these staples, many another(prenominal) quick-service restaurants manage a broad menu of Americanized Mexican, Greek, and Chinese foods. Some fast-food outlets offer specialty items, such as sushi, clams, or ribs, and others even sell compl ete home-cooked meals over their counters. Though menus and delivery formats vary greatly, fast foods chief common denominators include contiguous customer service, packaging to go, and inexpensive pricing.The precise origins of fast food are vague, probably predating written history. supperless people are as old as civilization itself, as are entrepreneurs eager to gratify their hunger. Food vendors in ancient cities sold prepared items to passersby on the street. The actual foods varied greatly, depending on goal and culture, but they generally comprised simple, inexpensive fare sold to people of modest means. Immigrants brought a variety of food styles to America, often preserving these for decades as a comforting connection with their ethnic past.Though many immigrant foodways were elaborate and ritualistic, most groups had one or two simple items that they consumed on a daily basis. As a rule, immigrant groups preferred their indigenous grains corn from the Americas, rice f rom Asia, and wheat from Europe. Often these served as the basis for the peasant foods of their homelands. Pasta and flavorless breads came over with Italians tortillas, beans, and tamales arrived with northbound Mexicans and Germans brought dark breads, along with a variety of fatty sausages (which later mutated into the hot dog).Asian immigrants go along to eat rice as the basis of their diet. In the early twentieth century fast food remained primarily the fare of the masses. Vendors wheeled their pushcarts daily to factory gates, merchandising their wares to hungry takeers. Often give to the tastes of the particular factorys dominant ethnic group, they charged customers pennies for basic items such as sausages, meatballs, or stew. Though popular among male industrial workers, this pushcart version of fast food never became mainstream cuisine.The urban diner was the transitional phase between the vendors pushcart and modern fast food. Most early diners were small restaurants, with limited seating, sometimes constructed out of converted railway carriages or streetcars. They served simple foods to working-class customers on a short-order basis, unremarkably cooking each meal individually when ordered. plug-ins varied, but fried foods were common. Though diners often emphasized speed in delivering food, customers routinely lingered before and after eating.The hamburger still stands out as the unity most important American fast food, though the precise origin of this meat sandwich is the subject of diachronic disagreement. People have eaten chopped beef throughout the ages, and it was long a fixture in many world cultures. The lineage of the American hamburger seems to point fearsomectly, as its name indicates, back to the German city of Hamburg. First appearing on American restaurant menus in the mid-nineteenth century, ground beef patties bore the title hamburg steak. By the centurys close, vendors regularly sold meatballs wrapped in slices of bread at county fairs and summer festivals. Regional legends allot the invention of this snack to several diametric individuals, but its true originator body a mystery. The hop on of Modern Fast Food Our modern image of the fast-food restaurant dates back to 1916, when Walt Anderson began selling hamburger sandwiches from an outdoor(a) stand on a Wichita street corner. Anderson simply flattened a meatball and placed it between two halves of a bun. His sandwich quickly became popular, attracting long lines of hungry buyers.By 1921, Anderson had joined local insurance component Edgar Billy Ingram to form the White rook System. After opening several identical restaurants in Wichita during their first year, the partners quickly spread their business to neighboring cities, then to nine major urban areas throughout the middle west and on the East Coast. What separated the White castle System from earlier short-order restaurants was its very sleek menu, comprising only hamburgers, coff ee, Coca-Cola, and pie a uniform architectural style and strict standardization of food quality, preparation methods, and employee performance.By the close of the 1920s, White Castles aggressive marketing and rapid spread had made the hamburger one of the most popular foods in America. Other entrepreneurs soon noticed White Castles success in the hamburger business. in truth closely copying White Castles products, architecture, and company name, competing new chains also thrived, carrying the hamburger craze across the nation to smaller cities and towns. The White Tower chain appeared in 1925, eventually challenging White Castles pronouncement in several northern cities.Krystals, clear in 1929 in Chattanooga, soon became the hamburger powerhouse of the south eastern United States states. White Castles hamburger sandwich, along with its many imitators, became a daily staple for many working-class Americans. It proved so successful, in fact, that by 1930 the president of the Ameri can Restaurant Association identified the fast-food hamburger as the most important food item in the nation. Hamburgers became even more a mainstream food during the 1930s. The bigger restaurant chains began marketing their products to middle-class buyers, and even more Americans became burger lovers.Despite the harsh economy of the spectacular Depression, most fast-food chains go on to thrive, and in many cases grew considerably. Most advanced selling the White Castlestyle hamburger, but late in the decade the Big Boy chain spread east from California, introducing its new double-decker hamburger sandwich along the way. By the end of the Depression, America was a solidly hamburger-eating culture. After prospering in the Depression, however, the fast-food industry suffered a in effect(p) setback during World War II.Shortages of incumbent foodstuffs, such as meat, sugar, tomatoes, and coffee, meant limited menu offerings and often a significant loss of business. Attempting to con tinue providing meals to their customers, fast-food restaurants experimented with different items that were still in abundance, including soy patties, chili, and french fried potatoes. Even more damaging than commodity shortages was the very low unemployment rate, which meant that most workers bypassed the restaurant industry in favor of higher-paying work.Adjusting to this labor shortage, chains soon replaced their all-male work force with women and teenagers, two groups who would become their most common employees. Despite attempts to find palatable alternative foods, and despite the shifts in workforce, much of the fast-food industry was a casualty of the war by 1945, more than half(prenominal) of Americas restaurants had closed down, including several of the major fast-food chains. Rebuilding the fast-food industry after the war proved a slow process. No single chain emerged to claim dominance, and little innovation occurred.Individual companies struggled to restore their prewa r prosperity, and new regional chains tried to gain a foothold. Suffering the effects of escalating costs and still under the threat of continued shortages due to unstable food supplies in war-torn countries, fast-food restaurants often had to double prices to remain in business. As population shifted from Americas cities to suburbia during the 1950s, the fast-food industry quickly followed. Early chains such as White Castle and White Tower, resisting moving to the suburbs, were quickly eclipsed by upstart franchised chains.Burger King and McDonalds outlets became common fixtures at suburban crossroads, selling burgers, fries, and shakes to hungry families. Burger Kings Jim McLamore and McDonalds Ray Kroc each sought to build one of his restaurants in every American town, and they exposed hundreds of new Burger Kings and McDonalds each year in the 1960s. To accomplish this rapid expansion, they relied heavily on franchise investors, apply strict product uniformity throughout their chains, and aggressively advertised in every newly opened territory. With McDonalds and Burger Kings success, Burger Chef outlets soon appeared nearby.Arbys, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Taco Bell were not far behind. By the late 1960s, fast food no longer meant just hamburger restaurants, but had diversified to include quick-service pizza, roast beef, chicken, and tacos. To give an idea of the dimensions to which the fast-food industry has grown, in 1999 Americans consumed over 26 billion pounds of beef, much of it as hamburgers. In that year McDonalds completely had more than ten thousand restaurants in the United States, from which it grossed in excess of $13 billion in revenue. Criticism of Fast Food Despite the widespread popularity of fast food in modern American culture, critics abound.Since the 1930s, articles and books have condemned the industry, exposing allegedly poor sanitary conditions, unhealthy food products, related environmental problems, and unfair working condit ions. Whether it warrants the attention or not, the fast-food industry is still regularly cited for exploiting young workers, polluting, and contributing to obesity and other serious health problems among American consumers. American beef consumption, and more specifically the fast-food hamburger industry, is often blamed for the intent of the Amazon rain forests to make way for more grazing lands for beef cattle.Early foes of fast food cited the deplorable filth of many hamburger stands, in addition to claiming that the beef ground for their sandwiches was either spoiled, diseased, or simply of low quality. In fact, many critics maintained that much of the meat used in fast-food hamburgers came from sawbuck carcasses. The high fat content of fast food was also controversial. Despite deceptive industry claims virtually the high quality and the health benefits of their products, in the 1920s and 1930s concerned nutritionists warned the public about the checkup dangers of regular burger consumption.This distrust and criticism of fast food continue today, extending even further to include dire warnings about the industrys use of genetically modified and antibiotic-laden beef products. Most major chains have responded to fresh attacks by prominently posting calorie and nutritional charts in their restaurants, advertising fresh ingredients, and offering alternatives to their fried foods. Despite a few more health-conscious items on the menu, fast-food chains now aggressively advertise the model that bigger is better, offering large super-size or biggie portions of french fries, soft drinks, and milkshakes.Critics point to this marketing emphasis as a reason for an excessive and greatly increasing per-capita caloric intake among fast-food consumers, resulting in fast-growing place of obesity in the United States. Increased litter is another problem that critics have blamed on the fast-food industry. Selling their products in paper wrappings and paper bags, ea rly outlets created a source of litter that had not antecedently existed. Wrappers strewn about city streets, especially those close to fast-food restaurants, brought harsh criticism, and often inspired new local ordinances to process the problem.Some municipalities actually forced chains to clean up litter that was imprinted with their logos, but such sanctions were rare. Fast-food wrappers became part of the urban, and later suburban, landscape. Since bags and wrappers were crucial in the delivery of fast food, the industry as a whole continued to use disposable packaging, superficially assuaging public criticism by providing outside trash receptacles for the discarded paper. years later, environmentalists again attacked the industry for excessive packaging litter, criticizing both the volume and the content of the refuse.By the early 1970s, the harshest criticisms think more on the synthetic materials used in packaging, and less on the carelessly discarded paper. Critics derid ed the industrys use of styrofoam sandwich containers and soda cups, claiming that these products were not sufficiently biodegradable and were clogging landfills. Facing mounting opposition from a growing environmental movement, most of the major chains returned to packaging food in paper wrappings or small cardboard boxes. Labor activists have criticized fast-food chains tendency to employ inexpensive teenage workers.normally offering the lowest possible wages, with no health or retirement benefits, these restaurants often find it rugged hiring adults for stressful, fast-paced jobs. Many critics claim that the industry preys on teenagers, who will work for less pay and are less likely to organize. Though these accusations may have merit, the industrys reliance on teenage labor also has inherent liabilities, such as a high employee turnover rate, which result in substantial recruiting and raising costs.Companies have countered criticism about their use of teenage workers with the rationale that they offer young people entry-level work experience, teaching them both skills and responsibility. Despite the relentless attacks, hundreds of millions of hungry customers eat fast food daily. The media constantly incite American consumers about its supposed evils. Most are conscious of the health risks from fatty, greasy meals most acquit that they are being served by a poorly paid young worker and if they choose to theorise it, most are aware that the excessive packaging causes millions of tons of trash each year.But they continue to purchase and eat fast food on a regular basis. Fast food remains central to the American diet because it is inexpensive, quick, convenient, and predictable, and because it tastes good. Even more important, Americans eat fast food because it is now a cultural norm. As American culture homogenized and became distinctively American in the second half of the twentieth century, fast food, and especially the hamburger, emerged as the prima ry American ethnic food. Just as the Chinese eat rice and Mexicans eat tamales, Americans eat burgers. And fast food has grown even beyond being just a distinctive ethnic food.Since the 1960s, the concept has extended far beyond the food itself, with the term becoming a common descriptor for other quick-service trading operations, even a metaphor for many of the minus aspects of mainstream American life. Theorists and pundits sometimes use the term fast food to denigrate American habits, institutions, and values, referring to them as elements of a fast-food society. In fact, fast-food has become a frequently used adjective, implying not only ready availability but also superficiality, mass-produced standardization, lack of authenticity, or just poor quality.In the last two decades of the twentieth century, fast food gained additional economic and cultural significance, becoming a popular American exportation to nations around the world. Some detractors claim that it is even delib erately used by the United States, as a tool of cultural imperialism. The appearance of a McDonalds or Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant on the streets of a foreign city signals to many the demise of indigenous culture, replacing another countrys traditional practices and values with American materialism.In fact, the rapid spread of American fast food is probably not an organized conspiracy, quite a more the result of aggressive corporate marketing strategies. Consumers in other countries are willing and able to buy fast-food products, so chains are quick to accommodate demand. Thought of around the world as American food, fast food continues its rapid international growth.Bibliography Boas, Max, and Steve Chain. Big Mac The Unauthorized Story of McDonalds. New York Dutton, 1976. Emerson, Robert, L. Fast Food The Endless Shakeout. New York Lebhar-Friedman, 1979. Halberstam, David. The Fifties.New York Villard Books, 1993. Chapter 11 discusses the origins of the McDonalds empire. Ho gan, David Gerard. Selling em by the pigeon berry White Castle and the Creation of American Food. New York New York University Press, 1997. Jakle, John A. , and Keith A. Sculle. Fast Food wayside Restaurants in the Automobile Age. Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. Langdon, Philip. Orange Roofs, Golden Arches The Architecture of American Chain Restaurants. New York Knopf, 1986. McLamore, James, W. The Burger King Jim McLamore and the build of an Empire. New York McGraw-Hill, 1998.Mariani, John. America Eats Out. New York William Morrow, 1991. Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. capital of Massachusetts and New York Houghton Mifflin, 2001. Tennyson, Jeffrey. Hamburger Heaven The Illustrated History of the Hamburger. New York Hyperion, 1993. Witzel, Michael Karl. The American Drive-In History and Folklore of the Drive-In Restaurant in the Car Culture. Osceola, Wisc. Motorbooks International, 1994. David Gerard Hogan AMG AllGame Gu ide Fast FoodTop Home Library Entertainment Arts Games Guide retail store Date 1989 Genre Action.Style Maze Random House Word Menu categories related to fast foodTop Home Library Literature Language Word Menu Categories Random House Word Menu by Stephen Glazier For a list of words related to fast food, see Cuisines, Meals, and Restaurants fast food cheap, mass-produced dishes served quickly at walk-in or drive-in outlets convenience food Wikipedia on Answers. com Fast foodTop Home Library Miscellaneous Wikipedia For other uses, see Fast food (disambiguation). A typical fast food meal in the United States includes a hamburger, french fries, and a soft drink.Pictured here are burgers from In-N-Out Burger McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut fast food restaurants in the United Arab Emirates Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food, typically the te rm refers to food sold in a restaurant or store with preheated or precooked ingredients, and served to the customer in a packaged form for take-out/take-away. The term fast food was recognized in a dictionary by MerriamWebster in 1951.Outlets may be stands or kiosks, which may provide no shelter or seating,1 or fast food restaurants (also known as quick service restaurants). Franchise operations which are part of restaurant chains have standardized foodstuffs shipped to each restaurant from central locations. 2 circumscribe 1 History 1. 1 Pre-modern Europe 1. 2 United Kingdom 1. 3 United States 2 On the go 2. 1 Filling stations 2. 2 Street vendors and concessions 3 Cuisine 3. 1 Variants 4 Business 5 Employment 6 Globalization 7 Criticism 8 run into also 9 References 10 Further reading 11 External links History.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Role Model Essay Example for Free

Role Model EssayDr might is my role model because he fought to convert my hi floor. Dr world power didnt solely want to see a variety show happen for his self and others scarce also for his family. He had a wife Coretta and four children these were the people who he wanted to see channelize happen for the most. After Kings death is family wanted to keep his legacy alive because they knew he stood for a good cause. According to the article A king family tribute Family and friends remember Dr. King as a role model and dedicate themselves to his mission. Watkins, Dr.Kings niece, has assembled their writings and excerpts from their speeches. All pay tribute to his spirit, abiding trust and dedication to the cause of civil rights, and they affirm their own commitment to following the path he walked, as his nephew, Derek B. King, states. Kings fathers remarks are excerpted from his autobiography. Dr King is my personal role model because is stood for what he believed in. Dr kin g helped shape my worldview because through his big(p) work hes shown me that nothing worth fighting for comes easy.I conceptualise a volume of people look over the fact that Dr King wasnt simply trying to change the bucket along problem it stood of many different social issues. In the article Martin Luther King Jr conception of freedom and essential democracy the author states that king came to believe that the civil rights struggle needed to expand beyond just racial desegregation in this country, He began to raise his voice against racism militarism, and economic exploitation almost the world. This is another reason why I look up to him because he didnt save focus on one hing that needed to be changed so saw the importance of these issues and wanted to change them. Dr. king had a career as a pastor which is why I feel he never gave up believing in what he thought was right. The article Martin Luther King cover story gives background on his life King was a preacher who spo ke in biblical cadences ideally suited to leading a stride toward freedom that found its inspiration in the Old will story of the Israelites and the New Testament gospel of Jesus Christ.Being a minister not only put King in touch with the spirit of the black masses but also gave him a base within the black church, then and now the strongest and most independent of black institutions. Like Dr King I believe that everyone should have the right to freedom and equal rights However, I dont bang if I could have endured the things that Dr king had to. Once Dr King was thrown in jail because of his protest, I think if I knew I could go to jail because I was protesting I wouldnt protest.On the other Dr King who have pathed the way for me to be able to use my freedom of speech. I would want to be brook and stand for what I believe in for myself and my family just as King did. Reference MARTIN LUTHER KING younger A King Family Tribute. (2012). Kirkus Reviews, 80(24), 222. Orosco, J. M. (200 1). Martin Luther King, Jr. s Conception of Freedom and Radical Democracy. Journal Of Social Philosophy, 32(4), 386-401. White, J. E. (1998). Martin Luther King. (Cover story). Time, 151(14), 160.

Police Application Process Essay Example for Free

Police Application solve EssayThe different steps in a typical police application cognitive operation entangle the following A written test. There are two written tests in the selection accomplish The first test is the Alberta Communication Test (ACT) and The Alberta Physical Readiness Evaluation for Police (A-PREP). There is a Screening Interview were the appliers is contacted by a File Manager to arrange a one-on-one interview. The utilization of this interview is to discuss and outline expectations of the selection process.Following the screening interview there is a grace interview, which involves three members of the Service (Recruiting Unit File Manager and two others selected from other areas) they will ask prevalent questions related to the applicants application. Something that every police service uses is the Polygraph Examination. The polygraph is were many applicants have failed and have been asked to leave. The polygraph exam is a test that examines the appl icants honesty, integrity and suitability for employment, A Psychological Assessment follows which will assist in determining suitability for employment as a police officer.Look moregoogle recruitment process essayA Security Background Investigation is completed to examine the applicants introductory record, This may include A Employment and character reference check and a Credit check. The pick Committee consists of Senior Officers (three Inspectors and the Chief Human Resources Officer) . The Applicant files are presented to the committee for review and consideration. The Applicant does not attend this stage of the process. The committee selects the most suitable and best-qualified applicants.Following the selection committees decisions there is a last-place step, which is the Occupational Medical Exam. This is a medical exam conducted by the occupational health provided for the city that the applicant is applying in. I believe the Physical Readiness Evaluation would be the mo st difficult because someone who may not be physically fit probably wouldnt be able to complete the A-PREP. delinquent to the number of different challenges the individual would have to be physically fit.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Popular Culture Essay Essay Example for Free

Popular Culture bear witness EssayAlthough thither are some parts of touristy purification that make it into high culture, touristed culture is transient it describes the way of life, attitudes, and passions of mostly younger people. These views usually change as they age and give real life experience. This essay will cover culture, popular culture, three major trends in popular American culture and how popular American culture affects individual(prenominal)ised decision making. Culture is the united project of social understanding, faith, and conduct that hinges on the ability to search for knowledge and spread it to future generations. It is also the general principles, collective customs, and measurable qualities of ethnic, religious, or a community. (Oxford English Dictionary, 2012) The soul takes nothing with her to the next world scarcely her education and her culture. (Plato, 2012) Popular cultural is the understanding and actions of a particular set of people i n a particular era.It is also television shows (like Reality TV) or marketable goods (like sagging pants, oversized shirts, hats designed to be worn backward, etc.) made for, or targeted at particular set of people. (Oxford English Dictionary, 2012) In this students opinion popular culture comes and goes and only defines an era not its people. Three major trends in forthwiths society are a digital society, sexual explicitness, and a general lack of personal responsibility. Americans live in a digital society that relies on technology more than personal relationships. We do a great deal of shopping and purchasing online and have become a society where the sexier it is the better. virtually everything on television, in magazines, and even our music have become permeated with sexual overtones and innuendos.Finally, we have a plight with the lack of personal responsibility in our country recently there have been several lawsuits against quick regimen restaurants for making people f at. Americans need to accept responsibility for our own actions it was not the fast food restaurants that made us fat, rather it was our decision to eat there that did. Popular American culture affects personal decision making various ways, whether it is the type of food we buy, the music we listen to, electronics we purchase, and even the people we date. In this students opinion the Internet is the single most influential popular culture influencer of our time.We social occasion it for everything from dating, shopping, exploring, studying, traveling, relaxing, and so much more. Popular cultureaffects us in almost every decision we make. Although there are some parts of popular culture that makes it into high culture, popular culture is transient. This essay cover culture, popular culture, three major trends in popular American culture and how popular American culture affects personal decision making. Culture is made of everything that enables man to maintain, enhance or transform without weakening it, the type image of himself that it has inherited. (Malraux, 2001)ReferencesMalraux, A. (2001, May 2). UCL Discours recteur Marcel Crochet. Retrieved from http//sites.uclouvain.be/actualites/dhc2001/drecteur.html Oxford English Dictionary. (2012, June). Retrieved from http//www.oed.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/view/Entry/45746?rskey=BftxmAresult=1isAdvanced=falseeid Plato. (2012, June 4). Here, There, and Everywhere. Retrieved from http//www.psychologytoday.com/blog/here-there-and-everywhere/201206/whats-after-30-quotes-the-afterlife

Friday, April 12, 2019

Comparison between Creon and Antigone in Oedipus the King Essay Example for Free

Comparison between Creon and Antigone in Oedipus the superpower EssayIn the Oedipus plays, two of the major characters include Creon, the brother in law of Oedipus and Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus. Although these two characters play different roles in the plays Oedipus the King and Antigone, they share a lot of similarities. Basically, one of the similarities that Creon and Antigone have is that the burdens that they carried throughout the plays were passed take down to them by Oedipus following his downfall and exile. After Oedupiss exile, Creon assumed the throne of Thebes and took control of the city. Although his intentions in ruling Thebes are pure, like Oedipus who refused to listen to the blind prophet when he told him that he was the one who bump off his father, Creons judgment was blinded when he initially refused to give proper burial rites to his enemy, Polynices, Oedipus son. As a result, Antigone, hanged herself, causing her loer Haemon, Creons son, to kill himself as well. Likewise, Antigone inherited the stubbornness of his father when she defied Creons assign deny the corpse of Polynices, her brother, a proper burial.For her defiance, Creon had her thrown into a tomb, where she committed suicide through hanging. In short, both Creon and Antigone were affected by Oedipuss tragic downfall as he apparently passed down his misfortunes to those who succeeded him and to his family members. Antigone herself said this in her conversation with her sister, in which she said My own flesh and blood respectable sister, dear Ismene, how many sorrowfulnesss our father Oedipus handed down Do you know one, I ask you, one grief that Zeus will not perfect for the two of us go we still live and blow over?Theres nothing, no painour lives are painno private shame, no reality disgrace, nothing I havent seen in your grief and mine. In other words, Antigone spoke as if tragedies are passed down in Oedipuss family like they were family heirlooms. Moreo ver, both Creon and Antigone exemplified as well suffered the same losses. Creon lost his son, Haemon, and his wife, Eurydice who both committed suicide while Antigone lost her father, Oedipus, and her two brothers, Polynices and Eteocles, who killed each other while fighting over who would rule over Thebes. In other words, both characters were left alone in their soulal battles.However, while the two characters share several similarities, they also have various differences. For one, Antigone acknowledges the past tragedies as shown in the iterate above and uses them as a motivation to move forward. Moreover, she is more bold and prudent than Creon as shown during their opposition in which he asked her why she was defying him and she answered, I didnt say yes. I can say no to anything I say vile, and I dont have to count the cost. But because you said yes, all that you can do, for all youre crown and your trappings, and your guardsall that your can do is to have me killed. On th e other hand, Creon is a manipulative and shockable person as shown in his initial refusal to believe in the blind prophets prediction. His spirit is best shown in his description of Thebes wherein he said, Anarchyshow me a greater crime in all the earth She, she destroys cities, rips up houses, breaks the ranks of spearmen into headlong rout. But the ones who last it out, the great mass of them owe their lives to discipline. indeed we must defend the men who live by law, never let some woman rejoicing over us. Better to fall from power, if fall we must, at the hands of a mannever be rated inferior to a woman, never. In sum, while both characters share similarities due to their close relationship with Oedipus, they also have differences that distinguish their characters. Antigone is a realistic, decisive yet stubborn character while Creon is a person who holds himself in high esteem but later realizes he is human as well. Works Cited Oedipus the King. 2008. The mesh Classics A rchive. 3 April 2008 http//classics. mit. edu/Sophocles/oedipus. html. Antigone. 2008. 2008. The Internet Classics Archive. 3 April 2008 http//classics. mit. edu/Sophocles/antigone. html.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Biological Explanation of Anorexia Essay Example for Free

Biological write up of Anorexia EssayThe biological explanation for Anorexia Nervosa focuses on the spot of neurotransmitters. It suggests disturbances in the levels of serotonin and dopamines are characteristic of anorexia. Bailer et al compared serotonin activity in women convalescent from restricting anorexia with those recovering from purging type anorexia with a kempt require group. They anchor that the group recovering from purging type anorexia had higher serotonin activity.They also frame the highest levels of serotonin in women who showed the most anxiety. They concluded that this suggests that the disruption of serotonin levels might result in increase anxiety which is one of the clinical characteristics of anorexia. just it can be argued that anxiety might be caused by anorexia rather than causing anorexia. Despite the evidence, a problem with the serotonin explanation for anorexia is that SSRIs have been found to be ineffective in treating anorexic patients.Ho wever, Kaye et al found SSRIS were effective with those recovering from anorexia because they checked relapse. The explanation for this is that SSRIs only give-up the ghost once weight returns to normal because the malnutrition resulting from anorexia changed serotonin function. Kaye et al have looked at the role of another neurotransmitter in anorexia. They used a PET scan to compare a control group of healthy women with a group of recovering female anorexics.They found an over activity of dopamine receptors in the basal ganglia of women recovering from anorexia. They concluded that increased dopamine levels in the basal ganglia alters the way people interpret rewards and that anorexics might kick downstairs it difficult to associate good feelings with food. Further support comes from a study by Wang et al who found that obese individuals had low levels of dopamine. This contrasts with the high levels found in anorexics suggesting dopamine is inversely related to body weight.How ever it is unclear whether levels of dopamine cause anorexia or the altered levels are a consequence of anorexia. Other theories appoint that AN is a result of brain damage at or shortly after birth. Swedish seek, for example, has shown that importantly more anorectics than would be expected have experienced some kind of birth trauma. British research using scanning devices has shown that there is reduced blood flow in the anterior temporal lobes of anorectics as compared with non-anorectics.The biological explanation suffers from culture bias and gender bias. investigate has mainly been carried out in occidental clinical samples and therefore cannot be generalised to all cultures which makes it difficult to explain why anorexia occurs in non-Western cultures. Research also tends to mostly use female participants therefore resulting in gender bias and as a result, it is difficult to explain why men might become anorexic which may also prevent them from being given the appropriat e treatment.A criticism of the biological explanation is that it focuses entirely on genius which ignores nurture factors. This might hinder recovery if treatment of anorexia is only based on biological factors and ignores the complaisant and environmental factors. Also, the biological approach is deterministic as it suggests that individuals with anorexia do not have any control over their condition because it is caused by changed in serotonin levels which are not directly controlled by them. This ignores the role of free will and choice.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Determination of the molar volume of hydrogen gas Essay Example for Free

Determination of the molar good deal of hydrogen bollocks up showIntroductionWe are going to determine the molar volume of hydrogen gas by allow known amount of magnesium react with dilute hydrochloric acid and carefully collecting the gas formed.Materials accelerator syringeHydrochloric acid, 2-molar8 cm of magnesium ribbonRulerEmery clothFor details see counselling formMethodsWe connect the equipment according to the diagram and make sure we follow the affirmations carefully, and then we push the 8 cm of magnesium ribbon and pour the HCl into the test tube. As we are ready to incur the experiment we fold the mg ribbon on the hook and put the stopper into the test tube so that when we tilt the test tube the mg ribbon can easily fall into the acid. It is crucial to wait for the reaction to finish completely so that the equipment returns back to room temperature. For details see instruction form.ResultsMeasured weigh of 8 cm mg ribbon 0.068 g (uncertainty is 0.0001) li ve temperature 21.9 C (uncertainty is 0.1)Room oblige 742.5 mmHgVapour pressure of water 19.587 and 19.827Vapour pressure 19.587 + 19.827 / 2 = 19.7071.333 x 102 x (mmHg) = PaConvert the room pressure in mmHg into Pa742.5 x 1.333 x 102 = 98975.25 PaConvert the desiccation pressure of water into Pa19707 x 1.333 x 102 = 2626.9431p(H2O) = 2626.9431 PaRoom pressure (Pa) Vapour pressure of water (Pa)98975.25 Pa 2626.9431 Pa = 96348.3069 Pap(H2) = 96348.3069 Pap(H2) + p(H2O) = p(room)2626.9431 + 96348.3069 = 98975.25 p(room)Calculation of molar volume for hydrogen gas at 0 C and 1 atmosphereP1 x V1 / T1 = P2 + V2 / T21 atm = 1.013 x one hundred fiveP1 = 96348.3069 P2 = 1 atm = 101300V1 = 70 cm3 (uncertainty is 1) V2 = 59cm3 (uncertainty is 0.5)T1 = 21.9 C = 294.9 K (uncertainty is 1.3466 ) T2 = 0 C = 273 K96348.3069 x 70 x 1 / 294.9 = 101300 x 59 x 0.5 / 273Conclusion EvaluationOur conclusion is that the molar volume of hydrogen gas at 0 C and 1 atmosphere is -.We reached the concl usion by scratch checking the room temperature and barometer pressure. Then we looked up the values for vapour pressure of water at the actual temperature from the flock book of Chemistry and Physics. The full reference is Chemistry for the IB diploloma G. Neuss. Oxford UP, 2001 p.28.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

The China-Faced Doll Essay Example for Free

The China-Faced Doll searchIt seemed so harmless, just another one of its kind. Everyone was captivated by its innocent grin and other captivate characteristics. If only everyone knew the truth. Everyday I feel the pain of my losses, living the consequences of a crackpots corrupted mind. My story begins more or less on one hundred years ago, when I was unborn but the crackpot was not. Although various stones afford been left unturned, my research of the matter has proved fairly successful and has led me to believe many a thing that may seem improbable. The maniac that I speak of is a man, a man with an intention, an wrong intentionFor the past century, people have rumoured theories as regards the mans life, his immoralities, and his disturbing suicide. Only now do I understand the reality. The man had a gift for art, and made his wealth and local fame in his unique achievement of china-faced dolls. During the course of his life he became more and more reserved, keeping him self to himself and his friends far away. These friends, therefore, and all people, lost engross in him and he became somewhat of a loner. Through this deficiency of companions he developed a revenge against mankind, and gradually a hate for all living things.He turned his malevolence to his work, and made a new doll, the One Doll. Into this doll he poured his spite and malice, his decadent mind. To this doll he gave a life. Eventually, devastation was said to have destroyed him, and as the tax collector was visiting his house one benumb morn, he found, to his absolute horror, the doll-maker, knife in hand, throat slit from ear to ear and surrounded by hundreds of china smiles. One of these beaming jaws was particularly wide, the nearest one to the slain and the only one without sleek, resiny hair. Instead its fiery red curls threw the rooms light off the walls.The lonesome man left no will, and as a result the entire estate was re-collected by the government, and the dolls wer e sold off to the highest bidding particle of the public. All that is except for the red-head who was considered scary and ugly, and was buried along with all the other useless items in a desolate field, which there were plenty of back then. Any events, regarding the man, his death and his dolls materialised after his death still ashes a mystery to me. Although I could give an educated guess, I wont as it could be tawdry and bring a false dimension to my tale.

Nazi Germany Essay Example for Free

national socialist Germany turn upIn Nazi Germany during the Third Reich, which began in the early 1930s, the role of Wowork force in the society was greatly bear on by different policies that were created by the totalitarian government system. Some of these policies included the jurisprudence of Encouragement of Marriage, the Lebensborn program, and the Law for Prevention of Hereditary Diseased Offspring (joined States Holocaust Memorial Museum). The law of Encouragement of Marriage verbalise that newly wed couples would be given a loan of 1000 marks and for each churl that they had they would be allowed to deduct 250 marks from their loan (Trueman). This meant that if a family had 4 or more children they would pay their broad(a) loan off. The Lebensborn Program of 1936 meant that racially elegant Aryan women, usually unmarried, would live in Lebensborn houses while they carried the children of SS men in secret (The Lebensborn Program). Once the child was born, they were given to the SS organization to educate the child and facilitate their adoption. totally men and women who applied to live in the Lebensborn houses first needed to pass a racially pure test.This test included tracing the familys genetics back at least 3 generations and sandy hair and blue eyes were preferred (The Lebensborn Program). The Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseased Offspring meant that women who were considered to be racially impure or undesirable were sterilized so that they would not be able to perplex more offspring. These laws were designed to increase the population of pure Germans and increase the amount of soldiers and mothers that lived in Germany (Turk).The policies that were imposed upon women in Nazi Germany can be considered both successful and discomfited. When these policies were first imposed, everyone complied with the policies and women began bearing more children (Women in the Nazi State). As a result, women were forced to commit themselves to the domestic life thus forfeiting their chance to be occupied outside of the home. While more women committed themselves to domestic life, more men were able to take their jobs. through with(predicate) these laws the population increased dramatically and women and girls now had the opportunity to help support the Nazi organizations (German Women and 3 Ks).The policies were unsuccessful because Germany lost the war and thus they did not need all of these pure Germans to populate these territories because they lost make of them when the war was lost. The women were also neededto work when the war was in its most intense period, but ascribable to the policies that were imposed on women, they were used to living a solely domestic life and did not penury to return to the workforce (German Women and 3 Ks). The policies were unsuccessful as well, because there was a large amount of discrimination towards women, limiting their rights as German citizens. The Nazi party, through imposi ng these policies, increased the German population from 66 million people in 1933 to 68 million people in 1938 (Ganse), which is the main reason these policies could be considered a success.Work citedAllison, Fiona. The Role of Women in Nazi Germany 1939-1945 West European History. N.p., hhhhhh8 Oct. 2009. Web. 23 Aug. 2012.Ganse, Alexander. History of Germany. human History at KMLA. Korean Minjork Leadership Academy, 11 Sept. 2008. Web. 23 Aug. 2012.German Women and 3 Ks. German Culture. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Aug. 2012.Simkin, John. Women in Nazi Germany . Spartacus Educational. Spartacus Educational hhhhhhPublishers, n.d. Web. 23 Aug. 2012.The Lebensborn Program. Jewish Virtual Library. N.p., 27 Apr. 2000. Web. 23 Aug. 2012.Trueman, Chris. The Role of Women in Nazi Germany. History Learning Site. N.p., n.d. hhhhhhWeb. 23 Aug. 2012.Turk, Eleanor L. Nazi Germany, 1933-1939. World History at KMLA. N.p., 7 Feb. 2011. Web. hhhhhh23 Aug. 2012.United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Women in the Third Reich Holocaust Encyclopedia. Web. 23 Aug. 2012.Women in the Nazi State. BBC GCSE Bitesize. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Aug. 2012.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

The Externalizing Machine Essay Example for Free

The Externalizing Machine EssayIn todays well-nighly capitalistic world people who be consumers think that they nourish power to decide what products to bribe people who are stockholders are lone(prenominal) interested in the boodle people who spark smokes use up that profit regardless of the price others score to render and people who merry in developing countries hunt down for 3c per hour making brand name cloths which then are sold for $20, $60, $100, $200, $500, making at the aforementioned(prenominal) sequence the tidy sums profit skyrocketing.It is widely kip downn that there are sweatshops in developing countries, where people are treated like slaves simply practic in ally they are non slaves because they always open burn walk polish off the job. It is known that in such countries there is exploitation of child labor, exclusively practically what can a citizen of other country do to help if they have enough their own problems. It is also known that attain conditions in such factories are horrible, but what one can do if those companies offer lower prices. Is it unobjectionable towards society as a whole that some people are exploited so others can get to skyrocketing profits?Is it fairly that your TV was partially made by a 6-year-old child? Is it fair that the product you bought deteriorations or charge kills you or one of your family member? Is it fair if this does not happen to you but to some other people in some other countries? Is it fair that infants are given bad baby-formula prohibited in developed countries? There are legion(predicate) questions that can be asked whether it is fair or not, but what happens if we interchanged the word fair with good and instead we ask whether all those actions are legal or not, and who perplexs them legal or not.The author Joel Bakan of The Corporation tries to find an answer to those questions and tries to show what impact great deals actions may have on human beings and environment. Joel Bakan in his book brings up issues of sweatshops, environment pollution, externalities, government regulations, advertisement, and many others. He uses plans of corporation as a psychopath and doom machine. By this Bakan implys that corporations, in its pursuit of maximizing the profit at any cost, they destroy people, environment, and themselves at the same time.Even thought there are many important issues throughout the book my focus will be on chapter three Externalities. As the rubric of the chapter says the some important issue in it is externalities, the import that corporations have on third parties. The author explains the model of externalities and gives some examples this chapter also focuses on the process of how corporations make decisions regarding the products safety, how they make decisions whether to improve products safety or not, or how they make decisions regarding the possible corporate options in the light of profit.The author used some c oncept and theories in this chapter so lets start with identifying and explaining them. First the concept of externalities. An externality is the effect of a transaction on a third party who has not consented to or played any role in motorcarrying out of that transaction. the effect can be either good (creation of new jobs, lowering unemployment) or bad (pollution, diseases, deaths, etc). They literally mean other peoples problems.Whether or not exernalitie have good or bad impact they are unless the result of pursuit to make higher profits, and are only the result of self-interest furtheremore it does not pile for corporation whether the results of corporations decisions are good or bad externalities, as long as the profit raises. (pg60,61) Bakan uses the concept of doom machine (example of paper pulverization) to explain wherefore corporations are successful in destroying world they pass in.The concept means that corporations dynamic does not take into account the concerns of flesh-and-blood human and that in our search for riches and for prosperity, we create a thing thats going to destroy us (Monk pg71) The author also uses the concept of corporation as a pschopath which means that corporations are ego-centric, irresponsible or refuse to accept responsibility, have antisocial tendencies, and they will do anything to satifsy their goal which is to maximize profit at all costs regardless what harm it may cause.The author assums that many, if not all, corporations make harmfull decisions that will eventually destroy the world, and at the same time will destroy the corporatins themselves. I think that Joel Bakans assmumptions are that all corporations do not care almost the environment they operate in, that they would pollute everything to maximize profit, that the only guideline corporations use in making a decision is a cost-benefit analysis, and that eventhough corporations are made of individuals who would not privation to harm other people un itedly they would kill other people if it maximizes the profit.The author takes for granted that all corporations do not care, and that if they pretend they care, it is because they want to maximize the profit, and that if they comply with the law it is beause it would cost more not to obey the law, the author takes for granted that all decisions made by corporations are based solely on cost-benefit analysis not on respectable or moral codes or guidelines. The author assumes that corporations eventhought they are made up of individuals with ethical codes they do not use them in making decisions regarding profit.Therefore the author is asking why they make such decisions, why they only consider profits that can be made in near proximo but do not consider their future existance. The author asks how corporations make such decisions that in long run will destroy human beings, environment and corporations themselves. Joel Bakan is asking why people as a corporation harm other people an d themselves. As an example, the author gives Monks story. (Monk is one of Americas most important and influential businessmen, he worries about what is going on in modern corporations. ) Monk was staying in a motel in a small town.He was shocked when he discovered that paper mill is polluting the river in that town. Monks says that he knew everyone there, the mayor, the mill employees and owners, and he also knew that no one wanted the river to be foul and yet it was being polluted every night. (pg71) Therefore, why if no one wanted it to be polluted they were still polluting it? The question is why corporations make such decisions that harm other human beings. If there is no person in a given corporation who would want to harm others, why as a corporation they not only harm people but even kill them.What is the difference amongst murdering someone by use a firearm or a knife and murdering someone by letting him drive grave vehicle or drink polluted water or eat poisoned food. Who assigns the difference and who lets those murders happen nonchalant around the world. The question is why corporations are not prevented from doing harm, and why they decide to harm others in the start-off place. To back up the issues raised in The corporation Joel Bakan uses a lot of data, information, and facts regarding corporations and the legal breaches that they did.Two most important informations include data used by GM in calculation of cost-benefit analysis of meliorate products safety and General voltaics major legal breaches including many contaminations of the environment and the amount that they had to pay between 1990 and 2001 for those legal breaches. GM in deciding whether to improve cars safety reason how much it would cost them. Therefore they calculated how many accidents would happen on US highways, how many fatalities it would cause, and how much it would cost the company in lawsuits and other expenditures, mainly meaning the cost of a fatality.The calc ulation was as follows 500fatalities x 200,000 per fatality / 41,000,000 = $2. 4 per automobile. To make the car safer, it would cost company $8. 59 per car. Therefore, it was cheaper not to improve vehicles because GM would save $6. 19 per car in production. Armstrong and her children, that had second- and third degree burns resulting from a rear-end accident in 1993 due to the fire caused by unsafe positioning of the gas tank in GM Malibu, were awarded $1. 2 billion. (pg63)Two fundamental orders for GE to pay was i 2 billion for asbestos cleanup and related pollution, and $95 million in damages for contamination from dumping of industrial chemicals. (pg75-78) The total GE had to pay for contamination of the environment alone, between 1990 and 2001 was approximatelly $3 000 106 million (over $3 billion) total for violations of safety rules at nuclear fuel plant, for design fly the coop in nuclear plants, for illegal sal of fighter jets, and for overcharging on defense contracts w as $300 million.GE was also ordered 14 times to clean up contamination of drinking water (ground water, river, water supply) and soil. The assumptin is that General Electric makes huge amounts of profit, because GE is able to exist on the market even though it was ordered to pay over $3 billion puls the cost of cleaning up contamination. The broader assumption, based on GE example, is that corporations make huge amounts of profit at the cost of environment and human lives and they continue to do so even though they are ordered to pay millions or billions of dollars in fines.Given the information regarding corporations actions and the impact they have on developing countries, on societies, on environment we all live in, and on individuals, who should care the most and why should we care at all. Joel Bakan is trying to make the reader think about the reality we live in, about what is really going on in the world, about bigger picture than only ones family, job, or friends.I think tha t in Joel Bakans opinion everyone should care about what he says, everyone should care aout future generations, and future of this planet, therefore everyone should take an action in order to make this world a better place. If we take his line of reasoning and accept his arguments it would mean that we should stand against the big corporations and their exploitation of people and environment. We should not gybe with their actions and should do something to stop those big corporations destroying the world.We as people and customers have lots of power, however we are unavailing to use our collective power to stop those corporations in their harming actions, instead we prefer to pay less for products eventhough we know that those products were made by child labouer. If we agree with Bakans arguments it means that we say no to corporations and to their exloitation of people and environment not to business in itslef, we do not stand against the business but against those corporations t hat are overtaking the world.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Quality Management Systems And Restaurant Customer Service

Quality heed trunks And eating house Customer ServiceThe purpose of this vignette is to emphasize on how having a Quality Management corpse (QMS) gouge assist eating places to enhance their improvement. This involves creating a QMS for local restaurants based on standards and criteria, that respond to nodes requirements, derived from the ISO 9001 standards.This implies that focusing forget go thru training to learn how to work with the brass, how to implement and how to evaluate the body. Management should then be the ones big(p) training and advice on how to treat guests. Employees volition also go thru trainings and procedures that a restaurant should comply with, in order to be considered a role restaurant.Implementing a QMS is expensive. You leading have to invest in your employees. On the other hand by implementing a QMS can save you money, you have less cost and you can be more productive and efficient.This can make not only restaurants, but also the Island soak up a competitive advantage on others and get economic return.The intention is to make restaurants awargon of this and so help them improve their supporter, satisfy needfully, be more productive and have more motivated employees. Curaao Restaurants friendship (CRA) can be the institute who controls that the restaurants comply with criterias and standards.1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYAccording to Swiss Tourism Board, from a guests point of view, tourism services are always the product of a whole package of item-by-item services. Like a chain, these services are all linked advance information from a tourer Centre, the journey to the destination, stay in vacation hotel, eating in a restaurant, and lastly the trip home. each(prenominal) individual service leaves its mark on and influences the holiday experience.Also at the level of the individual restaurant, a guest experiences some of thisService welcome, seating, providing information, taking order, eating in the restaurant. These service chains which are particular(prenominal) to customers provide an aid for systematic checking of a restaurants services and adjoines, showing where practical flavour improvements can be made and promoting the introduction of appropriate measures.Providing services and direct contact with customers are exacting tasks because each customer has his peculiar(prenominal) expectations, needs and opinions.On Curacao we have CRS. The Curacao Restaurant Associations (CRA) (http//www.curacaorestaurants.org/cra/index.php) mission is to represent, promote and direct their members and their employees for the improvement of the restaurant and foodservice industry of Curacao, a rapidly growing industry that is becoming the nations second largest employer. We leverage those numbers to get the best pricing and discounts for our members. Helping members succeed and remain profitable is on the fountainhead of the Curacao Restaurant Associations agenda. As they strive to work together with the governmental departments on health, safety, service and education, members of their necktie get inspections and a team consisting of these departments, together with members of the board leave alone on a regular basis, do an assessment of their members so they leading remain accepted as a member. This will guarantee customer visit to these restaurants.An analysis of the situation will be done. An overview and definition of Quality Management System will be leapingn, also why quality is important and what are the characteristics of the system.The service chains will be analyze and used as a tool for tracking down potential critical incidents and lineage good service from them in the shape of in-house quality standards.Furthermore the needs of the customers, employees and employer will be address. To keep an eye on what will be required to satisfy their need and incorporate this in the system and what each customers specific expectations, needs and opinions are.Strate gies and requirements will be presented. The program may include among other topicThe business endingQMS in detailEmployees motivationProductCustomer ServiceCuraao Hospitality Training Foundation will be approached to see if some of the training needed can by integrated in their program.Results of the investigate and interviews carried out will be detailed.In the forth chapter the Restaurants Quality System program will be discussed. Practical tools will be developed to help restaurants managers to tackle quality guidance and taking targeted carry out to optimize service.The QMS will detailed the service chains and provide an aid for systematic checking of a restaurants services and processes, showing where practical quality improvements can be made and promoting the introduction of appropriate measures. Advice and conclusion will be given.1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENTIn which way can a Quality Management System (QMS) enhance customer service in restaurants?1.3 SUB PROBLEM STATEMENTSTo answer the problem statement, the following sub- heads will be addressed during this study1) How can QMS be delimit?2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of QMS?3) What are the aspects for the festering process of a qualitymanagement system for restaurants?4) Will the needs of customers, employer and employees be satisfy?5) How should QMS and the restaurant quality management system beimplemented?1.4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY1.4.1 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDYThe objective of this study is to assist restaurants on Curaao to enhance their service. In this study several methods, like interviews, questionnaire, observation and literature will be use to answer the sub problems.1.4.2 SUB PROBLEMSSub problem 1. How can QMS be defined? and 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of QMS? will be dealt with theoretically. For these sub problems website http//www.praxiom.com/iso-definition.htm, research paper and articles concerning ISO 9001 and QMS will be applied. The methods that will gi ve an explanation of these subjects areCrosby, P.B, (1984) Quality without tears The art of hassle-free management, McGraw-Hill, IncHoyle, D, (2006), ISO 9000 quality systems handbook, Butterworth-Heinemannwww.praxiom.com/iso-definition.htmwww.dti.gov.uk/quality/qmsSub problem 3. What are the aspects for the development process of a quality certification program for restaurants? a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis will be conducted. The SWOT analysis examines the internal and external environment giving a view of the implementation of a QMS for restaurants regarding.Also at least six restaurants will be observed and judge on the service they are giving. Curaao Quality Foundation and the president Mr. Marugg or Mr. Neuman, the Event Coordinator of Curacao Restaurants Association (CRA) will be approach for information. Some of the questions that will be asked areWhat is the support CRA volunteers their members?How those CRA control the quality service t heir members offer?How does CRA get its members?Why the membership is so low compared to the number of establishment on the Island?The readings that will be used areHair, J.F, (2003), Essentials of Business enquiry Methods, Leyh Publishing, LLCBrink, A, Berndt, A, (2009), Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management, Juta Co LTDHonebein, P.C., Cammarano, R.F., (2005), Creating homemade customershow great customer experiences build great companies, South-Western Educational PubSchieffer, R., (2005), Ten Key Customer Insights Unlocking the opinion of the Market, South-Western Educational Pubwww.cbs.an/establishments/establishments_i5.aspSub problem 4. Will the needs of customers, employer and employees be satisfy?To answer this question surveys among consumer will be conducted regarding the quality service they receive at a restaurant. Also interviews to sales managers and supervisors of restaurants will be conducted. Employees of restaurants will be interviewed to s ee what their needs are.Books on among others on customer service, motivation and quality service will be used. Among othersJagdish N. Shainesh, S., (2001) Customer relationship management emerging concepts, tools, and applications, McGraw-Hill ProfessionalJones, P., Merricks, P., (1994), The management of foodservice operations, Cengage encyclopedism Business pressure levelParsa, H.G., Kwansa, F., (2002), Quick Service Restaurants, Franchising, and Multi-Unit Chain Management, RoutledgeShankar, R., (2009), Process improvement using Six Sigma a DMAIC guide, ASQ Quality PresQuestion can be asked a.o. isWhat are the companys strengths and weaknesses compared to its competition?Are you happy with the service you are providingDo you care about reaction of comments of your customers?Are you happy with your employees?If not what are you doing to improve it?Is the restaurant plan to come with new services?Sub problem 5. How should QMS and the restaurant quality management system be imple mented?In order to answer this sub problem, books on standardization and quality management systems, employee training manuals will be used.Suggestions and guidelines for training for Management and employees will be address. Design of the quality management system will be presented. Reading used isBeecroft, D.G., Duffy, G.L., Moran, J.W., (2001), The Executive Guide to Improvement and Change, ASQ Quality PressJackson, Susan E., Schuler, Randall S, Werner, Steve, (2008), Managing Human Resources, South Western, a part of Cengage LearningLohman, C., et al. (2004) Designing a performance measurement system A case study. European Journal of Operational Research,Martinich, J.S., (2009), Production and Operations Management An Applied innovational Approach, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.Maskell, B. H. (1991) Performance measurement for world classmanufacturing a model for American companies, Cambridge, Mass.,Productivity Press.1.5 DELIMITATIONSThe study will be conducted among consumers, restaur ants from all sector, restaurants managers/supervisors, restaurants employees and establishment associated to tourism sectors on the Island of Curaao.1.6 THESIS OUTLINEThe structure of this study will be as follow1. IntroductionBackground InformationProblem Statement and Sub ProblemsResearch MethodologyContent ThesisQuality Management System (QMS)IntroductionElements of QMSIntroduction to quality and serviceImportance of qualityMeasuring service qualityCharacteristics of QMS stopping pointCustomers, employee and employers needsIntroductionCustomer and their needsConsumer decision processEmployee and employers needsDefining and measuring service satisfactionConclusionRestaurants Quality Management SystemIntroductionAspect of the Quality systemKey Indicators of the Quality systemProcess development of the Quality management systemRestaurant Quality SystemImplementation, Control and EvaluationConclusionConclusion and RecommendationsBibliographyAppendixesList of tables